The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 779: It's All Food

Chapter 779: It's All Food

Chapter 779: Its All Food

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The boys voice was crisp and clear. His almond-shaped eyes caused Su Binglans heart to soften. Moreover, the boy looked thin, and she could tell he was malnourished. Her heart ached for him.

Just then, someone came out with a walking stick. Xiaoxi, whos there?

Lin Yis.h.i.+ struggled to come out. When Lin Xiaoxi saw his father, he threw down his ladle and said, Be careful, Father. Theres a beautiful lady and a man at the door.

Lin Xiaoxi was sensible, even though he was a child. He knew to support his father so that he would not fall. He was scooping water to wash the vegetables when Su Binglan arrived.

Although he was only seven, he knew how to do many things. He fed the chickens, washed the vegetables, and made a fire.

Lin Yishu patted his sons head and said, All right, Ill greet them.

He was stunned when he looked out the door and saw General Ji Xingye. The former thought he was hallucinating, stuttering, G-General Xingye. Since Lin Yis.h.i.+ was only a soldier in the military camp, he had no direct contact with Ji Xingye. However, he knew the general often watched them train at the military grounds.

Ji Xingye stepped forward and said, Youre injured, soldier. Dont force yourself to walk. Here, let me help you in.

Lin Yis.h.i.+ observed Ji Xingyes uniform and knew he was indeed the general. Greetings, General Xingye.

He excitedly motioned to bow. After all, the general held a high position in the military. Still, Lin Yis.h.i.+ wondered why such a person would visit him.

Ji Xingye said, Theres no need to bow. Im here with Her Highness to visit you.

Her Highness?! Lin Yis.h.i.+ was shocked.

At that moment, Su Binglan entered the house and asked Su Yi and Su Chun to move the things down from the carriage. She said, Young Master Yis.h.i.+, these are the things Prince Ruozhu sent you. Were here on his behalf.

Su Binglan name-dropped her brother when doing these things. Lin Yis.h.i.+ felt touched when he heard her words.

Lan Ruozhu had always cared for the commoners and the soldiers. The people knew and loved the prince from the bottom of their hearts. However, Lin Yis.h.i.+ was in a daze as he looked at Su Binglan.

That girl looks like an angel. Wait, didnt Princess Ruobing pa.s.s away? Is it possible that she didnt die and has become Princess Binglan?

A simple soldier like Lin Yis.h.i.+ had never met Lan Ruobing, so he did not know what she looked like. He was puzzled about certain things, but it was inconvenient for him to ask.

Lin Yis.h.i.+ could only stare at Su Binglan blankly while she brought in a few bags of rice and flour. He was so excited that his hands began to tremble. He knew he would have enough food for his family now that Su Binglan was here.

Although Lin Yis.h.i.+ cared little about himself, he wanted his mother, wife, and son to eat their fill. His eyes reddened as he said, Thank you, Your Highness and General Xingye.

No need to be so polite, Su Binglan said, Youre a soldier who has served

and protected the country. You deserve all this.

She always had more respect for those who served the country. She could see Lin Yis.h.i.+s gratefulness just by observing his expression. He had become more sensitive since getting injured. Hence, he felt the princesss respect for him.

Lin Yis.h.i.+ almost failed to suppress his tears. He never expected people to remember his sacrifices, but the prince, princess, and general would never.

Ji Xingye sympathized with the soldiers. He gently patted Lin Yis.h.i.+s shoulder, and the formers gesture was more effective than words.

At that moment, Old Madam Lin overheard the conversation. She coughed and asked, Yis.h.i.+, is someone here?

We have guests, Mother, Lin Yis.h.i.+ responded and then told the other two, My mothers in the room. Shes unwell and cant come to welcome you. Im terribly sorry. Please, come in. Ill get you some water.

Is your mother sick? Su Binglan asked.

Unfortunately, yes. My mother fell ill when she heard what happened to my brother last year. It was pretty terrible. Lin Yis.h.i.+s eyes brimmed with sadness as he spoke.

However, Lin Yis.h.i.+ knew he should not cry, no matter how much pain he felt, because he was a man. He still had to work hard to support his family. His mother would be even sadder if he showed his emotions. Ji Xingye asked, Have you visited a doctor?

Lin Yis.h.i.+ sighed, saying, Yes, we have, but he said

He could not continue and choked up instead. Su Binglan and Ji Xingye understood his frustration. Su Binglan said, I know medicine. Let me take a look at your mother.

Lin Yis.h.i.+s eyes lit up when he heard that. Y-Your Highness Youknow medicine?

He was so excited that his voice trembled. Meanwhile, Ji Xingye was in disbelief, thinking, The princess knows medicine?! So shes excellent at cooking and has medical skills. Shes amazing!

Ji Xingye was fascinated because he heard that Su Binglan came from the countryside.

After hearing Su Binglans words, Lin Yis.h.i.+ returned to his senses and said, I apologize, Your Highness. I didnt mean to doubt you. I I just

He felt he had misspoken and became afraid. However, Su Binglan waved it off and said, Dont worry. Yes, I do know medicine, so I can take a look at your mother if youd like.

Lin Yis.h.i.+ was stunned when he heard Su Binglans gentle voice. He was surprised that she had a good temperament and did not scold him for doubting her.

Father, heres some water. Lin Xiaoxi placed a few cups on the table.

Lin Yis.h.i.+ hurriedly said, Your Highness, General, please have some water.

Su Binglan thought of her two nephews back home when she looked at Lin Xiaoxi. Her heart raced as she said, Your name is Xiaoxi, right? You can go and play while we chat with your father, okay?

Lin Xiaoxi liked the young lady before him, especially when she smiled at him. He thought she was polite and gentle.

Su Binglan pa.s.sed him some sweets, saying, Here, you can eat these.

Lin Xiaoxi looked at the candies and wanted to accept them. However, he first looked up at his father before doing so. Lin Yis.h.i.+ became emotional as he said, Go ahead.

Lin Xiaoxi took the candies and said sweetly, Thank you, Pretty Sister.

Youre too cute, Xiaoxi, Su Binglan responded.

Lin Xiaoxi blushed after receiving her compliment.

Soon after, Su Binglan entered the inner room to check on Old Madam Lin. The older woman had fallen asleep again. After checking Old Madam Lins pulse, Su Binglan frowned and gathered her silver needles for acupuncture.

Su Binglan told Lin Yis.h.i.+, I need to remove your mothers coat so that I can do the diagnosis.

What kind of treatment is it, Your Highness?

Its acupuncture. Dont worry, okay? Im confident I can cure your mother. Su Binglan knew Lin Yis.h.i.+ was suspicious about her medical skills. Still, she was a princess, and he could not disobey her.

Thus, Su Binglan offered him some rea.s.surance. Lin Yis.h.i.+ was so excited that he motioned to kneel before her, but Ji Xingye hurriedly stopped him..