The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: A Normal Reaction

Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: A Normal Reaction

Chapter 397 - Chapter 397: A Normal Reaction

Chapter 397: A Normal Reaction

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

s.h.i.+ Cui nodded happily. Yes, my hand is much better. I didnt feel any pain when I woke up this morning. It didnt affect my cooking since it hurt when I moved my hands.

She was excited and arrived early to tell Ding Wan about her hand. She also wanted to express her grat.i.tude to Ding Wan. I must thank you, Madam Ding. My hand wouldnt have recovered so quickly if you didnt persuade me to go for the consultation.

You gave me twenty coins, but I spent only five. Ill return the 15 coins to you and pay you the remaining five when I get paid. Su Cui was ecstatic but did not expect her hand to recover so quickly. The cracks and b.u.mps had almost disappeared overnight.

She followed Su Binglans instructions and put the ointment on her hand before bed. When she woke up the following day and looked at her hand again, she felt it was magical.

s.h.i.+ Cui was grateful to Su Binglan and Ding Wan. She would not have cared about her hand if not for Ding Wan. Her hand would have b.u.mps and swell during autumn, but she felt thrilled now that her hand would no longer hurt.

Its good that your hand has recovered, Ding Wan said, Binglans medical skills are outstanding, so you will fully recover in a few days.

Yes, Miss Su said the same thing. Since s.h.i.+ Cuis hand no longer hurt, she did her needlework in the morning easily.

At noon, Ding Wan told everyone to return home for lunch and continue working in the afternoon. After having lunch at noon, Ding Wan went to Miss Hes house.

Ding Wan did not visit Miss He at noon because she did not want to bother Miss He during lunchtime. If she visited Miss He during that time, Miss He would undoubtedly treat Ding Wan to a meal, which would make Ding Wan feel awkward.

Nonetheless, Ding Wan knew visiting Miss He after lunchtime would be better.

Miss Hes family had already finished eating when Ding Wan arrived. Miss He was sitting in the courtyard soaking and was.h.i.+ng clothes when she saw Ding Wan.

Miss He stood up in surprise. Madam Ding, is that you?

She did not understand why Ding Wan was visiting and wondered if something had happened.

Ding Wan said with a kind smile, Miss He, I have something to tell you. Do you have time to talk now?

Miss He quickly wiped her hands and said, Yes, I have time. Quick, come in, Madam Ding.

Ding Wan said as she walked in. Since its getting cold. I suggest was.h.i.+ng your clothes in warm water.

Miss He felt warm in her heart because she knew Ding Wan was concerned about her. My husband got some water from the well, so its not too cold. My hands will be okay if I wash the clothes with water from the well.

I used to be so weak that I wouldnt even have the strength to wash clothes. I feel energized now and plan to wash the bed sheets and blankets I didnt have time to wash.

When it starts snowing soon, I wont be able to stand outside. Since the sun still s.h.i.+nes brightly at noon, itll be easier to dry my laundry.

Ding Wan nodded. Youre right. Although winter is just around the corner, the sun still s.h.i.+nes brightly at noon.

Since the weather is good today, I decided to wash and dry my bed sheets and blanket, Miss He added, and the two entered the house while talking.

Arent your children home? Ding Wan asked after noticing the quietness.

Miss He explained, My husband took the kids to chop more firewood before winter arrives. Then well have something to keep us warm when it snows. Yes, its good to gather more firewood now, Ding Wan said.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Miss He, Ding Wan discovered how diligent this family was. In addition, their house was tidy.

Miss He poured a cup of warm water for Ding Wan, and Ding Wan sipped it. Ding Wan said, Binglan is preparing to open an embroidery shop. Although the construction is still incomplete, she told me to find a few villagers who know needlework.

Miss He got excited when she heard that and vaguely guessed why Ding Wan had visited. After all, when Miss He went to the clinic, Su Binglan asked her if she knew needlework.

Miss He said she knew needlework but did not think much of it. She did not expect Ding Wan to discuss the embroidery shop with her this afternoon.

She listened attentively, her eyes looking at Ding Wan unblinkingly.

Ding Wan did not beat around the bush and told Miss He about some of the embroidery shops matters.

Miss He, would you like to work at the embroidery shop? Youll get a basic salary of 60 coins monthly or two coins daily. Binglan will also give you a bonus according to how much work you do. The more you do, the more youll earn.

Binglan told me you know how to sew and told me to come and ask you about it. Binglan is kind and wants to help our villagers earn money to live better lives.

Miss He was so excited and touched that she did not even know what to say. After some thought, her lips trembled as she said, Yes, Madam Ding, Id like to work for Miss Su. Even though I only know the basics, Im willing to learn more and perform well.

Miss He was too excited and directly expressed her thoughts. She also knew Su Binglan was a good person. After all, Miss He and her husband would not have recovered if it were not for Su Binglan.

Miss He did not know how to express her grat.i.tude but knew she would do well and work hard for Su Binglan.

Miss Hes reaction did not surprise Ding Wan because everyone she recruited to work at the embroidery shop had the same reaction. Everyone was ecstatic because they knew it was an excellent opportunity for them to earn money.

Moreover, Miss He would be working in their village and could still have three meals daily with her family. She would not have been so depressed if she had had a job in the past.

Ding Wan told Miss He about the embroidery shop and initially wanted Miss He to start the following day. However, Miss He was so excited that she wanted to start in the afternoon to get a head start on learning. Miss He also said she could continue was.h.i.+ng her clothes at night.

Since Miss He insisted, Ding Wan took her along.

Su Damin and the others were enthusiastic about Miss Hes arrival. Miss He had trouble performing at first, but Sun Damin and the others were helpful and a.s.sisted her.

Miss He initially felt restrained as she did not interact much with the villagers. However, after feeling their enthusiasm, she gradually relaxed and began talking to everyone.

She could not help but chuckle when she heard the others talking and laughing. The atmosphere was lively. She did not feel like she was working because everyone was doing something new and exciting. It did not feel like work to her.

Everyone went home one after another when the sun began to set in the evening.

Miss He could not wait to go home and share the good news with her family..