The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 381. Spring, the Season That Flowers Bloom 3

Chapter 381. Spring, the Season That Flowers Bloom 3

Seol Jihu came back.

The position of Valhallas representative, which had been empty for eight months, was filled once again.

This news was immediately delivered to all members, including those working outside the building.

As a result, Seol Jihu was quickly surrounded by his comrades, who came running from downstairs after hearing the news.

Hes back! Seol is back!

Hugo picked Seol Jihu up and rejoiced like a kid.

Iya~ Look at your shoulder and back muscles. Did you go and get steroids for eight months?

Chohong expressed her awe while constantly rubbing and fondling Seol Jihus wide, hard back.

Welcome back, Representative.

Marcel Ghionea greeted him with his usual monotonous voice.

Oppa~ Sorry to ask you when you just got here, but can you lend me some money? Its kind of urgent.

Maria put her hands out while asking in a nasal voice.

Come ooonnn! If you came back, you should have gone around and said something! Its not like youve been gone a month or two. Its been eight whole months!

Phi Sora was still complaining.

The quiet building quickly became noisy.

Seol Jihu quietly smiled inside all the ruckus and looked around.

He had been longing for this scenery for seven years.

The loneliness he felt after Black Seol Jihu left seemed to subside slightly.

Where have you been, did you get stronger, do you have any money on you? Seol Jihu answered the never-ending questions one by one.

How can you say, have you eaten?, so nonchalantly!? Shouldnt it be, have you been well? I almost got fooled!

Seol Jihus eyes met the grumbling Phi Soras.

He suddenly put down his silverware and winked at her.

Phi Sora stopped talking with a fl.u.s.tered expression.

Jang Maldong, who was standing back and watching the warm reunion with a smile, cleared his throat after seeing Seol Jihu eyeing him.

What are yall doing so early in the morning?

Haah? Cant you see? Seols back, so were saying hi. Isnt that obvious?

Well, keep it to a minimum. Cant you see that you forced him to put his silverware down? Even a dog wouldnt bother someone whos eating.

Were just curious! Arent you curious too, old man?

Dont talk back to me. You can say your h.e.l.los later. Cant you see that hes eating after coming back early in the morning? Look at the shadows under his eyes! Throw him a warm welcoming party in the evening and let him be for now.

Ah, now that you mention it, he does seem a little tired.

Chohong was quickly convinced by Jang Maldong.

Right, and welcoming parties need alcohol! Seol, you better come tonight! Hugo, Maria, follow me.

Yeess! Tonight, we drink til we die!!


As Chohong began to rush downstairs, Hugo followed after her jubilantly. Maria responded in a lukewarm manner and went after them as well.

The trio, who couldnt live without alcohol, left.

Its not even noon. Just how much are they planning to buy?

Seol Jihu smiled bitterly.

With the three loudest members leaving, the cafeteria quickly regained its serenity.

Only Jang Maldong and Phi Sora were left talking to him.

Thank you. I didnt mind it all that much, but I guess it was a little uncomfortable because its been a while.

Seol Jihu said with a smile.

I dont blame you. I see them every day and Im still not used to it.

Jang Maldong also laughed.


While a warm atmosphere flowed between the master and the disciple, Phi Sora spoke indifferently.

Why did you wink at me? You better not ask me out on a date, saying we havent met in a while.

Phi Sora put down her foot, having suffered from Seol Jihus manipulations multiple times already.


Seol Jihu looked around at the few members that were still in the cafeteria, eating, and then spoke.

Should we move to a quieter place?

The three of them then left the cafeteria and moved to Team 1s office.

I heard that you introduced Seol-Ah to the Federation.

Seol Jihu brought up the matter that he was curious about the most.

Ah, you mean Yis.h.i.+no Seolara?


Yep. I asked Mister Marcel Ghionea to help her form a contract with a Spirit.

Phi Sora giggled.

