The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 633: Fried Chicken on a Large Plate

Chapter 633: Fried Chicken on a Large Plate

Chapter 633: Fried Chicken on a Large Plate

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Su Binglan said she was about to cook, everyone looked forward to it. After some thought, she made a large plate of fried chicken. She knew everyone would enjoy the rice cakes more with fried chicken.

Su Wenwu left the brick platform and said, Sister, let me help.

Su Wenzhe and Su Wenxiu also rushed to help since they wanted to learn how she cooked. Watching their sister was a form of enjoyment for the Su brothers.

Moreover, the aroma of her cooking was alluring.

Father and Mother can rest while we help Sister cook.

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao smiled as the rest of the family talked happily. Shen Mohen looked at them enviously but enjoyed the atmosphere, especially since he was the only child with no siblings.

His father had seen people with terrible siblings who fought for family property, so he decided only to have one child. That way, he could avoid a fight over his property.

Shen Mohen used to think his father was right, but after looking at how well the Su family got along, he felt he had missed the opportunity to build a bond like theirs.

Although Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao had four children, they lived together harmoniously, creating a warm and lively atmosphere at home. Shen Mohen liked it and wondered if he could stay here.

Yue Huachen looked at the scene before him and felt relaxed. It had been long since he felt that way, and he also liked the atmosphere here.

Su Wenxiu asked curiously, What are you cooking tonight, Sister?

Im making a large plate of fried chicken.

Fried chicken?

Although Su Binglan had used chicken to make many dishes like, stewed chicken with potatoes, spicy chicken, and braised chicken, she had never made fried chicken before. Therefore, the family did not know what it tasted like.

However, everyone had eaten many of Su Binglan!s dishes and knew the same meat could taste different if cooked differently. Everyone looked forward to eating the new dish.

Sister, is fried chicken like fried pancakes? Su Wenzhe asked. He thought fried chicken would taste just as good, if not better. He remembered what fried pancakes tasted like, and it was delicious.

Su Binglan looked at her brothers expectant reactions and explained, Fried chicken is different from any dish Ive made. Itll go well with the rice cakes.

Youll know what 1 mean when you try them later.

The Su brothers grew excited when they heard that. Su Wenwu asked, Should

I get a chicken from the courtyard?

The family had set up a place in their yard to raise chickens and ducks for the New Year. It was also a habit most families had formed, as almost every household had a few roosters and chickens they would use for cooking.

Although the Su familys conditions had improved, Shen Qiuhua was still used to raising a few ducks and chickens for the New Year celebrations.

Lets use two chickens today since we have guests. The fried chicken will taste good, so everyone will want more. Two chickens should be enough for everyone, right?

All right. Su Wenwu quickly went to the yard to get two chickens, and Su Wenxiu followed to help.

Su Wenxiu often dealt with small animals to practice his medical skills, so he knew how to cleanly and humanely slaughter chickens.

Whenever the family used chickens in the past, they would dispose of the blood. Later, they realized chicken, duck, and pig blood were excellent cooking ingredients.

After all, duck blood vermicelli was a popular dish in town as Liu Yinyin!s parents shop was highly successful. Liu Chengwen and Feng Sisi also helped the older couple run the shop.

Even though it was almost the end of the year, the shops business still boomed. Mr. and Mrs. Liu also said they would close the shop two days before the New Year and reopen afterward.

Since the Liu familys business was successful, the family could not bear to close the shop too early before the New Year because they would miss out on significant profits.

Meanwhile, Liu Heng was an apprentice carpenter in another village. He only noticed his family and villages tremendous changes when he returned for his New Year break. He was happy to help his family out at the shop.

Liu Yinyin saw her nephew when she last visited her family. She saw how sensible and respectful he was toward her.

Liu Yinyin wvent to the yard to help remove the chickens feathers. Then she washed and dried the feathers since the family could make duvets with them.

The family did not know feathers would be this useful in the past. It was all thanks to Su Binglan that they knew.

When Su Wenzhe saw the chicken blood, he thought of Liu Yinyins parents, asking, Did Liu Heng help at your parents shop when he returned?

Liu Yinyin nodded. Yes, Chengwen and Sisi are considering stopping Liu Hengs apprentices.h.i.+p after the New Year. Although hes learning a valuable skill, its pretty hard on him.

Since my family only has one son, they want to entrust him with the shop in the future. However, they also want to have another kid because itll be good for Liu Heng to have a sibling.

Su Wenzhe asked, What do you think about that?

Liu Yinyin said smilingly, Well, they plan to expand their business since its so popular. They could open a shop in town, you know?

Su Wenzhe said, Oh, why didnt 1 think of that? Indeed, their business is still going strong. When I last went to town, I saw many people lining up at their shop.

Liu Yinyin added, Its the same for our old haggis soup shop, with so many people, including foreigners, in town. The more people there are, the more customers well get.

The food quality in the haggis soup and duck blood vermicelli shops was as excellent as ever. The prices remained affordable, and the townsfolk could eat their fill.

However, ordinary people were more reluctant to go to the hotpot restaurants so often because they could not afford it. Only those who were well-off would often go there. Even so, the hotpot restaurants businesses were still booming.

Liu Yinyin said, Oh, my parents bought their shop.

They did what? Su Wenzhe was surprised because the price of that shop lot was not low, especially since the west side of town had become more prosperous, causing most shops rentals to increase.

Liu Yinyin said smilingly, Yes, my parents earned quite a lot from their food, so they decided to buy the shop. They no longer have to worry about the landlord terminating their rental contract.

If that were to happen, many of their regular customers wont know where my family s.h.i.+fted to, and theyll lose their profit.

Liu Yinyin knew her parents would have extra silver even after buying the shop. Otherwise, they would not have done that.

Su Wenzhe agreed. Indeed, they should always stay in the same shop so their regular customers can always return. Also, foreigners will know where to go after asking around..