The Second Coming of Gluttony - Side Story 23. At Least It Changed a Little

Side Story 23. At Least It Changed a Little

Side Story 23. At Least It Changed a Little

There is a way to change the future.

Seol Jihus ears perked up.

Really? There was a way to change the future?

Its nothing difficult. You just have to set your mind on doing it.

Seol Jihus eyes widened. If there was such an easy method, why did Black Seol Jihu and Future Seo Yuhui not say anything about it? Because they didnt know? Or was it on purpose?

Multiple questions arose in his mind, but Seol Jihu first asked.

What is it? Tell me.

Its to erase this fate.

Seo Yuhui said firmly.

Completely erasing the fate related to you. If the fate disappears, the future has no choice but to change.

For a while, Seol Jihu couldnt understand what Seo Yuhui was saying. But when he saw her spiteful gaze, a memory from the past struck his mind like a lightning bolt.

[All humans are born with their own Star of Fate.]

[The movement of this star rea~lly doesnt change easily. No matter how much it is disturbed, it continues to advance toward its predetermined fate.]

[Thats why we are killing them. Because that is much more certain than a half-baked attempt at a change.]

Seol Jihu finally understood everything.

The reason why Black Seol Jihu and Future Seo Yuhui did not say anything, and just what it was that Seo Yuhui was talking about. In other words, getting rid of Phi Sora was the surest method of changing the future.

Seol Jihu turned pale. He looked up at Seo Yuhui with a look of horror and disbelief.


Seol Jihu stammered in a daze.

Didnt you say you would do anything?

A cold reply came back.

Seol Jihu unwittingly turned around and looked back. He could see Phi Sora standing nervously in the corner. Her pupils were shaking, and her lips were sealed shut. It was apparent that she was anxious.

She should not have understood the exact meaning of what Seo Yuhui said, but she must have read the situation and understood the general idea.

When her eyes met Seo Yuhuis, she instinctively protected her stomach and took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Seol Jihu made up his mind.


Seol Jihu looked back at Seo Yuhui.

I cant do that. Id rather be the one to die.

A heavy silence filled the air like a huge boulder crus.h.i.+ng down on everything in the atmosphere. After ten minutes, that seemed like ten hours


Seo Yuhui heaved out the breath she had been holding in.

We cant do that. Dying or killing. In the end.

She unexpectedly retracted her previous statement.

Seol Jihu did a double-take. Right, there was no way that was what Seo Yuhui really wanted. She was a benevolent and merciful person by nature. There was no way she could do something like killing an innocent baby. She must have wanted him to know what she was feeling on the inside.

Realizing this, Seol Jihu didnt know what to do. In the end, he could only lower his head back down.


Tok, tok.

Seo Yuhui sighed while tapping her arm with her finger. She then spoke.

For now leave.

Seol Jihu raised his head.

I dont want to see your face right now. I dont care if you go to that world or your parents place, so just leave this house.

Simply put, she was saying she did not want him anywhere around her.

Seol Jihus pupils shook.


I need to talk to Miss Phi Sora privately. I also need some time to think.

Why not


Seo Yuhuis eyes flashed. Seol Jihu froze like a frog in front of a snake.

Oh wait, this is your place. Alright, should I leave then?

No, uh.

At that moment, Seol Jihu felt a slight nudge on his back. Phi Sora was standing behind him before he noticed.

Looking down at him with furrowed brows, she nodded her head faintly. Seol Jihu understood this gesture as Phi Sora saying she was okay and that he should listen to Seo Yuhui.


Seol Jihu slowly got up. He looked back at Seo Yuhui and Phi Sora before staggering toward the door.

After the door closed behind him, he did not leave and moved to the wall and strained his ear. He was worried Seo Yuhui would start bullying Phi Sora.

Didnt I tell you to leave?

However, Seo Yuhui immediately noticed and yelled, and Seol Jihu ran off in a hurry.

This is serious.

Phi Sora gasped inwardly.