But dont misunderstand. I didnt help her because I like her or anything. There was your request, and I also just thought it was a waste of valuable talent.

Seol Jihu gave Phi Sora an odd look as she acted like a typical tsundere.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Nothing. So, are Sungjin and Seol-Ah back yet?

Yi Sungjin is in the middle of an expedition, and Yis.h.i.+no Seolara came back a week ago.

Why are you mixing Seol-Ahs name with Miss Hos.h.i.+no Urara?

Youll know once you see her. Its kind of hard to believe. I wonder just what she learned in the Federation to have become like that Though, its much better than the victim cosplay she used to do before.

Phi Sora smacked her lips.

The way Seol Jihu understood it, it sounded like Yi Seol-Ah was Hos.h.i.+no Urara-fied.

For such a kind, soft-spoken girl to become a madwoman it was indeed hard to believe.

Well, it looks like she had some gains.

Phi Sora continued.

I guess you can say shes finally like an Archer now. She seemed pretty skilled at handling her Spirit, and she also rose to Level 4. She might even become a High Ranker soon.

A High Ranker? Really?

To be more precise, I heard she was given a free pa.s.s for the High Ranker examination. Her spending more than half a year in the Hiral Mountain Range counted as a valuable contribution apparently.

Seol Jihu unknowingly exclaimed.

Although he had never been to the Hiral Mountain Range, he knew it was a dangerous place where scuffles against the Parasites were common.

She must have constantly fought the Parasites while working as a scout in that region, so her receiving a free pa.s.s wasnt so hard to accept.

I could tell she went through a lot while she was there. Anyway, it sounded like she had enough contribution points and only needed more experience points

Phi Sora trailed off in the middle of her explanation.

Seol Jihu and Phi Sora simultaneously turned toward the door.

Speaking of the devil, the closed door opened with a clunk.

Next, an unusual storm charged into the room.

O, ra, beo, niiiim!

Seol Jihus eyes widened.

He could see a teenage girl, who received the news late, running toward him.

No, she was floating above the ground, stirring up winds by kicking the air and quite literally flying at him.

Didnt I tell you to stop using your Spirit inside the building!?

Phi Sora shouted.

Yi Seol-Ah rushed into the room, ignoring Phi Sora completely, and then came to a sudden stop.

Dancing in the air, she looked down at Seol Jihu.

Hes the real one!

Whis.h.!.+ She shot down in an instant and hugged him.

Seol Jihu flinched.

Her past long black hair was nowhere to be found, and he saw short hair that only half-covered her neck.

Im not kidding, Aura!

Yi Seol-Ah shouted into the empty air.

This is him! This is my Orabeo-nim! Representative Seol!

However, Seol Jihu could clearly sense a foreign ma.s.s of energy in the air.

It twisted its body bashfully and stealthily hid behind Yi Seol-Ah. Though it acted cute and child-like, it gave off a rather powerful energy.

Though Seol Jihu did not stay inside the Spirit Realm for long, he had not come across such a powerful Spirit other than the Spirit Kings.

What do you mean youre embarra.s.sed? Youve been wanting to see him since forever, asking me when hes coming back everyday Huh? You want me to be quiet because youre embarra.s.sed? You need time to compose yourself? You want to start by writing a letter? Am I crazy? I should shut up?

Yi Seol-Ah advertised Auras words to the whole world in a rich, fruity voice.

Seol Jihu chuckled before suddenly furrowing brows.


Okay, okay! Im sorry! Dont say youre gonna pack up and leave Huh?

Yi Seol-Ah quickly turned to Seol Jihu, who was pointing at the girls face.


Oh, this?

Yi Seol-Ah rubbed the back end of her hair and smiled cheerfully.

I cut it short because it was getting in the way in fights. What do you think? This suits me too, right?

It did suit her. It highlighted her cheerful, sweet smile well. The way it gave the impression of liveliness, she seemed like a pretty boy as well.

But the problem wasnt with her hairstyle.

Your eye.

