The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 810: Full of Vigor

Chapter 810: Full of Vigor

Chapter 810: Full of Vigor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Old Madam Cao looked at her sleepy granddaughter and said, Yeah, were in

Su Teng Village, dear. Well live here from now on.

Cao Shan replied, I like it here, Grandma.

Although this place was unfamiliar to her, she was twelve and could understand many things.

l like it here, too, Old Madam Cao said, Dont worry. We can live here as long as you like.

Su Binglan had prescribed the older couple medicine when she visited them in Hillock Village. The couple felt much younger and healthier after taking the medicine.

Old Master Cao and his wife no longer felt tired. Instead, they were full of vigor and felt amazing. Su Binglans medical skills had impressed them greatly.

Cao Shan smiled when she heard her grandmothers words. The former said, l want to help you with the housework, Grandma. I dont want you and Grandpa to work so hard.

Cao Shan was dependent on her grandparents. She knew she could stay here because of them, so she did not want them to suffer. The older couple felt warm inside when they heard her claims.

Dont worry, your Grandpa and I wont overwork ourselves. Princess Binglan has cured us, too. Our legs and waists arent as sore anymore. The couple could feel their bodies had become much stronger. They could walk for a long time without feeling pain or panting.

Cao Shan also realized her grandparents looked more energetic than before. Moreover, they were no longer hunched over and could stand up straight. She also noticed that they looked much younger.

We must thank Princess Binglan for everything.

Cao Shan was pleased to see her grandparents in good health.

Yeah, we must never forget Princess Binglans kindness. We can only live here because of her. You and your brother can also attend school for free.

You can learn about medicine, which isnt something any ordinary person can learn. Your grandpa and I wont have to worry about you when you become a doctor.

Old Master Cao and Old Madam Cao knew their granddaughter was talented in medicine. The latter could live an excellent life with such a talent.

Additionally, their grandson could attend the prestigious Blue Mountain Academy. He would learn a lot with so many great scholars teaching at the academy.

Cao Shan was sensible, knowledgeable, and intelligent. She nodded thoughtfully, saying, Ill study hard and become an excellent doctor, Grandma.

Old Madam Cao looked at her with relief. Youll be a good person, just like Princess Binglan.

The older woman had conversed with the villagers, and everyone praised Su Binglan. Although no one knew she was a princess, their grat.i.tude and admiration for her were unmistakable and sincere.

Cao Shan nodded vigorously, wanting to study hard to repay Su Binglans kindness. The former had lived with her grandparents since childhood, so she became mature at a young age.

She also knew it was a privilege for girls to get an education. She wanted to study hard and make her grandparents proud.

Old Madam Cao pa.s.sed a set of clean clothes to her granddaughter and said,

Heres the medical school uniform. You have two sets to use.

Cao Shan lit up when she saw the uniforms. Although girls her age would want new clothes, she would never ask her grandparents for them. Cao Shan had not worn a new set of clothes for many years. Instead, she used her patched-up old ones for as long as possible.

She touched the new clothes and realized how soft they felt. She joyfully asked, Will I have more new clothes if I study medicine?

Of course. I heard that all the students there have these uniforms. Old Madam Cao had been wondering if she should buy new clothes for her grandchildren because she did not want them to wear patched clothes to school.

She feared the other students would look down on her grandchildren if they wore old and tattered clothes to school. However, clothes were expensive, and it would take time to make even if she used the cheapest fabric.

Nonetheless, Old Madam Cao did not expect the medical school and Blue Mountain Academy to provide uniforms to her grandchildren.

She sighed, saying, The schools here are considerate of their students. We didnt have to prepare anything, not even school supplies and books, since the school provides those, too.

Cao Shan and her brother, Cao Kang, tried on their uniforms. The duo looked happy as they carefully touched the fabric, afraid of dirtying them.

The older couple felt a little sad as they looked at their grandchildren. They had not bought the younguns clothes for so many years because they needed to save money. However, they knew their lives would improve soon enough.

You two should wash up first. Well eat when youre ready, okay?

Cao Shan and Cao Kang quickly tidied up and sat at the dining table. Everything here was new and beautiful in their eyes. Their previous house had worn-out and broken tables and chairs.

Old Madam Cao took two bowls of half-boiled eggs and placed them on the table, saying, You two will have a bowl each. We have fried buns and wild vegetable soup, too.

Typically, the older woman would not be willing to use much oil. Although this breakfast might seem simple to others, it was sumptuous to Old Madam

Cao and her family.

Cao Shan and Cao Kang ate a lot before Old Madam Cao sent her granddaughter to the medical school. The older woman told Cao Kang to wait at home until someone came to pick him up and send him to the academy.

The sun had risen when Old Master Cao brought his grandson out of the

dorm. The surroundings hustled and bustled with people, looking vibrant and lively.

Many people pa.s.sed by as they headed to work at the embroidery shop, winery, and factories. Although it was still a little early for school and work, the villagers had grown accustomed to waking up before dawn.

They lined up in front of the multigrain pancake shop to eat. These people did not have time to make breakfast, so they bought some on the way to work. There was also a long line in front of Lins Steamed Buns.

Old Master Cao recognized Lin Yis.h.i.+n as the latter stood there. The two families came to the village from the prefecture, after all. Cao Kang said, Grandpa, look, its Mr. Yis.h.i.+.

Yeah, it looks like hes selling scones.

At that moment, many people stood before Lin Yis.h.i.+s stall. One said, h.e.l.lo there. We could smell your food from afar.. How much are your scones?