The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 942: Dinner in the Courtyard

Chapter 942: Dinner in the Courtyard

Chapter 942: Dinner in the Courtyard

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

G.o.dfather, please forgive me for being undutiful and forgetting my past. Su Fengmao kowtowed before Ji Zhengjing.

The latter quickly pulled him up, saying, Its not your fault, Fengmao. I know what happened. I didnt hear the news early enough last time, and it almost cost you your life. Im thankful that youre alive. I never stopped searching for you.

You have no idea how guilty I felt at that time. Im happy to see you alive and that your children are doing very well. Your daughter saved me, you know.

Su Fengmao was sad when he saw how much his G.o.dfather had aged. The former suppressed his emotions and said, You should stay with us. Ill cook you whatever you want to eat. Although my culinary skills were lacking in the past, Ive learned to cook.

Is there something youd like to eat? I can take you for a walk if youd like to eat outside. If you dont feel comfortable living here, theres a residential area nearby. My daughter kept a few houses for the family to use, so you can choose one.

Su Fengmao had started dreaming about his G.o.dfather a while back. However, he could not remember Ji Zhengjings features well. Even so, Su Fengmao never stopped thinking about it. Ultimately, he planned to keep one of the spare houses for his G.o.dfather.

Su Fengmao remembered how well Ji Zhengjing had treated him. He only wanted to repay the older mans kindness by taking care of him.

Ji Zhengjing felt touched and gratified. Indeed, he was willing to live in Su Teng Village. After all, he would be closer to the person he cared about the most.

Along the way, Su Binglan helped nurse Ji Zhengjings body back to health. Now that he was healthier, Ji Zhengjing could spend a few more years with his G.o.dson.

The two talked a lot and caught up with each other. Su Binglan and the others even gave them s.p.a.ce to talk. Shen Qiuhua was happy that her husband had found his long-lost G.o.dfather.

Binglan, your father has been dreaming about Master Zhengjing for some time but could never remember what he looked like exactly. Its good that hes whole again.

We must take good care of Master Zhengjing. You can all call him Grandpa, okay?

Su Binglan nodded in agreement and then said, Since were back, Feiran and I will make something tasty tonight. Well make enough for everyone to eat together. Itll be fun, right?

Shen Qiuhua had been wondering what to cook for dinner just now. She said, Youre right. Since youre the most creative among us, you can cook whatever you want. Ill help you, too.

She was thrilled and could not stop smiling, especially when she saw Su Wenwu and Ye Feiran. Finally, her third son had returned. Now that everyone was home, Shen Qiuhuas mood improved exponentially.

Soon after, Su Binglan took out the crabs and crayfish, saying, Lets eat these tonight along with some other dishes and wine. Well all have a feast tonight.

Shen Qiuhuas smile overflowed as she said, Wow, these are big! Are they the crabs and crayfish Wenwu mentioned in his letters?

Su Binglan explained, We have more than a pound of these. Although theyre delicious, we cant overeat. Since theyre easy to cook, Ill make a big pot of it. We can even send some to the others.

Since it was still early in the evening and the sun had not yet set, Su Binglan planned to send some food to her grandparents. Then, they would not have to cook dinner themselves.

Shen Qiuhua smiled and said, All right, Ill follow your lead.

Su Binglan said, We might not have enough crab and crayfish, so Ill cook another dish to go alongside them.

Shen Qiuhua said, Ill go to Fengchens place and get some braised meat. Itll be just nice for your grandpa to taste.

Su Binglan nodded. That sounds good. Tell Big Brother to collect the braised meat from Uncle Fengchen.

Su Wenzhe hurriedly agreed when he heard his name.

Big Brother, get some pigs head meat, sausages, and duck head from Uncle Fenchen. Oh, bring back some tofu skins on your way home, too.

All right, Sister. Ill go there now.

Dont forget to tell your grandparents not to cook dinner tonight, Shen Qiuhua exclaimed as Su Wenzhe left, Well send some dishes over!

Yes, Mother! Su Wenzhe agreed and then ran out. He was happy to run some errands for his family. It did not take long for him to return with the things.

While he was away, Su Binglan finished making the spicy crab and crayfish. Su Wenzhe looked into the pot and felt his appet.i.te increase.

I knew youd bring back good food when you came back, Sister. These look delicious. Although he had never eaten spicy crab and crayfish, he knew they would be delicious.

Su Binglan said smilingly, I know youll enjoy these. You can eat in a while, okay?

Meanwhile, Su Wenwu and Ye Feiran cleared the table in the courtyard. Shen Qiuhua looked at Ye Feiran and said, Binglan, did you ask Wenwu when we should visit Feirans parents to propose a marriage?

Id like for Wenwu and Feiran to settle down as soon as possible. Your father and I can rest easy once we do that. Also, I think Wenxiu has a good relations.h.i.+p with one of his students, Zi Die.

Su Binglan nodded. I know about that, too, Mother. I will support Zi Die and Wenxiu as long as they continue to be kind to each other.

Yeah, were open-minded and will always support each other. I feel Wenxiu has finally opened up his heart to love again.

Su Binglan added, Weve already settled things with the Ye family. You can make time to visit the south and Feirans parents whenever you want. While youre there, you can propose a marriage between Feiran and Wenwu.

Shen Qiuhua was relieved to hear that. Thats good. Did Feirans parents know that she had disguised herself as a man?

Yeah, they knew. Now, Feiran has the final say in the family, and no one will oppose her.

Since the family helped each other cook, they finished preparing the dishes quickly. Afterward, Su Wenzhe went to send some food to his grandparents and uncles.

When he returned, the family gathered in the courtyard and sat around the table. Ji Zhengjing could feel the familys liveliness as he sat with them.

Su Fengmao kept putting food in his G.o.dfathers bowl, saying, Try this, G.o.dfather. Its delicious.

Is this the crabs youve been talking about? It tastes so good. Ji Zhengjing felt gratified as he looked at his G.o.dson.

Su Fengmao had even prepared a room for Ji Zhengjing to live in for the time being. Everyone in the family had their own rooms and courtyards. That way, they could live comfortably yet still keep their privacy.

Ji Zhengjing sighed, thinking this house was a nice place to live, especially since his G.o.dson was there.

After dinner, the family sat in the yard to enjoy the cool night breeze while Su Binglan and Luo Jinan went to Old Master Su and Old Madam Sus house.