There was a long scar cutting across her left eye.


Quickly falling silent, Yi Seol-Ah gently rubbed her left eye and then smiled.

Well it was the price of lowering my guard. Huu. When it rains this scar stings a bit

Dont start that again.

Phi Sora cut in, unable to stand watching her give the same cringey speech.

Yi Seol-Ah giggled.

Its really nothing though. I got it while I was fighting an Evil Phantom.

Seol Jihu doubted his ears.

Evil Phantom? You fought an Evil Phantom?

Yep. Tang! A gunshot sound suddenly rang out, and then my eyes started burning Thankfully, the first shot missed because of Aura. And then Taitaitai Unni came to save me right away.

This Taitaitai Unni seemed to be the Fairy General, Taihi Ingraria, but Seol Jihu decided to gloss over that for now.

Shouldnt you get it treated? Scars get harder to erase the longer they stay with you.

I know, but I want to keep it.


To be honest, it hasnt been that long since I got this scar. Was it a week before I came back? It was when I was feeling confident and content with my strength.

Yi Seol-Ah smiled bitterly.

I was too excited that I was playing around and got hurt when I could have avoided it. I thought about getting rid of it, but then I remember that incident every time I look at the mirror and think, Ah, the Parasites really arent easy to deal with. I shouldnt have fooled around like that back then

So it seemed Yi Seol-Ah wanted to keep the scar as a reminder not to make the same mistake.

Seol Jihu nodded his head in approval. Since this was what she herself wished for, he didnt see the need to force her or convince her otherwise.

But this scar actually has its good point.

Yi Seol-Ah bent her knees slightly and then hopped up.

Using the air as a chair, she lifted her right leg and slowly crossed it over her left thigh. She lowered her head in a 45-degree angle, crossed her arms, and then gave a seductive wink.

What do you think?


Isnt it kind of sensual? Like it feels dangerous, but in an alluring, provocative way~

Oh G.o.d, Phi Soras sigh rang out.

Keuk, A laughter escaped Seol Jihus mouth. He clenched his teeth and nodded his head.

Right, it was s.e.xy. But it was an adorable, lovable s.e.xiness.

Hey, cant you see that were talking?

Phi Sora spoke in an annoyed tone.

Come on, I havent seen him in ages. I want to talk to him more!

Do it later. An ordinary member shouldnt be barging into the office when the representative is talking with the adviser and a team leader!

Meh! You bully!

What was that?

Okay, fine! Ill leave!

The self-proclaimed, s.e.xy Seol-Ah pouted. She floated back down and then slammed something down on the desk.

Eat this!

Whats this? A fruit?

Phi Sora raised her eyebrow after rummaging through the bag she placed on the desk. It was filled with her favorite fruit from Paradise.

I bought some on my way back from my morning jog. Shouldnt high-ranking people have some refreshments while they talk? How can you be so thoughtless?

Are you hearing yourself right now? Why would you buy this?

Dont misunderstand. I didnt buy them to give them to you. They just caught my attention.

Seeing this exchange, Seol Jihu and Jang Maldong laughed quietly. The way she was chattering with an indifferent expression, it was obvious who she was imitating.


Phi Sora seemed to be at a loss for words because of it.

Yi Seol-Ah turned her head with a hmph and then clapped her hands after seeing Seol Jihu.

Orabeo-nim! Lets have a race later!

Sure. Are you confident?

Huhu, Ill show you the true power of s.e.xy Provocative Seol-Ah. The loser has to grant 5,000 wishes to the winner!

Bang! Yi Seol-Ah shot Seol Jihu with a finger gun before winking at him and flying out of the room.

The storm left just as quickly as it rushed in.

Do you see why I call her Yis.h.i.+no Seolara?

Phi Sora gritted her teeth as soon as the door closed behind her.

Seol Jihu had no choice but to agree.

Bubbly like a sparkling soda. That would be how Seol Jihu would describe the current Yi Seol-Ah. Though she was a little too bubbly, it was far better than being flat.

