The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 684: Willingness to Suffer

Chapter 684: Willingness to Suffer

Chapter 684: Willingness to Suffer

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mr. w.a.n.g stared at the mung bean sprouts. He had never seen such a thing in the market or other restaurants. If he had eaten or seen it before, he would remember it.

Is that a new ingredient?!

Drunken Cloud could introduce a new signature dish if it were a new ingredient. Many customers would order it because Su Binglan had made it. If so, Drunken Clouds business would skyrocket.

The business will benefit me. I can receive more bonuses, and the young master might promote me again.

Mr. w.a.n.g was excited and happy as he brought the young couple to the kitchen. Su Binglan noticed his excitement and realized he was looking at the mung bean sprouts in her basket.

Mr. w.a.n.g, these are mung bean sprouts. Theyre vegetables that arent available in the market yet.

Nir. w.a.n.g grew even more confident when he heard that. He said, Miss Su, youre a true genius. Of course, only you can discover such an ingredient. This reminds me of the potatoes.

No one had sold potatoes in the market, but Drunken Cloud got its supply directly from Su Binglan for one of their signature dishes. If anyone wanted potatoes, they would have to go to Drunken Cloud.

Nir. w.a.n.g also suspected people might start selling potatoes in the market soon. Even so, only Drunken Cloud had the recipe for sour and spicy potato pancakes.

Then, many more customers would grow accustomed to visiting Drunken Cloud to eat its signature dishes.

One must grow these mung beans, and no one else knows about it but us. The dish Im making is called stir-fried mung bean sprouts. Its a side dish Ill let you taste in a while.

Nir. w.a.n.g said, l dont have to taste it to know itll be delicious, Miss Su. After all, you possess excellent cooking skills.

He was not trying to flatter Su Binglan. Instead, he spoke from his heart.

Su Binglan smiled and followed her husband into the kitchen. Mr. w.a.n.g prepared a small room for them so that the chefs and cooks could not spy on their cooking methods.

When Mr. w.a.n.g left, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan busied themselves in the kitchen. Su Binglan no longer worried about her husband because he had fully recovered. Moreover, he was familiar with cooking for his wife.

Luo Jinan also had excellent knife skills and could sometimes cut vegetables better than Su Binglan. That was because he had practiced brandis.h.i.+ng weapons since childhood.

Even though he was sometimes quiet, Su Binglan knew he was beside her. His presence made her feel at ease and allowed her to do things without worry. She knew he would support her no matter what she did.

Luo Jinan helped her wash and cut scallions, ginger, garlic, and chili. Afterward, he prepared the firewood. Su Binglan looked at his actions and said, You didnt have to do that.

Hes a renowned Major General, so he does not need to do such a thing.

Sometimes, when Su Binglan was busy cooking, Luo Jin!an would sneakily help with unnecessary things. Whenever he suppressed his presence, she would overlook his efforts.

l have nothing else to do. Also, Im delighted to be beside you and help you with this. You dont have to overthink or worry, Bing. Luo Jinans words gave warmth and rea.s.surance to Su Binglan.

He was gentle whenever he spoke to his wife. He would be in a good mood if she were in a good mood, too. Standing side by side, the young couple felt united.

Su Binglan looked at her husbands smile and nodded. Okay.

Next, Luo Jinan started the fire, and Su Binglan stir-fried the mung bean sprouts. Since the dish was straightforward to make, she quickly finished cooking.

Meanwhile, Mr. w.a.n.g stood outside anxiously. He looked forward to tasting the new dish and could smell the fragrance by just standing there. It differed from the food he usually smelled. It was light and refres.h.i.+ng.

Soon after, he could not help but take a few steps toward the door to peek inside. Sure enough, Su Binglan came out with the dish. Here, have a taste,

Mr. w.a.n.g.

Mr. w.a.n.g picked up some food with his chopsticks and took a bite.

Immediately after, his eyes lit up as he said, Miss Su, this is amazing! Drunken Could primarily sells meat and vegetable dishes, so this one will be perfect, especially during winter when there are few vegetables.

Drunken Cloud will do well with such a dish, even during winter. Miss Su, many n.o.bles have grown accustomed to eating fish and meat, so they want something light and refres.h.i.+ng like this.

This side dish is also perfect for those who have smaller appet.i.tes. Most also say our sour and spicy potato pancakes are refres.h.i.+ng. This side dish is equally as refres.h.i.+ng. The texture is excellent, too.

Mr. w.a.n.g spoke as he ate, his chopsticks never stopping.

Su Binglan smiled faintly, asking, So, would you consider partnering with my family, Mr. w.a.n.g?

How about I buy this recipe from you for two hundred silver, Miss Su?

He had bought the last two dishes from her for a hundred silver. However, he told Su Binglan he would buy the stir-fried mung bean recipe for two hundred silver.

Su Binglan was surprised, not expecting Mr. w.a.n.g to make such a generous offer. Indeed, it was a lot.

Mr. w.a.n.g noticed Su Binglan saying nothing and hurriedly added, Sorry for a.s.suming, Miss Su. What price did you have in mind?

Su Binglan smiled. Mr. w.a.n.g, this isnt the first time weve worked together. Two hundred silver is perfect. Ill write the recipe for you now. You can buy the mung bean sprouts from my family when they sell them at the market..