Just who was Seo Yuhui? She babied Seol Jihu even when all the female members of Valhalla raised objections. Seeing someone who always spoiled Seol Jihu being like this, Phi Sora couldnt help but be nervous.

Seo Yuhui slicked her hair back. Lifting her chin, she stared straight at the awkwardly standing Phi Sora.

At that moment, Phi Sora reflexively looked away. She didnt have the confidence to meet her eyes.

At that instant, Phi Sora was afraid of Seo Yuhui. More so than when she was facing the Parasite Queen.

I, Im sorry.

Unable to bear the tension, Phi Sora forced out a couple of words.

I didnt know this would happen. Though, Im sure it sounds like an excuse to you.

Phi Sora lowered her head.

I know Im in no position to say this, but I understand how you feel. If I were you, I would have flipped out and thrown a fit about getting an abortion.


Ill do whatever you say. If you want me to disappear forever, I will. Both from this country and that world.


So please, dont make me lose my.

Phi Sora couldnt finish her sentence.

After a brief moment of silence

...Even if you say that.

Seo Yuhui spoke up.

I doubt Jihu will just stand by.

Thats something I can

No, thats not possible. The power of fate, known as Seol Jihu, isnt something anyone can stop.

Seo Yuhuis cold voice rang out.

I know it couldnt be helped And youre right. The baby inside you is innocent.

She continued in a suppressed voice.

Fine, if thats the mindset you have, I wont tell you to disappear from our lives forever.

Phi Sora widened her eyes in surprise. She couldnt tell if she misheard her.

Dont misunderstand.

Seo Yuhuis tone changed.

I have no intention of letting go of Jihu.

Seo Yuhui glared at Phi Sora and brought the handbag she dropped in front of the door. Then, she took out a slender stick from inside.


Phi Sora jumped in a startle. It was because the stick in Seo Yuhuis hand was a pregnancy test. Phi Sora also saw two straight lines drawn in the center.

You too?

Its only obvious.

Seo Yuhui replied calmly.

We did it so many times and never used protection.


He shouldnt know. I havent told him yet.

Seo Yuhui bit her lower lip.

I was planning on surprising him this week while bringing up the topic of us living together.

Dear G.o.d! Phi Sora pressed her forehead. It was just too much of a coincidence. Now, she began to understand this ridiculous fate a little more.

The important thing isnt this.

Seo Yuhui slumped down on her seat.

Ill be straightforward.

She uncrossed her arms and placed her hand on her chest.

I will be the lawfully wedded wife.


Im not joking.

Seo Yuhui spoke in a clear voice as if she had thought about this already.

On Earth, while everyone is watching, I will get married to Jihu. The one Jihu introduces to his parents, no, his entire family will be me. He will introduce me as his wife and my kids as his children.


As I said before, I wont tell you to disappear from our lives. But if you dont plan on leaving, you will have to give birth to your child and raise him or her here.


If you cant promise me this, Im going to have to ask Jihu to choose between us.

Seo Yuhuis voice was resolute as if this was one thing she would not relent.

Phi Sora groaned. What could she say though? Phi Sora was someone who could put herself in others shoes. And she knew she would never be able to say the same words if she were in Seo Yuhuis position.


Phi Sora dropped her head.

Im grateful.

You promised. Later, if you say something else, then I really.

Yes. I understand

Phi Sora slowly raised her head. Then, she smiled sadly.

But still. Thank you.

She spoke in a feeble voice.

I was actually worried I would have to raise my kid without a father. I guess I wont have to worry about that anymore.

Seo Yuhuis complexion softened slightly. She felt bad seeing the usually headstrong Phi Sora murmuring with her arms around her stomach.

Seo Yuhui was a kind person by nature.

...Im saying thats what we should do for now.

Seo Yuhui smiled bitterly.

As you know, Miss Phi Sora, the situation between that world and Earth is different.

Of course, I know.

We can put our heads together and think about what to do in the future. The situation might change too if Jihu changes his mind and decides to tell his family about the secret.

Seo Yuhui sighed again. She lost count of how many times she had sighed today.

...Hows the baby?

