The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Yuirel finished her story with the Federation banning its members from entering the PaG.o.da of Dreams premises after that incident. They had judged that it was better to not risk anything, lest something they feared happened again.

This is everything we know about the PaG.o.da of Dreams. We wouldnt be able to tell you more about it even if we wanted to.

That was the end of her story. Seol Jihu asked a few more questions before expressing his grat.i.tude and getting up. He went back to the tent to relay the story to his comrades. Once he said everything without leaving out a single detail, a grave expression fell on everyones face.

Hey how come the expeditions you come up with are all like this?

Even Chohong, who prided herself in being fearless, was uncomfortable with going.

A contagious nightmare and nightmares becoming reality.

Kazuki sighed, his head dropped and his arms crossed.

Can we get some of the veil that the Sky Fairy was covering herself in? It looked like it had the power to resist the curse.

Seol Jihu shook his head.

I asked about that too, but Yuirel said it was only a temporary countermeasure. Apparently, it can block the curse seeping out of the paG.o.da for a moment.

Yeah, I figured.

Kazuki conceded gravely and then raised his head.

We have the choice of going back and returning with Invidias Priest. Eva is well-known for its Priests, so it shouldnt be difficult to find one who is well-versed in lifting curses and witchcraft.

I dont know. Even the Federation gave up on lifting this curse. Im not sure if even a Unique Ranker Priest can lift it.

While it sounded like Seol Jihu was being pessimistic, he was being reasonable as well. It was hard to believe that a large nation formed by the union of five races didnt have a single power on par with a Unique Ranker. Not to mention, the Federation had once treated this matter with utmost importance.

In that case cant we just not sleep during the expedition? It might be difficult, but everyone should be fine with staying awake for a day or two. We can endure it no matter how drowsy we get, come out, then fall asleep after being touched by that black tree branch.

Hugo gave his opinion carefully, but no one reacted to it positively. In the first place, limiting sleep during an expedition was an extremely dangerous thing to do. Furthermore, this solution seemed too simple to be the right answer.

It wasnt as if the Federation was stupid. There was no way they wouldnt have thought of such a method.

They must have given up either due to the sheer danger of the paG.o.da or due to there being really no other option.

And to be honest, Seol Jihu couldnt help but think that the answer was the latter.

Deciding that sitting around debating the matter wouldnt result in a clever solution, Seol Jihu decided to wrap up the meeting for the time being.

Well continue for now. Well decide once we get there.

He now had only one thing to rely on the Nine Eyes. He had decided to never rely on it again after the war. However, he wasnt left with any other choice.

After the meeting ended, Seol Jihu had a hard time falling asleep in his sleeping bag.

I guess it cant be helped.

He remembered what Samuel said.

[Not every expedition proves to be a success, you see. Many times I returned with nothing to show for all our near-death experiences, and I lost count the number of times I had to give up near the end because we werent strong enough.]

Because there was no ruin after they arrived.

Because they werent amply prepared.

Because it was unimaginably risky.

It was a common occurrence for expedition teams to come back empty-handed due to such reasons.

[You should remember this if you want to form your own expedition someday. You should go on one only when you have the financial leeway. An expedition isnt something on which you bet everything you have.]

It was just as Samuel said. It was foolish to risk danger when this wasnt the only place where the Rothschears inheritance was buried.

Seol Jihu witnessed through Samuels team what happens when one became blinded by treasures that were right in front of them. He refused to follow in their footsteps.

And so, he steeled his mind. Or rather, he set a standard for himself.

To retreat if the paG.o.da was either orange, red, or black. Yellow was the only color he would continue the expedition with. Because Attention Required meant there was a way out.

Any other color of danger is too much.

Since the ironclad rule of Paradise was to preserve ones life first and foremost, he was sure his comrades would accept his decision.

I wonder what color the PaG.o.da of Dreams will be

Seol Jihu couldnt decide until he unknowingly fell asleep, whether he wanted it to be orange or worse, or yellow or the colors of the right direction.


Seol Jihu woke up in the middle of the night and was extremely taken aback. For some reason, Yuirel was right in front of him, looking down with an expressionless face. As if that wasnt enough, his face was buried in her bosom.


He simply couldnt understand how this came to be. But as this wasnt the first time such a thing had happened to him, he maintained his composure on the outside.

He then got down on all fours and apologized.

Im sorry.

He heard Yuirel chuckle.

I was surprised to see you crawling into my tent in the middle of the night. I thought youre a wild rabbit at first.

So-Sorry my body sometimes moves against my will

I thought for sure you would pounce me once you infiltrated my sleeping bag like flowing water but you just slept like a baby. With an extremely satisfied face, to boot.

It was then that he realized he was in the Cave Fairies tent, not his.

Well, it was fun looking at your face, so I let it be. You were rather persistent as well.


When he stole a glance up, he saw Yuirel slowly putting on her jacket. Now that he got a good look, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s boasted quite a volume.

I was wondering why my head was so comfortable

Seol Jihu felt his cheeks turn hot and muttered.

How can I make up for this this act


Yuirel, who was tying her long hair into a ponytail, glanced at Seol Jihu before smirking.

