The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: The Truth

Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: The Truth

Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: The Truth

Chapter 378: The Truth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

I just returned to check on things, Granduncle Li Zheng. Please pa.s.s these things to my parents but dont tell them I gave them to you, Li s.h.i.+ said, My mother birthed me and raised me alongside my father, so I should give them these things.

Li Zheng was shocked when he heard Li s.h.i.+s words and saw the things he was holding. They were good things that were not cheap. He quickly pulled Li s.h.i.+ back and said, Dont leave yet, Li s.h.i.+. You can blame your parents, especially since they have a reason for what they did.

Li Zheng was also thinking about the villages.

Li s.h.i.+s parents and siblings were terrible to him, but only Li s.h.i.+ turned out fine. I thought Li s.h.i.+ was dead, but theres hope for his parents now that I know hes alive. I must untie the knot in this childs heart.

Li s.h.i.+ stopped in his tracks. What reason could there possibly be for my parents to beat me and treat me so poorly, Granduncle Li Zheng?

Li s.h.i.+ was full of resentment and hatred. Just as Lin Zheng had saidthere was a knot in Li s.h.i.+s heart. However, Li s.h.i.+ did not care about that since he had only returned to see what had become of his so-called family.

He had saved money and planned to build a house in Zhou Shans village before getting married and settling down. Li s.h.i.+ would have children and would undoubtedly treat them well.

He knew he must not be like his parents because he knew how terrible it felt when they treated him horribly. He always felt like a floating leaf, unable to find a home. That was why he wanted to have a family of his own.

If he worked hard with Su Binglan and saved money, he could build a big house, get a wife, and have children. Still, he felt inferior and was worried that others would scorn him for not having parents or relatives.

He had always felt like that due to his childhood experiences. So, he returned to Northern Song Village to know why his parents were so biased and treated him so poorly.

What did I do wrong? Li s.h.i.+s eyes reddened as he looked at Li Zheng. Li s.h.i.+s hands clenched into fists when he thought about it, trying his best to control his emotions.

Sit down first, and lets talk. Li Zheng sighed. After persuading Li s.h.i.+ to sit, he continued, Your parents dont have it easy either. Did you know you had a younger sister?

I-I had a younger sister? Li s.h.i.+ was stunned.

My parents only had three sons. When did they have a daughter? I never had a sister.

Seeing Li s.h.i.+s confused expression, Li Zheng continued to explain, You were three years old, your little brother was just one, and your mother was pregnant with another child. The doctor said it was a girl.

Your parents were thrilled. They already had three sons and wanted a daughter. Your family had always consisted of three boys, but your grandparents also wanted a granddaughter.

Your grandparents att.i.tude toward your mother changed when they heard she would have a daughter. They started treating her better. However, your mother had a miscarriage because of you.

From then on, your grandparents constantly pestered your mother and caused her to develop mental health issues, while your grandparents hated your father.

After that, your grandparents decided to split up your family. When your parents separated, they didnt receive a single cent from your grandparents, not even land.

I intervened and asked your grandparents to give your parents at least one acre of land. Dont hate your parents, Li s.h.i.+. They also have bitterness in their hearts, so sometimes they cant help but lash out.

Li s.h.i.+ could not believe what he had heard. He only remembered the bad things his parents did to him and the times they had hit him. He could not remember anything else from his childhood.

Now that he thought about it carefully, he had a vague impression. At that time, his mother would kneel in the courtyard on a cold day, and his grandmother seemed to scold his mother often.

After that, the family no longer lived with the older couple, and Li s.h.i.+s mother developed some mental issues.

No, how could I have caused my sisters death? I couldnt have.

Li Zheng sighed. You might not remember. You played by the river when you were three and accidentally fell in. Your mother was still pregnant then and reacted instinctively.

She went straight into the water to save you. Thats why she got hurt and even lost your sister. See? How can you say that your mother never cared about you?

She could have gone to the village to ask for help, but you wouldve drowned before help arrived. Your mother was aware of the dangers but still instinctively protected you.

Your mother was distraught and blamed herself. However, she thought she should feel sorry for her unborn daughter if she was good to you. She was in a bad state of mind and could not accept what had happened.

Also, your father grew up as your grandparents favorite, so he was inevitably affected. Dont blame your parents, Li s.h.i.+.

Li s.h.i.+ kept shaking his head as he listened. How could that be?

He did not want to believe it. If that was the case, my parents must have felt tormented. I-I should blame me. I couldve had a sister.

Lin Zheng sighed. I would never lie to you, Li s.h.i.+. You can ask the elders in the village if you dont believe me. Everyone knows this story.

Li s.h.i.+s eyes started to sting. After a long time, he finally adjusted his emotions and said with a choked voice, Thank you for telling me this, Granduncle Li Zheng.

Your parents felt terrible when everyone said you had died. Your mother isnt doing well, so you should go and see your parents.

Li s.h.i.+ could not bear to hear this. He had blamed his parents, but he could not accept this news. M-My mother is still okay. How could there be a problem?

Your mothers mental problems worsened when she heard you were dead. She was about to break down. She also helped your brothers get married and settle down.

However, your two sisters-in-law are tough to handle. No matter how angry your mother is toward them, she cant handle it.

Li s.h.i.+ could not care about anything else when he heard that. Granduncle Li Zheng, please, take me to see my parents.

All right, Ill take you there now. Li Zheng brought Li s.h.i.+ to a thatched house at the back of the village. It was barely even a house that could shelter them from the elements. Your parents live here.

Cough, cough. Coughs sounded from inside the house. It was Li s.h.i.+s mothers voice.

Li s.h.i.+s heart tightened when he heard his mothers voice. Lin Zheng patted Li s.h.i.+s shoulder and said, Lets go in.

Li s.h.i.+ took a deep breath, then carried his things and entered.

Li s.h.i.+s mother heard the noise at the door and s.h.i.+vered in fear.. She told Li s.h.i.+s father, Dont tell me Li Liangs wife is here again?