The atmosphere lightened up slightly.

Have you gone to the hospital?

Ah, yes, I went with Jihu today. The doctor confirmed that I was pregnant. What about you, Miss Yuhui?

Ive been pregnant for a few weeks too. The doctor said the babys healthy.

Seo Yuhui pointed at the chair next to her.

Phi Sora carefully sat down.

Anyway, youre incredible, Miss Yuhui.

What do you mean?

I know Im in no position to say this, but are you really okay with it?

Seo Yuhui chuckled at Phi Soras words.

Im human too. Of course, Im not okay with it.



Seo Yuhui glanced at the front door with a complicated gaze.

Even if I try to hate him.

Perhaps because of Future Vision, several emotions were now mixed in a jumble.

No, it wasnt just because of Future Vision.

When she thought about how Seol Jihu knowingly sacrificed himself to send her back safely.

To be honest, Im not in any position to say anything either.

Seo Yuhui smacked her lips.

Though I dont necessarily agree, Im sure that person sees me as a thieving cat as well. I guess you can say I got what I deserved.

That person?

Phi Sora tilted her head.

Oh, theres something I need to tell you, Miss Phi Sora.

Seo Yuhui changed the subject.

It might sound like everythings settled but dont think it will end with just the two of us.


Phi Sora blinked.


After returning to Paradise, Seol Jihu entered the Path of the Soul.

Black Seol Jihu immediately praised him, saying Seol Jihu was better than himself.

In the current situation, it was clear who the victim and the perpetrator were. This was easy to see just by changing places. Though Seo Yuhui definitely said it in a fit of anger, what would happen if she really came back pregnant with another mans child? Would Seol Jihu be able to forgive her and accept her back?

Just thinking about it made his heart ache and his stomach churn.

Right, Seo Yuhui getting angry was natural. And she had every right to decide how to proceed going forward.

However, Black Seol Jihu could not do that for her. Unable to endure the guilt, he broke up with Seo Yuhui one-sidedly and ran away.

Left with no one to lash out at and no choice to make, Seo Yuhui had been struck with a tremendous shock. Setting everything aside, the trust she had in Seol Jihu as a human being crumbled down. It took Black Seol Jihu tens of years to rebuild this lost trust.

At the very least, the current Seol Jihu did not make the same mistake he had. He sought forgiveness immediately and waited for his punishment. Though he might not have done the right thing as a lover, he had at least done the right thing as a human being.

Of course, that didnt mean he had anything to be proud of. As Black Seol Jihu rightly said, all that did was turn him into less of a son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h.

[I know I sound like a broken record, but be good to Yuhui. Make her your number one priority. Itll be easier if you just pretend youre dead.]

That was Black Seol Jihus advice.

Seol Jihu swore to follow this advice once again. That no matter what Seo Yuhui decided, he would make sure something like this never happens again.

He was determined to get a vasectomy as soon as he returned to Earth.

[Haha! Thats probably one of the most normal methods you could have thought of. But do you really think I wouldnt have tried the same thing?]

Of course, Black Seol Jihu laughed at him, saying it was a futile effort.

[Three times. I had that surgery three times, yet I still got girls pregnant.]

[The doctor said I should just accept my fate, saying that these children were gifts of heaven.]

[I went mad once and tried to cut it off, but Yuhui practically risked her life to stop me. She said she couldnt allow that no matter what.]


After spending a day in Paradise, Seol Jihu went to work at Seol Jihu Ramen?.

He did not plan to go home for a while or more precisely, until Seo Yuhui allowed him back.

I wonder how long it will take.

Seol Jihu collected his mind while preparing for the days business when


He jumped in a startle at the sound of the door opening.

He saw Seo Yuhui walking in through the door, followed by Phi Sora.

Oh, you were already getting ready? Youre early today~

Seo Yuhui spoke as she usually did and went into the kitchen to change.

Seol Jihu stood in a daze while blankly staring at Seo Yuhui, who was preparing the ingredients.


Lets see~ What should I start with?

