The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 666: Blossom Village

Chapter 666: Blossom Village

Chapter 666: Blossom Village

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Qiuhua knew how it felt to be a daughter and what it meant to return to her family. She said, We made too much food this year. Well still have enough, so you can bring these to your family.

We can always make more, and you can always bring more food to your parents.

Liu Yinyin felt Shen Qiuhuas sincerity. Thank you, Mother-in-law.

Theres no need to thank me. Were family, and 1 understand how you feel. If I could return to my family, Id want to bring them as many things as possible.

Su Binglan asked, Mother, why dont we visit your G.o.dparents house? Ill accompany you to Blossom Village tomorrow if you want.

Shen Qiuhuas G.o.dparents and G.o.dbrother lived in Blossom Village in Flower County. Since it was far from Su Teng Village, Shen Qiuhua would have to walk for a day or take an oxcart.

She said, Thats okay. Your Aunt Ma isnt a very hospitable person anyway.

She had always known about her sister-in-laws poor behavior. She rarely visited her G.o.dparents because she did not want to make things difficult for them.

However, Shen Qiuhua would still check on them once a year during the holidays.

Her G.o.dparents living conditions were less fortunate, and she could not bring many things when visiting. Shen Qiuhuas G.o.dparents tried to give her many things to bring home whenever she visited.

However, Madam Ma, Shen Qiuhuas half-sister-in-law, would be angry just looking at her. Now that the Su familys conditions had improved, Shen

Qiuhua wanted to prepare more things for her G.o.dparents and G.o.dbrother.

She also wanted to know how her nephew was doing. Although her sister-in-law was terrible, her nephew was intelligent and sensible. He knew how to treat his grandparents well.

Shen Qiuhua rarely visited her G.o.dparents after moving to Su Teng Village. Hence, she did not know much about how they were doing.

This time, Shen Qiuhua wanted to stay there for a day with her daughter. After preparing the things for Liu Yinyin, she packed what she would bring to her G.o.dparents tomorrow.

Su Binglan watched her mother packing and said, Let me help you.

She knew her mother wanted to visit her G.o.dparents.

Shen Qiuhua nodded while packing some desserts. Your grandma and uncle love sweets, but I didnt know that when I was younger. Theyd even say they didnt like sweets and save the desserts for me whenever I visited.

l only realized they did that when I grew up. I understood what it meant to be a parent after having Wenzhe. Although your grandmother was only my caretaker and G.o.dmother, we call each other mother and daughter.

She was good to me, and your uncle, her son, is like my biological brother. If not for me, they couldve lived in the capital, and your uncle couldve studied.

Su Binglan understood her mothers heavy heart and said, Didnt you tell me about your family having internal conflicts and experiencing countless casualties?

Grandpa, Grandma, and my uncle moved to Blossom Village then, right?

Doesnt that mean you saved their lives by being there?

Shen Qiuhua considered it and thought it was true. Her G.o.dparents thanked her for motivating them to move to Blossom Village. Otherwise, they would not have survived the internal conflict.

Mother, the most important thing is to live well, right? Su Binglan continued.

Yes, thats right, Binglan. 1 feel much better now that youve comforted me. 1 want to bring more things to your grandparents this time.

Mother, bring them these desserts and a set of down jackets. Well go there in a carriage since it can hold many things. Grandma and Grandpa will be delighted to see us in a carriage.

Yes, of course. Shen Qiuhua smiled.

Su Binglan helped her mother pack enough to fill the entire carriage. Mother, Ill make some cakes for them, too.

Shen Qiuhua was stunned. But your cakes are too big.

Thats okay. Ill make smaller ones, Su Binglan explained, Theyre more similar to snacks, so they/re easier to pack. Since they/re soft, Grandpa and Grandma will have an easier time eating them.

Lets also bring some of the bananas we picked today.

Su Binglan started making the dishes as she spoke. She stirred the milk, corn oil, and refined sugar into a mixture. Fortunately, she still had milk in her pocket dimension.

Then she added flour and stirred the mixture evenly. Afterward, she added egg yolk and stirred it again. After following these steps, she completed the small cakes.

Su Binglan took some of the cakes and gave them to Liu Yinyin.

Sister-in-law, take these with you when you visit your parents.

Liu Yinyin was touched and wanted to say thank you, but she knew Su Binglan would refuse her thanks because they were family. Still, Liu Yinyin knew she would repay Su Binglans kindness next time.

Su Binglan put away the remaining cakes to bring to her maternal grandparents tomorrow. Meanwhile, Shen Mohen heard that his aunt would meet Shen Gang and Lin Qin tomorrow.

Shen Gang was the Shen familys steward. The family had given him their surname, and he gladly accepted it.

Aunt Shen, Ill come with you.

Shen Qiuhua asked, But youre the familys eldest young master. Are you sure you want to come?

Shen Mohen nodded. They took care of you, and I should thank them. My father would also thank them for caring for you.

After some thought, Shen Qiuhua agreed, All right, you can come along.

Shen Qiuhua had grown accustomed to calling Lin Qin and Shen Gang Mother and Father, and Shen Mohen understood why.

It was already late when they finished packing. Soon after, everyone went to their rooms to sleep.

Su Binglan and Luo Jinan woke up early the following morning. Su Binglan prepared to leave with her mother when Luo Jinan said, Ill come with you.

Are you sure?

Luo Jinan nodded. Ill go wherever you go. Your family is also my family.

His words moved Su Binglan. She said, Grandpa and Grandma will be thrilled to see you.

Su Binglan recalled her childhood when she followed her mother to Blossom Village during the first lunar month. Her maternal grandparents were delighted to see her, and her uncle would make noodles for her because it was her favorite food.

However, Madam Ma was always unhappy because white flour was expensive.

Still, Su Binglans uncle always made noodles for her whenever she visited..