The Silver Shield - Part 9

Part 9

LUCY. Without even your picture.

TOM. I can send for that. (_Exit, R._)

_Re-enter d.i.c.k and NED through window._

d.i.c.k. I don't think much of it. I can't say I think much of it. Not a patch on one in my last comedy. Potts' masterpiece! Potts is the man for exteriors.

_Re-enter ALMA and SIR HUMPHREY through window, L._

ALMA. Clever! It's more than clever.

SIR H. I must introduce you to the painter.

ALMA. I should like to know him. In these days, it's quite refreshing to meet an artist whose art is intelligible without a catalogue and half a column of criticism.

_Re-enter MRS. DOZEY, R._

SIR H. Lucy, where's Mr. Potter? Mrs. Blake has been admiring his sketch, and wants to congratulate him.

LUCY. He has just gone.

SIR H. Gone?

MRS. D. Mr. Potter gone?

LUCY. He said he'd barely time to catch his train, and asked me to apologise to you for going so abruptly.

_Re-enter DR. DOZEY, R._

ALMA. Then I shan't see him. What a disappointment!

DR. (_crosses to SIR HUMPHREY_) Life is made up of disappointments. As we near its goal---- (_SIR HUMPHREY turns him round; he faces ALMA_)

SIR H. Gone, after what he said to me this morning!

LUCY. Oh, and he left some message! You were to forget what he had said or something--he was in too great a hurry to explain himself.

SIR H. I think I understand. (_to LUCY_) You have refused him?


MRS. D. Mr. Potter has proposed!

NED. For Lucy?

DR. (_approaching d.i.c.k_) I was remarking---- (_b.u.t.tonholes d.i.c.k, who gradually retreats up stage, followed step by step by DR. DOZEY, preaching in dumb show_)

SIR H. Not an hour ago he asked to be allowed to speak to you. Hasn't he done so?

LUCY. No, he said nothing.

ALMA. (_aside to NED_) Now's your opportunity. Redeem your promise.

SIR H. This is an insult--a gross insult.

MRS. D. A mere painter!

NED. (_crosses to LUCY_) If he _had_ spoken it would have been useless. Miss Preston has accepted someone else.

SIR H. Without my knowledge?

NED. Yes. But it wasn't Lucy's fault. (_takes LUCY'S hand_) She would have told you, but I wouldn't let her.

SIR H. You!

MRS. D. Oh, Dionysius! Miss Preston is engaged to Mr. Chetwynd.

(_brings DR. DOZEY down, to the great relief of d.i.c.k, who gasps for air and mops his forehead at back_)

SIR H. Not to you, Ned! Say, there is some mistake! You couldn't do so wrong. Say, you are not engaged.

NED. No, not engaged.

SIR H. Thank heaven!

NED. This is my wife. (_takes LUCY'S hand_)

MRS. D. Oh!

DR. Bless my soul!

SIR H. (_incredulous_) Your wife!

d.i.c.k. (_coming forward_) Sir, I congrat---- (_ALMA stops d.i.c.k and takes him up; DR. and MRS. DOZEY turn deprecatingly_)

SIR H. She, your wife? (_DR. DOZEY puts up and surveys LUCY_)

NED. Your daughter.

SIR H. I disown her! I refuse to recognise this marriage. I disown you both! You have brought shame upon a line that was untarnished. You--my son--my only child--the bearer of an honoured name--the heir of a proud history--and she--(_breaks down_) Oh, Ned! Why did you marry her? (_sits L. of table_)

NED. I married her (_turns to LUCY_) for love. (_puts arm round LUCY_)