Seol Jihu repeatedly hesitated on what to say. It kind of seemed like Seo Yuhui was pretending the whole thing never happened. Still, this wasnt something he could just gloss over and forget.


Steeling his mind, Seol Jihu called Seo Yuhui in a low voice.

At the same time, Seo Yuhui stopped moving.

...I had a long talk with Miss Phi Sora last night.

Sighing lightly, Seo Yuhui spoke while taking out a knife.

We can talk about the details after todays work. For now, just know that Miss Phi Sora will continue living in your apartment. And also.

Seo Yuhui took a brief pause before continuing.

Ill also be moving in within a day or so. I already have my things packed, so wait in front of Building 102 with your car.

Seol Jihus jaw dropped open. He doubted his ears, unable to believe what he just heard.

After standing at a loss for what to do for a long time, he turned to Phi Sora.

Phi Sora shrugged and then gave a strange smile.

Oh, also.

Seo Yuhui continued while chopping the green onions with the knife. Her face was expressionless as if she wasnt affected at all.

We need to talk later tonight. Theres something I need to tell you.

Something you need to tell me?

...Dont worry.

Seo Yuhui smiled.

Im not going to tell you to break up with me. But Im sure youll be surprised.


Seol Jihus eyes tinged red. He could tell Seo Yuhui had forgiven him, but the guilt he felt did not go away.

Seo Yuhui was speaking affectionately as always, but she surely must not be the same internally. No matter how dense Seol Jihu was, he at least understood that she was saying so with heavy heart and grit.

Im sorry.


Ill be better. I wont make the same mistake again, so!

Seol Jihu ran into Seo Yuhuis embrace. Though he said so sincerely, Seo Yuhui did not seem to trust him at all. She only let out an empty chuckle and patted his head.

I dont expect that much but at least try to cut the number down by half. Then Ill acknowledge your effort.

It almost looked like she was resigned to her fate.

Phi Sora smacked her lips while seeing Seol Jihu burning with eagerness. She was happy that everything worked out, but she was still in a state of shock with what she heard last night.

Seo Yuhui had told her to steel her heart. Seol Jihus decision to take Phi Sora in would make others, who were eyeing for an opportunity, reveal their teeth one by one.

Not one, not two, but eight? Is that even possible?

Just as she thought so


The front door opened.

h.e.l.lo! I came to play?

Teresa, who came in energetically, blinked rapidly.

The sobbing Seol Jihu, Seo Yuhuis slightly sunken expression as she embraced him, and the awkward-looking Phi Sora standing to the side. Sensing the odd air flowing between the three, Teresa also made a strange face.


That day, Teresa volunteered to be a waitress and observed the three of them carefully.

When the restaurant closed, she followed Phi Sora, who said she had somewhere to go and dragged her to the kitchen.

What are you doing?

Eii, dont be like that. Just tell me~

Tell you what?

Come on. I can tell something has happened. You know Im quick when it comes to things like this, right? Its about love, isnt it?

Love? More like morning drama about an affair.

Oho, a morning drama about an affair.

Teresa tenaciously tried to pry information out of her.

Youre not going to hide it forever, are you?

...I know its not possible, but.

Then hurry up and tell me! It looks like everyones going to find out soon anyway. Who cares if you tell me a little earlier?


And who knows? Maybe I can help you.

Unable to withstand Teresas pestering, Phi Sora spoke reluctantly.

So there was a Neutral Zone reunion not too long ago.

Okay, and?

Rather than wanting any help, she just wanted to get it out of her system. Though the important thing was that Teresa was interested in something else entirely.

And in the end.

My, my, how? His physical level is nothing to joke at.

This was on Earth, not Paradise. Dont you know Earthlings physical levels get restricted when they go back?

Ah, right. But it still shouldnt have been easy.

Its the d.a.m.ned alcohol.

Ah, alcohol.

The smile on Teresas face thickened. She looked like she had just found the solution to a long, troubling problem.

I see, Jihu is weak to alcohol.

Teresas eyes gleamed.

It seemed Seol Jihus women problem was only just starting.