The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 258. - . Fox, O Fox (4)

Chapter 258. - . Fox, O Fox (4)

Chapter 258. Fox, O Fox (4)

Yang Yang.

He was the head of an organization that made up the Eva alliance, an Earthling that represented one of the four Weaks of Evas forces, and a close friend of Omar Garcia. This was all thanks to Yang Yangs creed of doing anything if paid properly and Omar Garcias interests often coinciding.

Actually, it wasnt an exaggeration to say that it was Omar Garcia who raised Yang Yangs authority and elevated him to be the representative of the 4 Weaks.

Omar Garcia called him today for a similar reason.

I originally didnt intend to go this far.

Omar Garcia calmly spoke.

Carpe Diem, Seol Jihu, and the Triads. It didnt seem like a bad idea to draw them in as allies at first. I considered kindly forgetting the past and even gifting them the territory that the Royal Pattaya was in charge of. It looked like itd make a magnificent picture.

Yang Yang smirked.

Youre too generous.

Its not too bad to gain a figurehead after all. Thats what I thought but Ive been getting second thoughts lately.

Theyre making too much of a mess. There have been a lot of complaints within the alliance because of them.

Theres a limit to everything. Bluntly put, they must view us as pushovers. Otherwise Tsk.

Omar Garcia clicked his tongue and continued in a subdued voice.

What do you think?

Are you planning to drive them out?

The correct phrase would be to serve them retribution. In any case, it seems that Ill need to borrow your helping hand this time. You wont be disappointed with the payment.

Ill have to refuse, sir.

Yang Yang flatly declined without hearing the rest of what Omar Garcia had to say. Omar Garcias eyebrows twitched.

I wasnt done talking.

Please dont demand ridiculous requests. Im not that eager to walk into my own grave.

Yang Yang, Im not asking you to declare war on them. You just need to give them a taste of their own medicine.

That sounds like the same thing to me. What do you expect me to do when even the alliance cant do anything to them

What if Seol Jihu left Eva?

Yang Yangs eyes narrowed.

Excuse me?

The royal family lent us a hand. Carpe Diem is going to dispatch several members to complete an escort mission to the Federation.

So in other words

Yang Yang suspiciously asked.

You want me to ambush them while their main force is absent?

Now were talking.

Omar Garcia smiled as he continued.

You dont need to think things too hard. Quietly sneak attack them early in the morning and then quietly retreat after youre done. Burn down the entire area, building and all, so there wont be a trace of evidence left.

Well thats what weve always done, but

Yang Yang pondered. It theoretically wasnt an impossible task.

There would be only non-combatant High Rankers remaining if Carpe Diems main force left. Granted, there would be an Executor, but it was an open secret that Seo Yuhui lost her ability as an aftermath of the war. Since there were only one or two low-levels excluding her

He had dismissed the thought as a ridiculous notion at first, but after reaching that point in thought, a perverse desire arose within Yang Yang.

The Daughter of Luxuria.

A flower that even Sung s.h.i.+hyun failed to pluck. He would be lying if he said it didnt tug at his interests.

I have a few questions I want to ask.

Go ahead.

How are you planning to deal with the Triads? Unless theyre fools, theyll definitely request protection from them.

I knew youd asked. Actually, I secretly met with the Triads not a while ago.

Omar Garcia spoke as if it was all within his expectations.

I noticed that the Triads had always bided their time, restraining themselves. So, I spoke with them out of a hunch, and my guesses were spot on.

Is that true?

Youll know when you see it.

Dont be like that and please tell me. Arent I the one wholl be doing the work? I need to know the situation to come up with a plan.

Seeing Yang Yang show great interest, Omar Garcia relented and proceeded to explain.

Its simple. The Triads agreed to send four to five hired-thugs.

Why thugs

Listen. What well do is.

This was Omar Garcias scheme:

Hao Win would send hired thugs dressed like members of the Triads and have them pick a fight with Ochoa Cartel members at a pub.

Brawls at a pub is a normal occurrence, isnt it?


It would be nothing special at first. However, once someone takes out a weapon, it cant be treated as a trivial fight anymore.

Are you purposely intending to stir up a scene?

Yes. Were going to send members from our cartel and the Dongchun Merchants. Of course, make sure youre present with members of your organization too. Send just enough to prove you were there at the scene.

Just like that, all the organizations under the Eva Alliance would rush to the pub, followed by the members of the Triad that would be guarding the Carpe Diem building.

Yang Yang scoffed hearing the strategy.

Is there really a need to go this far?

This guy. We have to take the Triads position into account. Reputation is a factor that cant be ignored for organizations.

Things would be too suspicious if the Triads conveniently withdrew all their members in a timely manner without any reason. That was why they would create a situation that would force them to abandon the buildings security.

