The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Su's Pottery Workshop

Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Su's Pottery Workshop

Chapter 402 - Chapter 402: Sus Pottery Workshop

Chapter 402: Sus Pottery Workshop

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Thats okay, Miss Su. I have two plans, Su Binglan said, Firstly, I will open a shop called Sus Pottery Workshop. Ill hire you and your husband to do pottery for me and pay you a monthly salary.

Your basic wages will be 60 copper coins monthly with a commission for every pot or jar you makeone to two coins per person. Youll receive a higher commission the more expensive the item is.

Of course, Ill pay for the pine wood since Im opening the shop for you. You just need to work there and listen to me. I may let you take in some apprentices in the future, but if you do, I will pay you a corresponding fee for teaching your apprentices.

Su Binglan had planned to work alongside the older couple, but after seeing their reactions, she felt buying them a shop directly was better. If so, the couple could quickly start making her needed pots and jars.

Otherwise, Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li would need more time to resolve their previous issue, much less buy pine wood. After all, things would be different when the couple worked for Su Binglan, as Su Binglan could solve the couples previous problems.

Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li could not believe what they had just heard. They looked at Su Binglan in shock and felt they had misheard everything.

Thats an excellent idea! The couple was in a daze and forgot to respond.

Su Binglan continued, Secondly, the shop will still be yours, and well only be in a business relations.h.i.+p. Ill order pots and jars from you, and youll be responsible for fulfilling my orders. Ill pay you accordingly, too.

But if thats the case, I cant help you buy the pine wood since the shop belongs to you. Still, I can place an order in advance and pay a deposit. Then you can use that deposit to pay your debts for the previous pine wood you bought.

That way, Ill need more pots and jars in the future, and youll earn money to get back on track.

Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li were no fools. They knew Su Binglan was helping them, no matter what method she suggested.

If we choose the first option, Miss Su will buy our entire business and still pay us to work for her. Then we wont have to worry about much and will just do our jobs. We didnt want to use our furnace anymore, but itll just sit there and collect dust. However, Miss Su wants to buy it.

Theres also the second option where Miss Su will help us solve our past mistakes. She has considered our feelings, too.

Miss Li and Tao Zhenggang looked at each other. The couple knew they would choose the first option.

Miss Li was on the verge of tears as Su Binglans words touched her. She got choked up as she said, Youre such a kind person, Miss Su. We dont know how to thank you.

When she spoke, her voice was a little choked. Miss Su, youre a good person.

We dont know how to thank you. Well choose the first option since we no longer want to be in charge.

If there were such an opportunity before, we wouldnt have done it by ourselves in the first place. We had no choice before and wanted to hone our skills to make money from it. We never expected things to turn out this way.

Since we know little about running a business, well work for you instead since were good at pottery. Dont worry, Miss Su. You can rest a.s.sured well do our jobs well. Tao Zhenggang added.

Su Binglan nodded. She had already guessed that the couple would choose the first option.

M-Miss Su, we also have two sons who know pottery. Can they work alongside us? Miss Li hesitated before asking.

Since Su Binglan said each person could earn at least 60 coins monthly, the couple knew they would earn more if they could make more pots and jars.

The couples two sons worked incredibly hard at the towns docks to move goods but could barely even earn a few coins. Since that was the case, Miss Li knew it was better if her sons returned and made pottery with their parents.

Furthermore, the Taos would feel at ease working with Su Binglan since she was kind. The Taos did not know how to express their grat.i.tude.

Su Binglan smiled. Of course, they can. Ill order many pots and jars soon, so the shop must expand its production scale. By then, we might have to hire even more people.

Still, Ill need you and your sons to teach the new workers how to do pottery if we hire more people.

Tao Zhenggang quickly expressed his grat.i.tude, Dont worry, Miss Su. Well teach the workers well should they need guidance. Well share our knowledge with them.

Su Binglans arrival was equivalent to saving the Taos. Otherwise, the family would not know how to survive. They were willing to teach everyone about pottery.

I wont allow you to teach the workers for nothing. Ill give you a higher salary whenever you take in an apprentice, Su Binglan said.

Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li got excited after hearing Su Binglans words. They knew they could live good lives soon, and their look of despair vanished. The couple felt their huge burden disappear, and their hearts relaxed.

Su Wenxian and his father, listening on the sidelines, were stunned. Su

Wenxian said lowly, Youre amazing, Cousin Binglan.

Su Fengzhang nodded. Yeah, you solved everything so quickly. Why didnt we think of that?

We cant compare to such wisdom. I guess thats what its like to have a good head on ones shoulders.

Next, Su Binglan went to the couples work area and looked closely at the equipment inside. It was pretty simple and crude, just like a small pottery workshop. Still, the pieces of equipment were complete.

Su Binglan had already made preparations before visiting the Taos. She had brought along silver taels and wrote a contract on the spot. She explained whatever the couple did not understand about the contract in detail.

Miss Su, we dont believe in others but trust you, Miss Li said.

The couple signed the contract without hesitation, and Su Binglan gave them some money. Part of the money was for the pottery workshop, and the other was for their starting capital.

The couple became misty-eyed when they looked at the silver they held.

From now on, people will know this place as Sus Pottery Workshop. Part of that silver is the start-up capital. You must first make ten large wine pots, twenty wine jars, and Su Binglan went on about the details to the older couple.

The couple listened attentively. Nonetheless, Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li knew how to operate things since they had been in this field for a while.

After chatting some more, Su Binglan left with her uncle and cousin. However, Tao Zhenggang and Miss Li were still in disbelief, even after Su Binglan left.

After a long while, Miss Li returned to her senses and hurriedly put the silver away carefully. Then she told Tao Zhenggang, Quick, its not dark yet. Go to town and ask our sons to come home. They no longer have to work at the dock since they can make pottery with us at home.

Ill go now. Tao Zhenggang nodded.

Our sons will no longer have to stay out for long hours, Miss Li said with tears in her eyes, They can stay home and rest a.s.sured.

Tao Zhenggangs body felt lighter, and he immediately ran toward town..