(16) _Helix_ (_Videna_) _sanctae annae_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ Santa Anna, living on the trunks of cocoa-nut palms.
_Note._--This species, or a closely similar form, was observed by me in many other islands; but I neglected to collect it in any other locality than Santa Anna.
(17) _Helix_ (_Rhytida_) _villandrei_ (Ga.s.sies) _Hab._ St.
Christoval, Ugi.
(18) _Helix_ (_Camaena_) _hombroni_ (Pfeiffer) _Hab._ Shortland and Faro Islands in Bougainville Straits, Isabel.
(19) _Helix_ (_Chloritis_) _eustoma_ (Pfeiffer) _Hab._ New Georgia, Ugi, Faro Island (Bougainville Straits.)
(20) _Bulimus_ (_Placostylus_) _cleryi_ (Pet.i.t) _Hab._ St.
(21) _Bulimus_ (_Placostylus_) _founaki_ (Hombron and Jacquinot) _Hab._ Isabel, Faro Island (Bougainville Straits).
(22) _Bulimus_ (_Placostylus_) _miltocheilus_ (Reeve) _Hab._ St.
Christoval (S.E. part), Ugi, Santa Anna: _vide_ original paper.
(23) _Partula_, spec. _Hab._ Guadalcanar, Ugi, Treasury Island, Choiseul Bay: _vide_ original paper.
(24) _Succinea simplex_ (Pfeiffer) var. _Hab._ Treasury Island, Shortland Islands: living on the moist ground in the taro patches.
(25) _Cyclostoma_ (_Adelostoma_) _triste_ (Tapparone Canefri), var?
_Hab._ Guadalcanar; Santa Anna; Faro and Shortland Islands and Choiseul Bay in Bougainville Straits.
(26) _Leptopoma jacquinoti_ (Pfeiffer) _Hab._ Rua Sura Islets off the north coast of Guadalcanar: _vide_ original paper.
(27) _Leptopoma vitreum_ (Lesson) _Hab._ Santa Anna, Simbo or Eddystone; Shortland Islands.
(28) _Omphalotropis nebulosa_ (Pease) _Hab._ St. Christoval, Guadalcanar, Ugi. I found this sh.e.l.l living on trees clothing a low tract of land skirting the beach.
(29) _Pupina solomonensis_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ Shortland and Treasury Islands in Bougainville Straits: living in the decayed trunks of fallen trees.
(30) _Hargravesia polita_, H. (Adams), var. _Hab._ Faro Island in Bougainville Straits: _vide_ original paper.
(31) _Helicina moquiniana_ (Recluz) _Hab._ St. Christoval, Guadalcanar, Ugi.
(32) _Helicina egregia_ (Pfeiffer) _Hab._ Guadalcanar, Florida Islands.
(33) _Helicina modesta_ (Pfeiffer) _Hab._ Guadalcanar, Shortland Islands, Treasury Islands, Choiseul Bay.
(34) _Helicina solomonensis_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ The Islands of Bougainville Straits (Faro, Shortlands, Treasury).
(35) _Pythia scarabaeus_ (Linne) _Hab._ Santa Anna, St. Christoval, which were the localities of my specimens; but I observed this species and its varieties in every island I visited. _Stat_: Moist ground usually near the sea.
(36) _Melampus fasciatus_ (Deshayes) _Hab._ Isabel, Rua Sura Islets off the north coast of Guadalcanar. I found these sh.e.l.ls in the crevices of a log on the beach.
(37) _Melania amarula_ (Linne) _Hab._ Ugi, in the streams.
(38) _Melania scabra_ (Muller) _Hab._ Ugi, in a stream.
(39) _Melania salomonis_ (Brot.) _Hab._ Ugi, in a stream.
(40) _Melania fulgurans_ (Hinds) _Hab._ Ugi, in a stream.
(41) _Melania fastigiella_ (Reeve) _Hab._ Imbedded in a dark calcareous loam exposed in the banks of a large stream near its mouth at Sulagina, on the north coast of St. Christoval. I could not find any living specimens.
(42) _Melania_ spec. _Hab._ The same as _Mel. fastigiella_.
(43) _Melania verrucosa_ (Hinds) _Hab._ The same as _Mel.
(44) _Melania subgradata_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ The same as _Mel.
(45) _Melania ugiensis_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ From a stream in Ugi.
(46) _Melania sanctae annae_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ A stream in the interior of Santa Anna.
(47) _Melania guppyi_ (nov. spec.) _Hab._ From the stomach and intestines of a fish living in the fresh-water lake of Wailava in the island of Santa Anna. This species probably frequents the deeper parts of the lake, as I only found one living individual.
(48) _Cerithidea cornea_ A. (Adams) var. _Hab._ Mangrove swamps in Choiseul Bay.
(49) _Pyrazus pal.u.s.tris_ _Hab._ Mangrove swamps in Choiseul Bay.
_Note._--Not referred to in original paper.
(50) _Nerita marmorata_ (Hombron and Jacquinot) _Hab._ Living just above high-water level on the surface of the coral-limestone coast, St. Christoval.
(51) _Neritina cornea_ (Linne) _Hab._ Star Harbour, St. Christoval, on the trunks of trees 150 feet above the nearest stream; Choiseul Bay, from a stream; Shortland Islands, on the stems of tree-ferns and areca palms in a marshy district. I found this species in many other islands; but did not collect it except in the above three localities.
(52) _Neritina subsulcata_ (Sowerby) _Hab._ Streams in St.
Christoval and in the islands of Bougainville Straits. In the Shortland Islands I found this species on the stems of tree-ferns and areca palms in a marshy district. I only collected it in these localities; but I found it in many other islands. When first picked off the rock, it ejects a watery fluid possessing a powerful musky odour.
(53) _Neritina dubia_ (Chemnitz) _Hab._ Shortland Islands, in a stream.
(54) _Neritina adumbrata_ (Reeve) _Hab._ A stream in Choiseul Bay, and the rocky sides of a stream-course in Ugi.
(55) _Neritina pulligera_ (Linne) _Hab._ Guadalcanar, St.
Christoval, Ugi, Choiseul Bay, in the streams.
(56) _Neritina pet.i.ti_ (Recluz) _Hab._ Treasury and Faro Islands, in the streams.
(57) _Neritina olivacea_ (Le Guillou) _Hab._ Streams in Treasury Island and at Sulagina, St. Christoval.
(58) _Neritina macgillivrayi_ (Reeve) _Hab._ Streams in Guadalcanar and in Faro Island, Bougainville Straits.
(59) _Neritina asperulata_ (Recluz) _Hab._ Rocky sides of a stream-course in Ugi.