The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 931: Nurturing Trusted Aides

Chapter 931: Nurturing Trusted Aides

Chapter 931: Nurturing Trusted Aides

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Binglan smiled as she watched the people run toward her brothers shop. Naturally, she hoped Su Wenwus businesses would do well.

She told Luo Jinan, I was pretty worried about Wenwu before we left to come here, I no longer feel that way after seeing how well hes doing. Still, I must help him solve the Ye familys issues so that he can come home earlier.

She understood her brothers feelings well. Although the south seemed fine, it was far away from Su Teng Village. She knew he would miss home.

Remember that youre the princess, Luo Jinan said, The Ye family wont dare to go against you.

Su Binglan replied, I dont want to use my status to pressure anyone. Ill investigate the forbidden room first before making any decisions.

She also had a token that represented her status, so she feared nothing when visiting the South. Luo Jinan noticed her determination and patted her head, saying, All right, lets not talk about that yet and enjoy the scenery.

Su Binglan nodded and continued to stroll around with her husband. They soon stopped at a nearby stall and found fried rolls. Su Binglans eyes lit up as she exclaimed, Look, they have fried rolls here, too!

Why dont you buy some?

Su Binglan saw the locals taking the fried rolls and putting them onto plates. After following suit, she gave her plate to the shop owner and asked them to weigh it.

The shop owner then cut the fried rolls into pieces and rolled them up into a pancake. Many others were also buying the same thing. After weighing the plate and calculating the price, the shop owner said, Its fifty- six copper.

Su Binglan realized the shop owner did not add any chili to the food, so she asked, Did you notice that most of the food here doesnt have chili in it? Luo Jinan nodded. Youre right.

The climate here is more suitable for chilis to grow, Su Binglan said, Besides, eating chilies during winter will help warm you up.

Luo Jinan knew his wifes thoughts the moment he heard what she said. He asked, You want to promote the use of chili here?

Su Binglan smiled. Yeah, Im considering buying land here and hiring the villagers to plant chili peppers. Then, Ill open a chili factory that makes ingredients like chili powder and dried chilies.

The villagers can even use the chilis they harvest for themselves. In that case, the shops here can use chili sauce for their food. The villagers will also earn more income by planting chilies. I want to promote high-yield rice here, too.

Since some fruits could grow in the south but not in the north, Su Binglan wanted to open a fruit juice factory in the south and use its unique fruits. She also saw coconuts here, so she considered building a coconut milk factory.

Su Binglan had arranged for many of her subordinates to come to the south. Then, she would give them some tasks.

Luo Jinan smiled at his wife, thinking he would support whatever she wanted to do. l can transfer some of my familys people here.

However, Su Binglan rejected the idea. Theyve experienced too many hards.h.i.+ps already. Its best to leave them in peace in their home. I can bring some of my subordinates over instead.

Ive also asked Wenvvu to train his trusted aides. We should have more than enough helpers here. Su Binglan was enthusiastic as she spoke of such things.

After returning to Su Wenwus house, Su Binglan went to her room to write her plans. That evening, Su Wenwu and Ye Feiran returned together. The latter knew Su Binglan and Luo Jinan had visited the south and was anxious to see them.

Binglan, youre here! Ye Feiran was thrilled to see Su Binglan. I would have sent someone to pick you up from Su Teng Village if I had known you were coming.

I finished meeting with my family and found out from Wenwu that you two came. I couldnt even prepare to entertain you properly.

Su Binglan said, Its okay, Feiran.

After talking to Ye Feiran for a while, Su Binglan asked about the Ye family. The former said, Id like to investigate your familys forbidden room. Do you have a map of their house?

Unfortunately, I dont have the blueprints, Ye Feiran said, But I can draw a simple one for you.

She had to learn many things since childhood to become a qualified head of the family. Naturally, she also learned to draw. Immediately after, she began drawing a map.

Although the house was ma.s.sive, Ye Feiran remembered the layout well. Hence, she marked everything out in great detail. The forbidden room is here. Ill bring you and Jinan there.

Thats okay. Id like to go with Jinan alone, Su Binglan said, wanting to protect Ye Feiran. After all, the latter was a member of the Ye family. If they found out that she brought an outsider to the forbidden room, she would face severe consequences.

However, Su Binglan and Luo Jinans ident.i.ties were unique. Even if the Ye family discovered them, they could use it to ensure their safety. The family would not dare go against the couple. Still, Su Binglan would try her best not to alert the Ye family.

Meanwhile, Ye Feiran shared a look with Su Wenvvu. He said, My sister knows what shes doing. Lets trust her.

All right, I will.

Su Binglan then took out her plans and pa.s.sed them to Su Wenwu. I want to open a fruit juice factory and chili factory here. I also want to buy some land to promote the harvest and use of chili.

I have some high-yield rice here. I want to open a shop to sell these grains for cheap so that the villagers can afford them. Of course, the villagers can take these first and return them when theyve harvested their share.

Although Su Binglan said she would open a grain shop, she only did it to promote high-yield rice so that the villagers could plant it.

Su Wenwu was excited, saying, Sister, your plans are perfect. Once we implement them, the villagers lives will improve. Then, everyone can eat their fill.

He knew high-yield seeds could produce countless crops. The Southerners would be thrilled to find out how much they could yield with just one acre of land. Of course, Su Wenwu wanted to help the villagers and support his sister.

Sister, Ive already trained my aides as you told me. You can arrange for them to carry out these tasks if you want to implement them.

Su Binglan nodded. Im only responsible for writing the plan. Since its highly detailed, everyone should just follow the instructions. Ill also prepare the start-up funds..