The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 791: Making a Waterwheel

Chapter 791: Making a Waterwheel

Chapter 791: Making a Waterwheel

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Binglan had placed the potatoes and sweet potatoes in her familys warehouse before leaving for the prefecture.

Father, Mother, didnt you tell Granduncle that the seeds are in the warehouse? He couldve distributed them when I was away.

Shen Qiuhua said, I told him, but he said the villagers arent in a hurry to farm since it hasnt rained. Its okay if they want to start farming in another half a month.

Still, I hope itll rain soon so we dont face a drought. Itll be challenging for everyone if the villagers have to carry water from the river and return to the village just to water their crops.

Meanwhile, Su Fengmao picked up a water bucket with a carrying pole and prepared to pick up the other. His whole body ached after a whole day of working.

When Su Binglan looked at him, she realized one of his shoulders was taller than the other. She knew it was because her father typically carried things with his right shoulder.

Whenever she looked at it, she would consider it a mark of her fathers hard work. Su Binglan felt sorry for her parents. She could imagine others feeling similarly about their parents, too.

Even so, she could not use her powers to attract rain too many times since nature had its rules. She said, I have an idea. No one will have to carry water like this again.

What is it? Su Fengmaos eyes lit up while Shen Qiuhua widened her eyes at Su Binglan.

The older couple believed their daughter always had ways of improving everyones lifestyle. Still, they wondered what she could do to reduce the villagers labor.

Ill build a waterwheel, Su Binglan said. She had just remembered waterwheels. She could use them to send water from a low place to a higher place.

Shen Qiuhua curiously asked, Whats a waterwheel?

She felt that the new word was important information and that she could learn a lot about it from her daughter. Meanwhile, Su Fengmao looked at Su Binglan, awaiting her explanation.

Su Binglan smiled and patiently explained, A waterwheel is an irrigation tool. When the river flows into it, the wheel will spin and send buckets of water to the fields. That way, the villagers will no longer have to carry water from one place to the other.

Shen Qiuhua asked, Is there such a thing? If so, the villagers wont have to work so hard.

Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua used to farm, so they knew how arduous it was to carry buckets of water. Thus, they were happy when Su Binglan mentioned the waterwheel.

Su Fengmao said, I wonder what it looks like.

Su Binglan responded, Ill design one and find someone to build it as soon as possible.

There was a river in the village that was somewhat close to the fields. It was just right for a waterwheel. However, some fields were further away from the river.

Shen Qiuhua pulled Su Binglan toward home and said, Lets go home so you can design the waterwheel.

Su Binglan found her mothers anxiousness amusing. Still, Su Fengmao wanted to go home, too.

Meanwhile, Su Yi and Su Chun brought the horses back to the Su familys house and tied them up. Then, they removed the things from the carriage.

Although Shen Qiuhua was busy, she remembered Su Yi and Su Chun being her daughters subordinates. She hurried into the house and brought water and food for the two.

Since it was not yet noon, Su Binglan did not eat lunch. She wanted to design the waterwheel quickly and find someone to build and install it in the river before farming began.

Most of the villagers were busy in the fields at that time. Only the children were at home or worked in the tofu factory, embroidery shop, and winery.

Hence, no one noticed Su Binglans return.

Su Binglan hurriedly ate lunch and continued to draw in the afternoon. Afterward, she visited Su Zhengde. The latter and his grandson were busy outside.

After completing the buildings near the village, Su Zhengde led his team to other places. Meanwhile, Su Xueye was still building the shop at Blue Mountain Academy.

Before visiting the prefecture, Su Binglan bought a large piece of land behind the school and told Su Xueye to build shops and houses there. She planned to sell the shops and houses near the school.

She wanted those houses to become school district houses, but the people of this era did not know what that was. Still, people would be willing to buy the houses because they were close to Blue Mountain Academy.

Also, the houses there were at the west end of town and close to Su Teng Village. They were also close to the School of Medicine and Managements library.

Those who lived in that area would have an easier time getting groceries, too, since it was close to the commercial street. Su Binglan knew these houses would be in high demand.

In the meantime, Madam Zhou was busy at home with her sons making furniture. Many people ordered customized furniture from her, so she opened a factory.

Madam Zhous three sons also began taking in disciples. They no longer needed to make all the furniture themselves. With the disciples building the furniture, the family would only need to fix what was necessary. However, the family would still make the complicated furniture themselves.

The furniture factorys business was excellent, and Madam Zhoul was most grateful to Su Binglan. The former was ecstatic when she saw Su Binglan, saying, Binglan, come in, come in.

Xueye told me you went to the prefecture some time ago. Everyone wasnt used to you not being around for so long. Madam Zhou held Su Binglans hands affectionately.

Aunt Zhou, I brought you something from the prefecture, Su Binglan said, smiling.

When Madam Zhou looked at the thing her niece pa.s.sed her, she noticed it was jewelry. B-But It looks soexpensive. I cant accept this, Binglan.

Aunt Zhou, I bought gifts for everyone. Ill feel sad if you dont accept it, Su Binglan said.

Madam Zhou had helped a lot with Su Binglans studies, so the latter felt it was only right to gift Madam Zhou something of significance. Since people treated her well, Su Binglan wanted to return the favor.

Well, okay Madam Zhou smiled helplessly. Still, she looked delighted. She treated Su Binglan as her own. When Madam Zhou looked at the jewelry, she felt it was meaningful.

Madam Zhou, her husband, and her grandson owned a brick factory, furniture factory, and construction teams. They earned plenty of money, but Madam Zhou was still reluctant to buy herself jewelry.

Oh, what was the purpose of your visit, Binglan?

Su Binglan smiled and said, I want Cousin Xueye to help me build this.

Madam Zhou was stunned when she saw her nieces drawing. What is it, Binglan?!

Its a waterwheel to help the villagers with farming. Look, the water flows from here, and the water wheel rotates. Itll send water to the top and toward the fields for the villagers. Its an irrigate tool.

Madam Zhou was so excited that she stood up, saying, Binglan, youve invented something spectacular.. How much will it help the villagers?