Bunt. Those cloths of a square sail which are nearest to the mast when the sail is set. The central portion of a furled square sail. The human abdomen (figuratively).
Buntlines. Ropes which help to confine square sails to the yards in the operation of furling.
Chocks. Wooden stands on which the boats rest.
Cleats. Iron or wooden contrivances to which ropes may be secured.
Clew-lines. Ropes by which the lower corners of square sails are lifted.
Clews. The lower corners of square sails.
Clipper. A t.i.tle of honour given to ships of more than usual speed and beauty.
Coaming. The raised rim of a hatchway; a barrier at a doorway to keep water from entering.
Courses. The large square sails set upon the lower yards of sailing ships. The mizen course is called the "crojick."
Cringled. Fitted with iron rings or cringles, many of which are let into sails or sail-roping for various purposes.
Crojick (or cross-jack). A square sail set upon the lower yard of the mizen mast.
Dungarees. Thin blue or khaki-coloured overalls made from cocoanut fibre.
Fairleads. Rings of wood or iron by means of which running rigging is led in any direction.
Fife-rails. Strong wooden shelves fitted with iron pins, to which ropes may be secured.
Fish-hooks. _I.e._, fingers.
Foot-ropes. Ropes on which men stand when working aloft.
Fo'c'sle. The cabin or cabins in which the men are berthed. It is usually an iron deck-house divided through the middle into two compartments for the two watches, and fitted with wooden bunks.
Sometimes it is even fitted with lockers and an iron water-tank.
Foxes. Strands, yarns, or arrangements of yarns of rope.
Freeing-ports. Iron doors in the ship's side which open outwards to free the decks of water.
Frap. To wrap round with rope.
Futtock-shrouds. Iron bars to which the topmast rigging is secured. As they project outward and upward from the masts they are difficult to clamber over.
Galley. The ship's kitchen.
Gantline (girtline). A rope used for the sending of sails up and down from aloft.
Gaskets. Ropes by which the sails are secured in furling.
Half-deck. A cabin or apartment in which the apprentices are berthed.
Its situation is usually the ship's waist; but it is sometimes further aft, and occasionally it is under the p.o.o.p or even right forward under the top-gallant fo'c'sle.
Halliards. Ropes by which sails are hoisted.
Harness-room. An office or room from which the salt meat is issued, and in which it is sometimes stored.
Hawse. The bows or forward end of a ship.
Head. The forward part of a ship. That upper edge of a square sail which is attached to the yard.
House-flag. The special flag of the firm to which a ship belongs.
Idlers. The members of the round-house mess, generally consisting of the carpenter, cook, sailmaker, boatswain, painter, etc., are known as the idlers.
Jack (or jackstay). An iron bar (fitted along all yards in sailing ships) to which the head of a square sail is secured when bent.
Kites. Light upper sails.
Leeches. The outer edges of square sails. In furling some square sails the leech is dragged inwards till it lies level with the head upon the surface of the yard. This is done by the first man who gets upon the yard, beginning at the weather side.
Logship. A contrivance by which a ship's speed is measured.
Lower topsail. The second sail from the deck on square rigged masts.
It is a very strong, important sail.
Marline. Tarry line or coa.r.s.e string made of rope-yarns twisted together.
Mate. The First or Chief Mate is generally called the Mate.
Mizen-topmast-head. The summit of the second of the three or four spars which make the complete mizen-mast.
Mudhooks. Anchors.
Pins. Iron or wooden bars to which running rigging is secured.
Pointing. A kind of neat plait with which ropes are sometimes ended off or decorated.
p.o.o.p-break. The forward end of the after superstructure.
Ratlines. The rope steps placed across the shrouds to enable the seamen to go aloft.
Reefers. Apprentices.
Reef-points. Ropes by which the area of some sails may be reduced in the operation of reefing. Reef-points are securely fixed to the sails fitted with them, and when not in use their ends patter continually upon the canvas with a gentle drumming noise.
Reel. A part of the machinery used with a logship.
Round-house. A cabin (of all shapes except round) in which the idlers are berthed.