The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 641: Dawn of Stars

Chapter 641: Dawn of Stars

Chapter 641: Dawn of Stars

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Yueqin also played the princess. Although she played two roles, her acting was exceptional. Still, she needed to change her appearance between scenes. Fortunately, Su Binglan could help her change her clothes and makeup quickly.

Everyone was amazed when Lin Yueqin played the princess role. They thought the princess was gorgeous. That was because of Su Binglans excellent makeup skills.

The spectators could see the beautiful makeup from a distance and hear the actors loud harmonization. It was also because the spectators attentively listened that everything sounded clearer.

The spectators hearts were in their throats as they listened and wondered what would happen next.

Will the princess discover that his concubine is a woman?

Isnt it a crime to pose as someone else?

Everyone was nervous as they listened to the princess and Feng Suzhens conversation. Soon, the spectators realized the princess was a good person and sighed in relief.

They thought it would be okay if the princess did not cause trouble. Then they watched the fifth scene, which concerned the emperor. It made everyone feel on edge.

The spectators hearts pounded, but fortunately, the princess married Feng Su Zhens brother. Soon after, Feng Suzhen was granted the t.i.tle of princess, and the emperor pardoned her crimes, releasing Li Liang.

Ultimately, Feng Suzhen and Li Zhaoting returned home and lived happily ever after.

Everyone was hungry when the fifth scene ended, but they were in a daze for a long time. When they finally returned to their senses, they realized the play had ended.

Immediately after, everyone burst into applause and cheers.

That was amazing and beautiful!

It was such an exciting show. I want to see more!

Everyone below the stage shouted as cheers rose and fell. Although it was still winter, everyone watched the show enthusiastically and did not feel cold.

The spectators wanted to watch more of the play, but the New Year was just two days away, and there was only one play.

Meanwhile, Yang Xiaoxun, Lin Yueqin, and the others felt the spectators enthusiasm and felt excited. Moreover, they performed without mistakes.

The actors could not describe their feelings at the moment. Although they were nervous at first, they felt delighted later on.

Phew, I was so nervous at the start. Lin Yuechan patted her chest like her heart was about to jump out of it. Fortunately, I didnt say the wrong lines and performed just as I had rehea.r.s.ed.

Yang Xiaoxun added, I was so nervous that I didnt sleep much last night.

Lin Yueqin said, I rehea.r.s.ed with my sister last night. We practiced non-stop but slept pretty well.

The two sisters had suffered much in the past. However, Su Binglan gave them a place to stay. The environment was good, and they could sleep as soon as they lay down.

Even Yue Huachen smiled in relief. He used to play for the Cool Breeze Gang, and everyone called him the number one zither player. However, he only performed for the bigwigs then.

His mood differed now that he had played his zither for commoners. Now, he was willing to play the piano and perform, wanting the villagers to feel the charm of his plays.

Hearing everyones cheers and the childrens laughter made him genuinely happy.

The actors studied, discussed, and rehea.r.s.ed together, creating a sense of teamwork. Everyone familiarized themselves with each other and chatted on weekdays.

The actors were discussing their performances when Su Binglan entered and looked at them. The play was successful thanks to your hard work. Everyone, you can return home and rest.

But before that, I have other scripts here. You can perform in other plays after the New Year. Still, since the New Year is in two days, everyone should go and celebrate.

Come to my familys house in the evening, okay? Ive prepared prizes and gifts for everyone, so remember to come and collect them.

Everyone was delighted when they heard Su Binglans words.

Many of the spectators hummed the tune from the play as they walked home. They especially liked the tune they heard in the second scene. Whenever one person hummed, the others would sing along.

Although the sun was setting, the hustle and bustle in Su Teng Village did not end. Everyone was happily playing and eating.

After changing her clothes, Yang Xiaoxun went to help her grandmother clean up the stall. However, someone immediately recognized the young lady, asking, W-Were you the one who played Feng Suzhen on stage just now?!

Yang Xiaoxun did not expect anyone to recognize her after she removed her makeup. She was stunned as she looked at the woman beside her.

The woman held her two childrens hands and asked, M-Miss, were you Feng


Yang Xiaoxun was a terrible liar, so she nodded.

When the woman saw Yang Xiaoxun nodding, she said excitedly, You acted so well! Ive never seen a better actor. Youre gorgeous, too!

When the two children realized Yang Xiaoxun was the actress on stage, they grew excited. Wow, you were that pretty girl on the stage just now!

When the woman acknowledged Yang Xiaoxun, the surrounding villagers swarmed over. Their eyes lit up as they praised her. The children looked at her in awe as if they were looking at a star.

Yang Xiaoxun was stunned when everyone surrounded her. She felt her heart melting when she realized how enthusiastic everyone was.

She used to feel inferior and gave up on herself. She had never expected anyone to praise her. Yang Xiaoxun became teary-eyed, saying, T-Thank you, everyone. Truly.

The spectators were excited to meet the person who perfectly played Feng Suzhen. Their fondness was for the plays characters and the performers who played them.

The children were so happy to meet Yang Xiaoxun that some even went to hug her. Yang Xiaoxun smiled and greeted everyone. Her smile gave off gentleness and friendliness, making everyone feel warm.

Someone else saw Yang Xiaoxun helping Old Madam Yang and asked, Miss, is that your relative?

Yang Xiaoxun answered, Yes, thats my grandmother.

Everyone looked at Old Madam Yang respectfully when they heard that.

Old Madam Yang said, My granddaughter is very dutiful and didnt want me to set up the stall here. Although I insisted, she came to help me as soon as she finished performing.

Everyone thought Yang Xiaoxun closely resembled Feng Suzhen from the play. She was beautiful and kind..