The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 663: Delicious Bananas

Chapter 663: Delicious Bananas

Chapter 663: Delicious Bananas

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Jinan and Lan Ruozhu exchanged letters. Through the letters, the former learned that his brother-in-law had busied himself with expanding his power and territory.

Ruozhu would have celebrated the New Year with us if he wasnt busy with these things. Now that hes in good health, he can do what he has always wanted.

Luo Jinan guessed his brother-in-law was arranging for the army to expand their influence, silently occupying the land.

Right now, Chu Countrys internal forces were in pieces, and the prestige of the Emperor and Imperial Court was weakening. Still, the deceased royals mansion remained safe.

Luo Jinan also knew his brother-in-law would not allow the mansion to be in chaos for Su Binglan. After all, Lan Ruozhu wanted to protect his sister.

Su Binglan did not know what her husband was thinking as her focus was on the trees. She wanted to find ingredients for cooking later.

She quickly walked because she knew nothing was in the outer area. She knew she could only find unique ingredients in the forests depths. Soon, the young couple pa.s.sed by where they first found soybeans.

The soybeans here have grown quite a bit. Ill tell my parents to gather them later.

The family had a warehouse at home to store things like soybeans. Even the tofu factory had a storage area. Su Binglan could expand the factory again if the family gathered more soybeans.

The young couple continued exploring the forest and arrived where they found the rapeseeds.

Rapeseeds grew here before, and we picked them for oil extraction. It seems theyve regrown.

Su Binglan found many rapeseeds back then. She had left some seeds behind, hoping they would regrow independently. However, she did not expect them to overgrow.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked around, saying, We can keep picking rapeseeds from here and leave some behind for them to regrow. Then we can continue using them for oil extraction.

Although the family had plenty of oil for cooking and their businesses, they would need as much as possible. Fortunately, the family had extracted enough oil from their previous harvest to last a long while.

Su Binlgan imagined having unlimited oil as she looked at the rapeseeds. She smiled and said, Lets continue exploring. We might find something worthwhile.

Luo Jinan was happy to see his wife smiling.

The temperature inside feels different. The deeper we go, the more it feels like spring. I can barely feel the cold wind outside. Su Binglan felt that way when she entered the forest.

Initially, Luo Jinan did not notice it. Upon hearing Su Binglans words, he knew she was right. Since the climate was warmer inside the forest, many crops could grow there, even during winter.

The young couple continued walking, following Su Binglans instincts. After some time, she discovered a string of yellow nearby. She was excited despite the slight darkness. After walking closer, she realized she had found bananas.

Ah, those are bananas! Su Binglan jumped up and down from excitement. She even grabbed Luo Jinans arm and smiled at him.

Luo Jinan looked at the comb of yellow objects and asked, Those a_re what you call bananas?

They seem like good things, or Bing wouldnt be so happy and excited.

Yeah, those are bananas. I never expected to find them here.

The mountain forest was in the north, and bananas typically grew in the south. However, Su Binglan looked around and found they were in a small valley with a slightly higher temperature.

Since she wore a down jacket, she felt hot. Moreover, she saw a small river nearby. She could not help but sigh, thinking, No wonder bananas can grow here, There are so many of them, too!

Su Binglan thought of many delicacies to make as she looked at the bananas.

Lets pick them and put them in the baskets.

She placed some in her basket and a portion in her pocket dimension. Luo Jinan knew his wife had some secret powers, but she did not say anything because he never asked about them.

Su Binglan thought she could find other fruits since bananas could grow here.

But the sky had already darkened, and she was hurrying to return home to make dinner.

She decided to go home and would return to the mountain forest next time. After all, she had bought the entire mountain long ago, and everything in it would belong to her.

Su Binglan had also discovered a strange phenomenon. The villagers never found things like bananas or soybeans when exploring this mountain. They could not even enter the core area as it seemed protected.

After careful consideration, Su Binglan felt this place resembled another dimension with barriers surrounding it.

Others can only move around outside this area. They never knew this place existed, to begin with.

Although Su Binglna had bought the mountain, she did not restrict the villagers from entering and gathering things like firewood. Furthermore, there were smaller forests around.

Su Binglan smiled at the full basket, saying, Lets go. Now I know what to make for dinner.

Luo Jinan asked, Are you planning to use the bananas?

Su Binglan nodded. Thats right. Theyre fruits I can use to make many delicacies.

She had eaten very little fruit after reincarnation, so she craved them. She thought it would be nice to have apples, too. She peeled two bananas and gave one to Luo Jinan. Here, try it.

Its soft and delicious. Many ideas flashed through Su Binglans mind when she bit into the banana.

Luo Jinan became wide-eyed when he took a bite,

How is it? Su Binglan asked.

Its quite tasty. Luo Jinan nodded.

l can use them to make banana custard and sus.h.i.+. Lets eat banana sus.h.i.+ and crispy fried bananas tonight. Afterward, we can drink banana and soybean milk.

If only 1 could make yogurt.

As the young couple walked home, Luo Jinan listened to Su Binglan talk about the many delicacies she could make with bananas. Luo Jinan had to admit he was looking forward to dinner.

When the duo exited the forest, they could see red lights all over the village from the mountainside. Meanwhile, smoke rose from the chimneys as every household made dinner, adding to the villages beauty.

Su Binglan said, Lets hurry back. I wonder if Mother and the others have started cooking..