The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Force of Habit

Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Force of Habit

Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Force of Habit

Chapter 406: Force of Habit

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Jinan typically did not talk much. However, Luo Jinan did not know when he would return, so he thought he had to lecture Su Binglan.

The shadow guards on the sidelines were shocked as they wondered when their master became so talkative. Their master had always been a man of few words.

Moreover, Luo Jinan entirely differed from how he usually was whenever Su Binglan was around. The shadow guards master had become gentle, and they questioned whether or not the man before them was the master they knew.

Su Binglan listened to her husband intently and realized he was an attentive person who was careful and gentle.

Although Luo Jinan was reluctant to leave, he knew he had to do what was necessary. He stroked Su Binglans hair and said to the shadow guard, Lets Su Binglan immediately approached her husband and looked at him thoughtfully. Hug me first.

All right, he said as his throat rolled, his voice cracking slightly. After hugging his wife, he lightly patted Su Binglans back to comfort her.

Immediately after, the guards helped Luo Jinan onto the roof and disappeared into the night.

Su Binglan stood on the spot and looked at the sky. Her heart was full of conflicted emotions. After a long while, she turned around and returned to her room.

She sat back at her desk and wanted to write down a plan, but she could not because she kept thinking about Luo Jinan. She would lie to herself if she said she was not worried about her husband.

Still, no one could stop Luo Jinan from doing what was necessary. That was because it had something to do with the Wei family.

Su Binglan put herself in his shoes and knew she would also seek vengeance if someone were to hurt her family. She did not know Luo Jinans pain and thought about it before resting.

In the past, she would fall asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow, but not this time. She had been busy the whole day and should feel exhausted. However, she just could not fall asleep.

Why could I sleep so easily before? Su Binglan looked to the side and understood that it was because her husband had been by her side that she felt at ease. She had unknowingly gotten used to his presence.

Su Binglan slept late that night but woke up early the following morning. She went to help her parents cook after was.h.i.+ng up.

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao did not see Luo Jinan around and were puzzled. One of them asked, Wheres Jinan?

Su Binglans hand paused before explaining, Oh, he went to the academy in the morning. It turns out he has something to do that Mr. Kong insists on.

Shen Qiuhua could not help but nag, I dont know whats wrong with Mr.

King. Why does he keep making Jinan do things? Doesnt he Imow about

Jinans condition? Jinan shouldnt be doing so much work.

Su Fengmao added while starting the fire for the stove, Dont worry too much, dear. Im sure the academys affairs are related to learning, so Jinan should be doing physical labor.

Su Binglan said. Dont worry. Everything will be okay. Mother.

Her tone was firm when she spoke, so no one knew if she was trying to comfort herself or someone else.

After breakfast, Su Wenzhe and Su Wenwu prepared to go to town. On the other hand, Su Wenxiu prepared to select his apprentices from the list of people from yesterday.

The day before yesterday, he had gone to give consultations and mentioned taking in an apprentice. Yesterday, many people sent their children to Su Wenxiu for interviews.

Su Wenxiu jotted down everyones situation and considered who to choose as his apprentice. He looked at his notes and fell into a dilemma. After all, most candidates on his list were impressive and willing to learn medical skills from him.

He could only ask his sisters opinion, Little Sister, could you help me? I have ten candidates to consider.

He was kind but did not want to tell so many people that he had rejected them. Moreover, everyone was keen on learning from him, and he wanted to teach as many people as possible.

Do you want to teach them all, Second Brother? Su Binglan asked.

I know I cant teach so many people simultaneously, especially since Im still managing the medicinal herbs. Still, Ill let my apprentices help me manage the herbs if I take them in.

Since I have several candidates, Im spoiled for choice and cant decide. Then, if I only choose three out of the many, the others will feel discouraged.

Su Binglan said, You can choose three apprentices first and teach them well. Afterward, you can take in more people, and your senior apprentices can teach the rest. That way, you wont have to worry about others feeling discouraged.

When youve established notes, you can show it to them for them to read and learn.

Su Wenxiu understood what his sister meant. You always know how to deal with things, Little Sister. Ill do as you say and first teach three apprentices to build their foundation. Then well have an easier time teaching others.

Immediately after, he went to do his work.

Su Binglan prepared to go to town and wondered how the construction of the new hotpot restaurant in the east was going. The earlier it got done, the earlier she could open for business. She also wanted to ask Li s.h.i.+ about his family.

However, many people suddenly arrived at the Su familys house just before Su Binglan could leave The visitors asked, Is this where Shen Qiuhua lives?

Wow, this house is ma.s.sive! These were unfamiliar faces in Su Teng Village. The visitors felt restrained when they arrived at Su Teng Village. After asking around the village, they learned where Shen Qiuhua was living.

Everyone was surprised when they saw how big the house was. They wondered if anyone else in Su Teng Village could afford to live in such a place.

The villagers said Miss Shen lives here, so we must be in the right place.

The Su family arent ordinary villagers. The two women from Stone Village told us how prominent the Su family was when we got oil in Northern Song


I saw an enormous building when we came through just now. Thats the tofu factory the big guy mentioned.

So, this is where we can get tofu.

I heard that tofu is six coins per 500 grams, but the Su Teng villagers only need to pay five.

Miss Su provided medical consultations two days ago. I didnt know the Su Teng villagers received free consultations.

Of course, you didnt know. After all, you live so far away from Su Teng Village.

Seven to eight people appeared before the Su familys door while discussing.

Then someone shouted into the house, h.e.l.lo, is anyone here?! Does Miss Shen live here?!

Su Wenxiu was just about to leave and recruit his first three apprentices when he looked at the person at the door and said, Are you looking for my mother? Whats the matter?

After hearing what he had said, the visitors knew they were at the right house.

h.e.l.lo, young man. Were from the surrounding villages. We want to buy rapeseeds from your mother..