The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 897: Pearls From an Island

Chapter 897: Pearls From an Island

Chapter 897: Pearls From an Island

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Liu Yinyin was just as shocked as her husband when she ate her popsicle. Her eyes widened as she thought of how wonderful the new snack was. She could beat the summer heat by eating a popsicle.

Su Xuehai took one bite after another and jumped happily. Grandma, this is nice!

Shen Qiuhuas heart melted when she saw how adorable her grandson was.

Eat it slowly, okay? Your aunt sent a big box over, so you can have one a day.

Su Fengmao added, Itd be great if we could have a popsicle factory. We can manage enough if we specialize in making these things.

Shen Qiuhua playfully hit his arm, saying, Binglan says you cant eat too many of these. You can only have two a day. Eating too many of these will ruin your stomach. Xuexuan, Xuehai, eat one today and another tomorrow, okay?

Yes, Grandma, Su Xuexuan nodded and said, Well listen to you and Aunt


Ill only eat one a day. Su Xuehai raised his hand.

Shen Qiuhua smiled brightly. You two really are the best grandsons.

She could not stop smiling when she saw how sensible and intelligent her grandsons were. The little ones were also the top students among their peers in the academys student a.s.sessment.

The family sat together and ate their popsicles, unable to stop smiling. Afterward, everyone cooled down and began to eat the noodles.

During dinner, Shen Qiuhua seemed to have thought of something and said,

Ill send some popsicles to your grandparents tomorrow.

Su Wenxiu said, Aunt Zhizhi is pregnant, so she cant eat snacks like these. Since he studied medicine, he knew what pregnant women could and could not eat.

Shen Qiuhua responded, Then Ill send some to your grandparents and Fengchen.

Miao Zhizhi had been pregnant for a few months. Old Madam Su, Old Master Su, and Su Fengchen were thrilled when they heard the news. Immediately after, they did not allow Miao Zhizhi to help with the housework. They only allowed her to eat and rest.

Su Fengchen always cooked for his pregnant wife, so his cooking skills improved exponentially. Fortunately, he had hired a group of people to do his work for him.

He even had several managers for his cured meats store. He no longer had to worry about the store and could focus on caring for his wife and checking the stores accounts. Even Old Master Su and Old Madam Su had plenty of free time.

When the family had nothing to do, they would watch the plays at the Grand Theater and stroll around the villages development site.

Uncle Fengchen treats Aunt Zhizhi very well, Liu Yinyin said, He wont eat anything she cant eat because he wont want her to feel left out.

Su Wenzhe nodded. Youre right. Uncle Fengchen is so good to his wife. I can tell they have a splendid relations.h.i.+p.

Your uncle is gentle and attentive, Shen Qiuhua said, You have much to learn from him.

Mother, everyones personality is different. Su Wenzhe was mature and steady whenever he was away from home. However, his demeanor changed whenever he was at home. He would seem more unrestrained. That was because he felt comfortable enough to behave like a child around his parents. Shen Qiuhua said, I want you to learn from your uncle and be more gentle with Yinyin.

Liu Yinyin smiled, saying, He treats me very well, Mother-in-law.

Liu Yinyin knew that although her husband seemed careless, he was meticulous by nature. Small matters did not bother Su Wenzhe, but he was attentive toward significant matters.

When the Su familys conditions were bad in the past, Su Wenzhe could not bear to see his wife do any heavy lifting. Although he did not say it, his actions revealed everything.

If Liu Yinyin woke up in the middle of the night, Su Wenzhe would pour her some warm water to soak her feet. However, she would not allow him to do that in front of Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua.

Moreover, Su Wenzhe was dutiful to his parents, and Liu Yinyin noticed it.

Shen Qiuhua said smilingly, Good on you for speaking up for him, Yinyin. She could not stop smiling because she knew her son and daughter had an excellent relations.h.i.+p. Even Liu Yinyin smiled sweetly.

After some thought, Su Fengmao said, Wenxian is engaged, too, yknow. Hes getting married in the autumn, so we must tell Binglan about it.

Shen Qiuhua said, Of course we do. Shell come home to partic.i.p.ate in the wedding. Your Aunt Ding treats Binglan as if she were her own. Ding Wan hopes Binglan will be around for the wedding.

Su Fengmao smiled when he mentioned it. He continued, Fengzhang and Ding Wan wont have anything to worry about when Wenxian gets married and has a child.

Ding Wan said she wouldnt have let Wenxian get married at nineteen if it werent for her weak body. Fortunately, her health has improved. Wenxians fiancee is good, too.

l heard her family lives on an island, and her father is the owner. The girl is also bright and beautiful.

Su Wenzhe asked curiously, Father, Mother, how did Wenxian and Teng Sushui meet?

Shen Qiuhua answered, Sushui and her parents visited the village to look around. They happened to meet Wenxian, and the two got to know each other.

Liu Yinyin blinked, saying, If its that straightforward, they mustve fallen in love at first sight. Thats wonderful.

Shen Qiuhua nodded. Fengzhang and Ding Wan are happy with Sushui. Her parents are satisfied with Wenxian, too, so the two got engaged pretty quickly.

She thought of something and went to take out a box. She returned to the family and continued, The things inside here are pearls from the sea. I heard there are plenty of these on that island.

Sushuis parents gave many of these to Ding Wan, and she gave some to me, my mother-in-law, Fengzhi, and Zhizhi. I want to ask Binglan if she can make these into jewelry.

These pearls are gorgeous! Liu Yinyin exclaimed, Theyre so round and s.h.i.+ny! Theyll look lovely if Binglan could make them into jewelry. Still, I wonder how shell pull that off.

Shen Qiuhua said, Thats why we have to wait for Binglan to return. Ive yet to tell her about these things because shes swamped in the capital. Ill have to remember to mention it in my letter.

After lunch, Shen Qiuhua sent some popsicles to Old Master Su and Old Madam Su.

When the older couple woke up from their afternoon nap, they sat under a big tree in the courtyard to enjoy the shade. Old Madam Su was doing some

needlework outside when Su Fengchen came out and saw her.

He said, Qiuhua has already asked the embroidery shop workers to make things for my unborn child. Dont tire yourself out. Why dont you rest instead?

Thats different, Old Madam Su said, It feels different when 1 make it myself. I made all the clothes you and your brothers wore when you were young. I need to make blankets and clothes for your child.

Dont worry about me. Im delighted to do these things. Also, keep your voice down. Zhizhi is sleeping.

Su Fengchen countered, Shes already awake, Mother..