That wasnt all.

The Eva Alliance would be the first one to be suspected if they launched an attack against Carpe Diem. However, if they created a scene by fighting against the Triads, they could create an alibi for themselves. Furthermore, it would be difficult to identify exactly who was present when the brawl happened.

Once the situation is set up, the royal familys attention will be focused on the pub. You take that moment to ambush Carpe Diem. You just need to give me a call once youre done with the task.

What happens then?

Hao Win and I will appear when the situation escalates to the verge of exploding. Then Ill apologize first, ending the situation, and we all go home.

I understand what you mean. But what do we do when Carpe Diems main force returns? Do we stay still?

What can they do if they cant find the culprit? Theres no lack of Earthlings that were dissatisfied with how they destroyed the red-light district. We just need to push the blame. Everything will settle down in time.

Well Judging by their actions up to now, they might try to raze us down to the ground

Then we have to thank them instead. Theyd be giving us justification to take action. After all, internal conflict is forbidden within the city without legitimate reasons. If that happens, it wont be just the Eva Alliance but the royal family that will move as well. Weve already talked things through.

Yang Yang couldnt help marvel at Omar Garcias attention to minute details as he smoothly answered his worries.

Youve already thought that far. Youre really determined this time, arent you?

Theres a limit to my patience. Ive already shown them mercy. Now I have to show them that Im not someone they can trifle with.

Yang Yang nodded his head, agreeing with him.

So how is it? Are you confident now?

Well If everythings as youve said, then its more than possible. Youve already laid out a mat for me.

Good! Then


Yang Yang interrupted him and lifted three fingers.

Ill do it if you listen to three of my requests.

Really. This guy.

Its nothing other than making things clear.

Yang Yang snickered hearing Omar Garcia grumble.

First, Ill carry out the mission only after I confirm Seol Jihu has left Eva. In other words, I get to decide when to execute the plan.

It doesnt matter.

The second is on similar lines too. Ill commence only when the Triads completely leave the building.

Thats a given.

And for the third Id like to borrow a High Ranker.

Omar Garcia gazed at him instead of immediately replying. Anger flashed across his face before quickly disappearing.

Youve changed a lot too. Where did your bravado of doing anything for money go?

I dont want to die. Of course, Ill be selecting only the elites of my organization to go with me, but dont I also need to leave some at the pub for our alibi? Also, theres no guarantee that all of Carpe Diems main force will be leaving.

You want insurance, huh. Thats good. Ill send Oliver Rogers with you.

No. Id like to take Noah Freya-nim.


If Oliver Rogers-nim comes Well be forced to share.


Omar Garcia questioned him with an inquiring face, but soon sent him a strange gaze.

Now that I think about it.

Ive researched a little on my own, and theres Miss Foxy and another pretty girl. But above all, theres the Daughter of Luxuria

Yang Yang trailed off his words and giggled. It was a peal of dirty and perverse laughter.

Dont say no. Its not an opportunity that comes often.

Jeez, fine, do whatever you want.

Omar Garcia guffawed.

Its good to have some fun if youre going to kill them anyway, but dont screw up.

Dont worry, you know my personality. Ill quickly kill everyone that needs to be killed and get out after burning the whole place down, building and all. And then Ill drag her out and Hehe!

As if he was excited just thinking about it, Yang Yangs face became filled with l.u.s.t. Omar Garcias eyes also sparkled.

Im suddenly beginning to envy you.

Feel free to drop by when the work is done. Well probably still be in the bas.e.m.e.nt sharing a heated moment You might even have to wait in line!

Look at this guy talk. Good! Itll be a scene worth watching.

Im already getting aroused. Theres Miss Foxy, too, but doing the Paradises legend with my very own hands Hehehehe!

Dark laughter rang out of the room for a long time.


Meanwhile, a tripart.i.te talk was underway at the Carpe Diem building.

There were two notable points.

One was that Seol Jihu was nowhere in sight and the other was that one of the parties was partic.i.p.ating through a communication crystal.

There was no way Seol Jihu was aware of this since Kim Hannah convened the meeting in secret while he was busy preparing for the escort mission to the Federation.


Jang Maldong murmured to himself while sitting on the couch with a disapproving face.


Kim Hannah spoke with a firm voice.

I know what youre thinking about this as. But Jihu needs to be punished at least once.

That guy doesnt even have a clue as to what hes done wrong this time.

I dont really know why we need to go this far.

Jang Maldong spoke in a tired voice.

Jihu is a boy without a sense of ent.i.tlement. You can tell by watching him unable to grasp how great of a feat it was when he took down Undying Diligence.

I know. He doesnt have a bad personality.

