The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 500 - Chapter 500: Suspicious News

Chapter 500 - Chapter 500: Suspicious News

Chapter 500 - Chapter 500: Suspicious News

Chapter 500: Suspicious News

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The vanguard general had guarded the areas of the border province and saved the people there many times, especially from that earthquake, which allowed the Wei family to win the peoples hearts.

According to the rumors, the Wei family had taken measures to evacuate some people in advance because Princess Lan had predicted the earthquake. However, it was only a rumor people had overheard. No one knew the specifics.

Still, the truth was that the Wei Family Army had taken precautions. Although the earthquake was ma.s.sive, there were almost no casualties among the people at the border.

The commoners of the border provinces and border pa.s.s said the Wei Family Army was their savior, especially since they considered Wei Jinan their G.o.d of War. Unfortunately, such a young war G.o.d had been sacrificed.

However, Meng Ce did not believe Major General Wei had sacrificed himself. Meng Ce knew something suspicious had happened to the Wei family army and would sigh whenever he thought of it.

Old Madam Feng asked, So, a prediction of an earthquake had happened before? If so, Miss Su isnt an ordinary person. If she says theres an impending earthquake, we must believe her.

Its always better to be safe than sorry. Who knows how many people will die if an earthquake does happen?

Old Madam Feng had an impression of earthquakes. She had seen many refugees lose their homes after that. She was still young then and even served porridge alongside her parents to the victims.

However, there would be plagues if there were too many refugees after the previous earthquake. If these problems arose, Meng Ce could not quickly return to the imperial court.

He thought briefly before saying, Mother, do you believe Miss Su?

Old Madam Feng said solemnly, Yes, I do. I dont know why, but I feel a sense of closeness whenever I see her. I also feel like 1 cant help but trust her because her words are so convincing. Its such a strange feeling.

She was a n.o.ble daughter of the Feng family and had met many people. Still, none had ever given her such a feeling. Therefore, she believed Su Binglans words without hesitation.

Besides, she saved Bin.

Old Madam Feng had mentioned Meng Bin, Meng Ce l s son, so he fell silent for a while before saying, Mother, if we tell everyone in the county that there will be an earthquake within the next three days and tell them to prepare for it, itll be troublesome for us to explain ourselves if an earthquake doesnt happen.

Since he was the county magistrate, people would magnify every word he said. Also, how do we explain to people how we know theres an impending earthquake?

Old Madam Feng said, Miss Su thought of this. She said her master had pa.s.sed by a particular place and observed the celestial phenomena at night. He said there would be an earthquake in the next three days.

If anyone asks about the master, we wont know who he is. Even if they can guess, theyll only think hes reclusive. Oh, Miss Su also taught me to build a tent.

Ultimately, Meng Ce used his ident.i.ty as the county magistrate to inform everyone about the earthquake and told them to take precautions. He also arranged for people to tell the commoners to go to a safe place and teach them to set up tents.

Since the county magistrate had personally informed everyone of this, many people believed the news and began to prepare. The county had many towns and villages, so Meng Ce arranged for people to inform every village and town.

Everyone was so nervous on the first night that they stayed in open s.p.a.ces and dared not enter their houses. Still, they could not even sleep for the entire night.

However, there was no earthquake on the first day, causing everyone to become suspicious.

The weather seems fine. Will there really be an earthquake? It cant be fake, right?

Our county magistrate is good. Why would he lie to us?

Its best for everyone to play it safe. He has already said an earthquake will happen in three days. If it doesnt happen on the first or second day, it might happen on the third.

Everyone was exhausted on the first day, so many people went inside their houses to sleep during the day. However, each family arranged for one person to take turns keeping guard outside.

The following night, many still dared not sleep. They could only yawn and observe their homes. However, most could no longer take it and slept inside their houses in the nights second half.

These people thought no one could predict an earthquake and that it was fake news. They had heard that Meng Ce had learned about the earthquake from a reclusive master, and perhaps the master was a liar.

Therefore, most did not quite believe the news and returned to their rooms to sleep. They reckoned it was better to sleep in their houses since it was winter.

Meanwhile, the rest slept in their tents. These people were light sleepers and were very nervous. They feared the earthquake would happen too suddenly. However, resting in a tent did not feel as good as resting in their houses, so they could not sleep soundly.

Many families only had one or two blankets at home and could not set up tents, so they could only sleep in the open s.p.a.ces outside their homes. Those who could set up tents were from wealthier families from Su Teng Village.

Most people from other villages had to sleep outside with no tent. Most were so tired that they gave up waiting and returned to their houses to sleep, while the rest insisted on staying outside and not sleeping.

Still, the weather was too cold for them to sleep in the open. Furthermore, these people did not wear much and could only move around to prevent themselves from freezing.

However, nothing happened the following night, so everyone became even more doubtful.

There shouldnt be any earthquakes. Its been fine for the past two days.

Exactly. We havent slept and had to stay outside for the past two days. Im too tired for this.

It should be fine. Lets go back into our houses and sleep. Well be fine sleeping in our rooms.

What the county magistrate said might not be true.

Also, I heard the Su family spread this news. The Su family are just ordinary people, not G.o.ds. How would they know there will be an earthquake?

Thats right. Dont just take everything they say to heart. Just do what you need to do.

Exactly. Its cold outside, and I dont want my child to catch a cold.

Lets go back to our rooms and sleep. Well just run out if there are any movements. The weather looks pretty good to me.

Most had returned to their homes to sleep on the third night. They could no longer take it after staying outside for two days without sleep. Many believed they could return to their homes as the first half of the third day still showed no signs of an earthquake.

However, the earthquake finally revealed itself in the middle of the night. The ground shook violently, scaring everyone, especially the older people who recalled their past experiences with an earthquake.

Earthquake! Earthquake! Run outside quickly!


The people who remained outside were safe, but those who returned to their houses to sleep got trapped by their collapsed houses. Some ran fast, and their houses were st.u.r.dy enough for them to escape in the nick of time.

However, those who lived in less st.u.r.dy houses and reacted too late got crushed..