The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 902: Fresh Milk

Chapter 902: Fresh Milk

Chapter 902: Fresh Milk

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Another girl from the crowd added, Ever since His Imperial Highness ascended the throne, he brought along a princess who prioritizes the people. Everyones lives are beginning to improve.

l heard there will be plenty of food and entertainment once the supermarket and food street opens.

There are so many places to visit here now. Theres even a fruit juice shop.

Everyone can eat and drink various snacks while they sit and chat.

Yeah, we couldnt even find a place to chat in the past.

Everyone felt how convenient it was to have such shops now. Even girls could find high-paying jobs, and their families valued them even more. Moreover, the girls could buy food and pay for their entertainment.

In the past, the girls would only care for their families and do housework. Now that they could earn money, their parents would tell them to rest and not tire themselves out with the housework.

The girls would even take the initiative to bring their parents out for a stroll around the capital. Their parents could also feel confident whenever they went out.

Dont forget about the schools. I heard there will be a new school just beside our village. The children can attend for free. My younger siblings will be attending as soon as it opens.

l didnt expect school to be free.

Its true, though. I read about it in the newspapers. There will be schools all over the country. There will be big schools in the center of the capital and the villages.

Its great that our children can go to school while were working. Everyone smiled as they discussed these things.

Meanwhile, Su Binglan was in the royal study, making plans with Lan Ruozhu. She said, Brother, Ive selected some people to be teachers, but we still need to interview them carefully.

Previously, Lan Ruozhu had announced in the newspaper that he would need teachers in the new schools that he would open all over the country. He also stated that the teachers would receive monthly salaries from the Imperial Court.

Many great scholars volunteered to sign up because they knew their statuses would increase. They would no longer be ordinary teachers but ones who worked directly for the Imperial Court.

They were happy that the students could attend school for free. The Imperial Court would also provide books and tuition fees to the students, which were meaningful things. The scholars enthusiastically signed up, knowing it was a matter of great merit.

Since Lan Ruozhu had countless things to handle, he entrusted his sister to do these things. He was concerned about hiring outsiders but felt more at ease if his sister chose the teachers.

Ill leave things to you, Lan Ruozhu said, l wont have to worry about anything if youre in charge.

Su Binglan smiled. Youll still have to attend the interviews to understand things better. We can organize an activity to select the most outstanding teachers later. That way, we can encourage them to teach actively.

Lan Ruozhu nodded. Thats an excellent idea. Sister, I heard your milk tea shop is doing exceptionally well. Youve even built an ice cream factory, right?

Su Binglan could not help but smile when her brother mentioned that. l hired so many people to build the factory, so they completed the building quickly. Immediately after, I hired people to work at the factory. I then made one of my subordinates a manager so I wouldnt have to worry about the factory.

Its not like when I first started to build factories in Su Teng Village. I had to do everything myself back then, so it was a little troublesome. Its much easier now because I have my subordinates.

They can manage my factories instead of entrusting them to people I dont know well enough. My subordinates hire people with good characteristics to work for them.

Lan Ruozhu said, l recently went out in disguise and saw everyone smiling. Theyre happy that everything is improving and liked the new policies we issued.

Su Binglan asked with a smile, Is everyone saying youre a good emperor?

Lan Ruozhu looked at his sister dotingly. The people are bright. They can feel whether or not their leader is good or bad. He felt motivated to do many meaningful things, knowing the people loved him.

Oh, Brother, someone will bring you fresh milk every day. Remember to drink it, okay?

Dont worry. I will, Lan Ruozhu said gently. He would seem dignified in front of the government officials, but he became gentle whenever he was around his sister.

He would feel energized when he saw his sisters happy face. Moreover, Su Binglan would always think of him.

She explained, Youll receive processed milk, so it doesnt smell weird. Drinking two cups of milk a day is good for your body. Drink once in the morning and once in the evening.

I understand, Sister. Are there enough cows on the farm? Dont you use their milk to make ice creams and cakes? Lan Ruozhu knew about the new fruit juice and dessert shops in the capital. They sold various small cakes and even birthday cakes.

People in the capital began buying birthday cakes to celebrate their family members birthdays. Su Binglan had thought about it when she opened her first dessert shop, but she did not have access to milk back then.

Although there was milk back then, there was not enough. That was why Su Binglan did not bother with birthday cakes at that time. Now that she had time to do these things, she opened a farm to get milk.

The farm is still expanding, she explained, We can produce more than enough milk soon. Everyone knows how good milk is for their children. Still, its cheaper to buy milk from the farm directly. Milk is also good for making certain foods.

Lan Ruozhu sighed. 1 1 never thought milk could be so good. I cant believe how much delicious food you can make with it.

Ill make you some yogurt next time. Eating yogurt will increase your appet.i.te.

Whats yogurt? Is it similar to milk, or is it sour? Lan Ruozhu had never heard of such a thing before. However, he knew whatever Su Binglan made would taste good.

There are different flavors of yogurt. Some will taste sweeter than others.

Youll know what I mean when I make it for you.

Lan Ruozhu looked at his sister pitifully, saying, Dont tire yourself out, okay? You should rest well.

Dont worry, Brother. After I settle some things, Ill hire someone to make the yogurt. Im worried about you, too, since youre the emperor. Youre focused on nurturing trustworthy subordinates. You can let them handle some things.

Su Binglan did not want her brother to tire himself out, either. Meanwhile, Lan Ruozhu felt warm inside when he heard his sisters concern for him. He said, Dont worry, Sister. I know what to do.

Su Binglan then thought of the letter she had received from her mother and said, Oh, I want to return to Su Teng Village to build an ice cream factory there..