Kim Hannah continued.

And as you said, he doesnt have a sense of ent.i.tlement. But he harbors a victim mentality.

Victim mentality?

Jang Maldongs gaze grew sharp. His expression plainly asked whether she was done talking.

However, Kim Hannah did not falter and resolutely continued.

Since youve been with him for a long time, even you must be aware that Jihu is excessively immersed in Paradise. Its not an exaggeration to say that hes treating this place equal to his own life.

He suddenly becomes a different person altogether when certain incidents happen. This was the first time Ive personally witnessed it, but you must have seen it a couple of times already.

Jang Maldong shut his mouth at those words.

Because of how he doted on Seol Jihu, he wanted to defend Seol Jihu like he normally did, but his mouth did not open easily.

It was because Jang Maldong had also seen and felt the same way several times before.

Hes gone too far, especially after coming to Eva Jihus probably thinking of every Earthling besides himself as potential threats to Paradise.

Even if hes thinking that way, hes not entirely wrong.

Youre right, hes not. But not everyones like that. Just in our team alone, theres you and Miss Seo Yuhui.

I dont think its a bad idea to go along with Miss Foxys idea this one time.

Hao Win, who had been silently listening in this whole time, expressed his opinion.

Seol is already as drunk as he can be. He doesnt think so himself, but he isnt even looking at the people around him. If he takes another step further from this, he wont even be able to look at himself anymore for sure.

Hao Win concluded his words, emphasizing the end.

I understand what youre saying, but the leader of this team is still Seol Jihu.

Jang Maldong spoke with difficulty.

What Miss Kim Hannah is trying to do can be seen as overstepping her authority. Im worried about this part.

Im aware of that, of course.

Kim Hannah clearly admitted.

Im doing this, fully prepared to face the consequences. But more importantly, Jihu promised me.

A promise?

Yes. At the inn in Scheherazade. Jihu wanted me to join, and I accepted under certain conditions. One of those conditions was that Id refuse to take care of him like a nanny.

To be more precise, I asked for the authority to act as the proxy leader, and Jihu consented. I know Jihu wont break his promise.

Jang Maldong closed his eyes. He leaned back and buried himself in the sofa before letting out a deep sigh.

I dont have anything else I can say if you say that.

In the end, he nodded his head. Without saying anything else, he got up from his seat and left the room.

An awkward silence ensued once the two of them were left.

Is it because hes getting old? Hes surprisingly inflexible.

Hao Win jokingly commented. Letting out a short sigh, Kim Hannah placed her hand on the crystal.

Thank you for cooperating. Everythings easier now, thanks to you.

I didnt know things would turn out this way either. Ive only pounced on a timely opportunity that presented itself before me.

Not missing an opportunity is also an ability.

Im just thankful.

Hao Win chuckled.

I finally get to show the PPAP dance that Ive been practicing for the past couple of days.

Kim Hannah scrunched her forehead at his sudden words.


Ahah. I was just talking to myself so dont mind it. Everything will go according to the script. Were already on standby.

Then well be in your care.

Good, good.

Hao Wins grinning face could be seen just before the crystal went dark.

Its finally time for an awesome prank video.


The next morning, Seol Jihu led a portion of his team on an escort mission to the Federation. He had made a separate request to the Triads, but he also had Chohong stay back, just in case.

After being entrusted with the individuals from the Federation, Seol Jihu quickly left Eva and headed towards the border.

Nothing happened that day. Nor the second day.

And when the next day came and the night pa.s.sed A small commotion began at a pub in the streets.

It was a typical argument that one could see every so often. Only, the fact that the quarrel was between members that looked like they were from the Eva Alliance and men that were in black suits, a trademark of the Triads, created an uneasy atmosphere.

And that uneasiness soon turned into reality.

The voices gradually rose before people began shouting and releasing murderous intents. Sensing the serious atmosphere, the bystanders quickly retreated and the gap they created was filled with members from both parties.

Early in the morning, while the citys attention was drawn by the commotion at the pub, an unknown group rapidly took action.

Under the cover of darkness, they stealthily moved without a sound and surrounded their destination, the Carpe Diem building.


Meanwhile, Seol Jihu was fully concentrating on his mission without a clue of what was taking place in Eva. Since he couldnt march the entire time with individuals that were still recovering from their injuries, he made them set up camp the moment the sun went down and prepared dinner.

And during the night when everyone was asleep

Huaaaam. Good work~

Ill be sleeping now then. Were in your care.

Yes yes, sleep well dear.

Seol Jihu finished his night s.h.i.+ft and switched with Phi Sora.

Something was off about Seol Jihus neck that night as he stretched and proceeded to enter his tent.

The pendant that had always been around his neck was nowhere in sight.