The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 593: Biding Time

Chapter 593: Biding Time

Chapter 593: Biding Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Binglan took the letter from the eagle and looked at it before saying, My brother already knows about the attack and has made preparations. He says we shouldnt worry.

In the letter, Lan Ruozhu also told his sister that he had mobilized a secret military force. Some of these forces also guarded Dingyang City, where Teng County was, so that no one would hurt the people of Su Teng Village.

Su Binglans heart tensed when she read the letter, but she sighed in relief.

Luo Jinan nodded. He knew the importance of information during a battle.

Most of the time, it was better to know things in advance rather than last minute.

Su Binglan raised her head to look into the distance and said, We dont need to worry about the prefecture and our village.

Then she and her group continued along their journey. However, Luo Jinan frowned just as they pa.s.sed a forest. He waved and said, Calvary is coming from afar.

He led the way and rode in front. Whenever he stopped, the people behind him would follow suit. Su Binglans expression froze, but she trusted her husbands judgment.

Lin Zheng stopped his horse and was puzzled. A cavalry? How do you know that when theres no sound?

Luo Jinan looked at Lin Zheng, saying, Get off your horse and feel the ground. You can feel the vibrations coming from afar.

Luo Jinan did not need to dismount his horse to know these things. After all, he started following his father into battle at the age of seven and had started independently commanding troops at ten. He could feel things ordinary people could not.

Lin Zheng got off his horse and lay his ear on the ground doubtfully. l cant hear or feel anything.

Youll hear something soon enough, Luo Jinan said.

The cavalry was far away, so Lin Zheng could only hear them and feel the tremors on the ground once they got closer.

Su Binglan held her breath and tried listening for the movements in the distance. Soon after, she heard noises and felt the ground tremble faintly.

Theyre approaching.

Luo Jinan said, There are at least 3,000 cavalrymen and 10,000 infantrymen behind them.

Lin Zheng was in awe after hearing Luo Jinans words. He felt impressed that Luo Jinan knew how many people were approaching before they were visible.

Is he a G.o.d? Even Master cant predict the number of people from the sound.

No wonder everyone treats Grandmaster like a G.o.d.

Lin Zheng often discussed the Wei familys G.o.d of War before Su Binglan regained Lan Ruobings memories. The more he talked about it, the more Su Binglan suspected Lin Zheng idolized Wei Jinan.

However, people of this era did not know what idolization meant. They simply wors.h.i.+ped and respected specific people.

Lin Zheng looked at Luo Jinan admiringly and said, Those people are heading in this direction. Are they coming to attack Dingzhou? We can reach Dingyang City much quicker if we use this small path. Since this road is closest, do you think theyll take Dingyang by surprise?

He was familiar with this route since Su Binglan had brought him to the border this way. However, they walked through the forest because it was closer.

The cavalrymen and infantrymen walked on minor roads, which were further than Su Binglan and the rest but closer than the main road.

Their target should be Dingyang City.

Lin Zheng stopped thinking and instinctively asked, There are many cities in

Dingzhou. Why are they attacking the more remote Dingyang instead?

Dingyang is closer to the west, and its terrain is complicated. In addition, Dingyang has a platoon, so itll be difficult for others to attack, Lin Zheng thought.

The enemy has a few reasons for that, Luo Jinan said, One is they have inside information. The other is that Dingyang City is recovering from war, so itll be much more vulnerable.

Also, the nearby cities are under attack, and Dingyangs platoon has left to reinforce the others. If the enemy knows about that, it means they have spies.

Su Binglans expression turned cold, and Lin Zheng felt nervous. Lin Zheng said, That means Dingyang is in danger.

3,000 cavalrymen and 10,000 infantrymen are not a small force.

Do these people belong to Chu Feifengs army? Su Binglan frowned.

Its hard to say. Luo Jinan shook his head. They could also be from a foreign force. Still, we must deter them from entering Dingyang. Its not too late for us to make preparations now.

There was a sharp look in his eyes as he spoke.

Su Binglan was exceptional at wiping out a large group of people in a head-on confrontation but felt her husband was better at planning and fighting, so she asked him to think of what to do. She believed Luo Jinan would find a way to get them out of this predicament.

Soon after, Luo Jinan told his wife to ride Falling Snow to Dingyang City to check on the situation. Su Binglan also had an eagle, which she could use to relay messages.

Meanwhile, Luo Jinan, Wei Ying, Wei Chuan, and Wei s.h.i.+ stayed to think of a way to stop the enemies and bide time for Dingyang City. Then Luo Jinan calculated the time and realized the Wei family army would soon arrive.

The hundreds of Wei family army members had taken another route and would rush to rendezvous from different directions. However, they would be a little late.

Nonetheless, they would arrive soon, and Luo Jinan believed in his familys armys combat abilities.

Su Binglan shook her head. No. von should go to Dingyang while I hold off

these troops. I can stop them.

Of course, she would never let her husband take such risks. She was typically calm when facing other matters, but when it came to matters related to Luo Jinan, she could not help but lose her cool.

That was primarily because of the war three years ago, and Su Binglan felt a lingering fear whenever she thought about it.

Luo Jinan sighed softly and stroked his wifes hair. Bing, I know youre worried, but think about the people of Dingyang City. They have parents, children, siblings, and relatives too.

Think about our family. We cant put them in danger by making the wrong decisions. Ill stay here with my army to bide time. I promise Ill be okay.

Su Binglan knew her husband was right but could not help but tear up. She could not recover her Soul Power and spiritual energy in time, so she could not use most of her powers.

Also, since she was in the mortal world, she had to abide by many rules and restrictions. Therefore, she could only try to do things as ordinary people would.

Su Binglan calmed her mind and said, All right, Ill go to Dingyang immediately.

Theres still some distance away to Dingyang. Time is precious now, but I can make it in time.

Luo Jinan was the most experienced commander, so it would be most beneficial for him to stay with his men and hold the enemies off. Immediately after, he told Wei Ying to follow and protect Su Binglan.

However, Su Binglan objected, If you want me to go to Dingyang, dont arrange for anyone to follow. Wei Ying and the others should stay by your side to protect you.

Her expression was firm as she spoke, rendering Luo Jinan helpless. He knew how stubborn she could be.

Meanwhile, Lin Zheng felt like he had gotten struck by lightning..