Anyway, you winked at me just to ask about Seol-Ah and Sungjin?

That wasnt the case. While that was one of the things Seol Jihu wanted to check up on, his real goal was something else.

I have a favor to ask.

Now that his curiosity had been satisfied, Seol Jihu cut to the chase.

Can you spar with me one more time?

Phi Sora paused while shuffling through the fruits. She then raised her eyes as she slowly picked out a fruit.

The first thing you want to do after coming back from your training is to show off your strength? Why, are you confident in winning now?

Im not trying to get revenge or anything.

Seol Jihu shook his head.

I want the same condition as before. Fighting without using mana.

Phi Sora furrowed her brows. Jang Maldong let out a surprised grunt as well.

This made his favor rather intriguing.

No one knew exactly where Seol Jihu had been for the past eight months. Even how long he had been there and what exactly he had been doing were a mystery.

The only person who had an idea was Baek Haeju. Kim Hannah and the others only knew that Seol Jihu had gone to use the Divine Stigmata.


Jang Maldong was worried as he didnt know anything about the Divine Stigmata. Because the current Phi Sora was several times stronger than the past.

Time was fair to everyone.

Phi Sora did not just sit around during the eight months that Seol Jihu was gone. She spent the majority of the time training in Mount Peleoms volcanic region, and Jang Maldong had also guided her with all his heart.

The result of her hard work was revealed not long ago.

As such, Jang Maldong judged Phi Sora to be the strongest member among Valhallas official members.

She was far out of Chung Chohongs reach, and there was a chance that she would not lose to Hos.h.i.+no Urara either.

He didnt know how much Seol Jihu improved during this time, but he did not think Phi Sora would lose in a battle of technique that left out the use of mana.

Did you make some gains?

Grandpa, wait.

Just as Jang Maldong carefully asked, Phi Sora raised her hand and asked.

Why me?

Because Miss Phi Sora is the only one.

Why not Chohong or Hos.h.i.+no Urara?

They wont do. I wanted to ask Miss Baek Haeju, but shes not around. Thats why Im asking you.

Because Miss Baek Haeju isnt here? Hah.

Phi Sora let out a chuckle.

Did he say that knowing what position Baek Haeju held within Paradise?

You know you sound really arrogant right now.

While I was cultivating

Feeling that more explanation was in order, Seol Jihu said.

I thought about you from time to time.

Me? Why?

Phi Sora blinked with a somewhat uneasy look.

Because the more I thought about it, the more amazing you seemed.


Didnt you reach an independent realm without anyones help?

Well yes, if youre talking about One With the Sword. Its not something you can learn by having someone teach it to you.

Right, and you achieved that on your own! This time, I learned just how amazing that really is. I even got a new-found respect for you. Thats why I want to fight you one more time.

Seol Jihu carried himself with gravitas while sounding completely serious. He didnt seem to be joking at all.

From Phi Soras perspective, the hero of Paradise was directly expressing his respect for her as a martial artist.

Er, well, if you put it that way. Though I might be a little dumb, I guess I am pretty talented with swords

She sounded calm and unfazed, but her nose was already reaching the height of Eiffel Tower.

But she wasnt necessarily wrong.

Phi Soras apt.i.tude was Brilliant and Pa.s.sionate. These two traits were specialized for battle and swordsmans.h.i.+p.

Alright, I guess its okay. Ive been wanting to test my techniques, which have been optimized for Level 6, anyways. Im also curious how strong youve gotten.

Phi Sora fiddled with the fruit excitedly. Then

Oh yeah.

She gave a sharp look.

You know I dont go easy, right?

Seol Jihu nodded silently. He then spoke with a light bow.

Please take care of me.


Phi Sora got up and then brought the fruit to her mouth.

Crunch. After taking a bite, she puffed out her cheeks and pointed to the door.

Lets go.

1. He specifically uses the word cultivating rather than training.