The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 649: Happiness

Chapter 649: Happiness

Chapter 649: Happiness

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sound of firecrackers gave everyone the holiday spirit.

Ding Wan was busy rolling the dumpling skins. When she heard the firecrackers outside, she said, l think I hear more firecrackers than last year.

Since the firecrackers outside were loud, the family had to speak louder. Shen Qiuhua added, Indeed, 1 remember hearing fewer firecrackers last year. People used to use them sparingly, but it seems theyre constantly setting them off now.

The firecrackers have been going on for a while now, huh?

Mrs. Liu laughed, Yeah, thats because everyone is setting off their firecrackers together. Its still early, but there will be more later.

Chief Su l s wife went to the kitchen and saw the ladies making dumplings. When she overheard their conversation, she said, It sounds like the villagers bought more firecrackers this year.

Ding Wan replied, Yeah, even Fengzhang and Wenxian bought more than ten sets when they went to the market. They could only buy two hanging firecrackers in previous years.

Her words made everyone feel nostalgic. They recalled being unable to buy much when they went to the market last year. Even if they wanted to buy firecrackers, they would have to compare prices with multiple stores to save as much money as possible,

Although times were tough then, things had changed for the better. The whole family had much more money this year and could afford many things. The comparison was indescribable.

This year, everyone felt more relaxed and at ease.

Mrs. Liu said, Thats right. Although I wanted to buy things for the celebrations, I had to spend carefully. I still feel I should earn more and save some for a rainy day.

Shen Qiuhua nodded. Although I felt we had many things at home this year, I still went shopping and bought plenty more.

l must admit that shopping felt good.

No one dared to go shopping in the past because they feared being unable to afford much, but not anymore. That was why Shen Qiuhua was more willing to go shopping.

In the past, she would have never considered going to Drunken Cloud Restaurant for a meal. However, Su Binglan had brought her family there a few days ago.

Mrs. Liu recalled last years celebration and said, l remember preparing dishes for last years holidays. Compared to what we ate then, I think dumplings are better.

Miao Zhizhi smiled and added, 1 1 like making dumplings with everyone.

She had never experienced such a lively and harmonious atmosphere at the Miao Border. She liked being in Su Teng Village much more because the festivities made it feel like home.

l didnt know it could be so lively with so many traditions during the New Year. The Miao Border doesnt feel this warm and united. We had many internal conflicts there. Even if there were festivals, they wouldnt be this fun.

That place had so many rules, unlike Su Teng Village, where I feel much more relaxed.

Since moving to Su Teng Village, Miao Zhizhi could eat and sleep well. Moreover, she was delighted to spend each day with her husband.

Everyone chuckled when they heard Miao Zhizhis words. One of the ladies said, We like it too, Zhizhi. We should thank Binglan for teaching us to make dumplings.

During the past Chinese New Year, everyone had to cook the main dishes. They would not speak much as they cooked. Now, everyone gathered in the kitchen to talk while making dumplings.

They did not feel like they were working. Instead, they felt like they were having fun and pa.s.sing the time. It was rare for everyone to gather and chat.

The family discussed their daily lives and the exciting things they had seen while shopping. They even discussed Su Binglans play. Whenever the ladies gathered, they would always have endless things to say.

Shen Qiuhua said, Binglan said shed write new plays. The whole family can watch when the time comes. She also plans to make a big theater.

Ding Wans smile became wider. Binglans play was wonderful. Shes the best at these things. Although it was supposed to be cold in the afternoon, I barely felt it because I was interested in Binglans play.

Yeah, everyone enjoyed themselves.

Meanwhile, Su Wenzhe, Su Wenxian, and the others also helped with the cooking. Although the family would have dumplings later, they still prepared traditional foods.

The ladies made the dumplings while the rest helped prepare the traditional dishes. Su Wenzhe and the others learned to cook from Su Binglan. Hence, the dishes they made tasted better than that of chefs.

As the others made the food, the adults went to set off firecrackers while the children played with smaller firecrackers outside.

People were honest, and the village was safe. Every household had red lanterns at their doors, too. The entire village bathed in red lights, giving off a festive atmosphere.

The children were setting off firecrackers at the door while the surrounding children gathered to play. More than ten children played outside, having the time of their lives.

Su Xuexuan and Su Xueha played hopscotch and stones with the neighboring kids.


This is so fun!

The children laughed and ran around. The adults could not help but smile when they saw their children having fun. Although every household was busy making dumplings for dinner, people were still at the door.

Some walked past while others came out to play firecrackers. The children ran around and showed everyone their new clothes. Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai played firecrackers and created their own games.

Meanwhile, the girls compared their new clothes to each other and showed off their new jump ropes. Then they played hacky sack and jumped rope together. They even played with red ropes around their fingers to weave them into various shapes.

Su Binglan and Luo Jinan returned home to grab more things. When they came out with their baskets, they saw the children on the street and could sense their joy.

Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai greeted the young couple, h.e.l.lo, Aunt Binglan and

Uncle Jinan!

Su Binglan squatted and touched their hats. She smiled at their blus.h.i.+ng cheeks, saying, You two are sweating from playing so much. Remember not to remove your hats, okay?

She was worried that the two little ones would catch a cold if they removed their sweaters and hats.

Su Xuexuan nodded. We always wear them, Aunt Binglan.

Good boys, Su Binglan said smilingly.

She took some sweets and snacks from the basket as she spoke and pa.s.sed them to the little ones. Here, give these to your friends.

She had made these sweets and snacks herself, and no one could get them elsewhere. Su Xuexuan and Su Xuehai were thrilled to bring them to their friends.

The other children knew the two brothers had a fantastic aunt who made delicious food. The children had eaten Su Binglans food while playing with the two brothers before. They could still remember how good the food tasted.

The children could not wait to eat the snacks Su Binglan had given them.. After trying the sweets and snacks, they could not help but praise, Wow, theyre so delicious!