Aaah, its nothing. Its been a while since I got the sensation of breastfeeding. It wasnt so bad for me.

S-Shes so cool about it

He would have no words to say even if she slapped him a dozen times. But judging from how nonchalant she was, it seemed Cave Fairies were very open about such things.

The word breastfeeding stung him a bit, but Seol Jihu was touched by Yuirels mercy.

By the way, what did you decide to do? I saw you guys talking until late at night.

When Yuirel tilted her head left and right, her ponytail fluttered. Seol Jihu slowly got up from his seat.

Were going to decide after getting there.

Hmm. So youre going, after all?

She sounded a bit regretful.

Did your comrades not say anything?

They said they were okay with this.

Yuirel started.

Oh? They must trust you a lot. Well, its no surprise, given your achievements

Will it be okay?

He wasnt asking about the danger of the PaG.o.da of Dreams. He was asking whether the Federation was okay with it.

After all, there was a chance that the Federation would be affected if a nightmare came to reality.

Im not so sure

Yuirel tilted her head slightly.

I personally prefer that you dont go. Ive taken a liking to you. But if you want to go, I have no right to stop you.

Yuirel spoke straightforwardly, then turned to the tent where the expedition team was sleeping.

From the Federations point of view I think it doesnt matter all that much. After all, youre humans.

Seol Jihu, who was staring blankly, smiled bitterly. She was saying that it was unlikely for humans to affect the Federation since it was already rare for humans to sincerely worry about them.

Well, Haramarks princess might be different. But Im sure shes most worried about her kingdoms fate. Im sure the Federation will be fine.


Seol Jihu had no choice but to accept this bitter reality.

Anyways, if you must go, why not receive a little help?


When Seol Jihu shot his head up, Yuirel gave a bland smile.

Dont expect anything big. Like I said yesterday, I already told you everything I know. No one knows whats inside the paG.o.da or what will happen to anyone who enters. After all, not a single member of the Sky Fairies elite expedition team made it out alive.

She then pointed at the expedition teams tent.

But supposing that you do make it out, it would be a waste of time and effort if youre infected.

Seol Jihu finally understood what Yuirel was getting at.

Try asking. Personally, I dont think she will refuse. This will be a good chance for you to get closer to the Sky Fairies as well.

You said yesterday that we shouldnt involve ourselves with them because theyre tiring

I was kidding, of course!

Yuirel giggled while smacking Seol Jihus shoulder.

We Cave Fairies might not have the best relations.h.i.+p with the Sky Fairies, but as you know, we dont have the leeway to be fighting over our feelings.

Right. Just like the saying, adversity makes strange bedfellows, no matter how much one resented and detested someone else, cooperating in front of a powerful enemy was obvious.

Seol Jihu suddenly became envious of the Federation.

Got it.

After expressing his grat.i.tude, Seol Jihu left Yuirels tent and went to find the Sky Fairy. She was lying atop a tree, reaching her hand out to a chirping bird. She must have felt Seol Jihus presence as she lowered her arm and turned around.

Ah, um

Seol Jihu stopped a good distance away and explained the situation. That his team might be entering the PaG.o.da of Dreams, and whether she could wait nearby with the purifying tree branch.

The Sky Fairy listened quietly before speaking with a clear voice.

I understand. Sure.

Just like Yuirel said, the Sky Fairy agreed easily.

The Branch of the World Tree is the Sky Fairies treasure, but I properly got the permit to use it.

The Branch of the World Tree?

Plus, in the one in a thousand chance you manage to succeed, it will be of great help to the Federation.

Is the Federation in a difficult situation because of the PaG.o.da of Dreams?

No one likes having a danger zone in their front yard.

The Sky Fairy replied simply.

Another problem is that we have to take a roundabout way whenever we go to Tigol Fortress. Anyways, waiting a day or two shouldnt be difficult. I dont see a reason to refuse.

The Sky Fairy lightly jumped down from the tree.

Also I will provide you Flower Robes and stimulants.

Flower Robes?

Its the robe I am wearing.

The Sky Fairy touched her slightly burnt white robe. Seol Jihus eyes widened.

You dont need to thank me. The previous expedition team made more preparations than this before they entered.

Yet none of them managed to return In other words, the robes and whatever else they prepared had been ineffective. Still, having them couldnt hurt.

Thank you!

No problem. Youre

The Sky Fairy blurred the end of her speech, then glanced at Seol Jihu.

There was something that Seol Jihu still didnt understand completely. And that was how amazing and incredible his slaying of Undying Diligence was.

It was something no one had ever accomplished since the appearance of the Seven Armies. Even Jang Maldong, who experienced all sorts of hards.h.i.+ps, battles, and street fights, had called this a legendary feat.

While Seol Jihu was the person behind this absurdity, he stopped thinking much of it now that the war ended. Perhaps this was what was most fearsome about Seol Jihu.

Because this meant he only saw the Seven Armies, whom the Parasite Queen put her heart and soul into creating, as mere obstacles to be overcome.

It was no wonder this Sky Fairy was taking such interest in him. In fact, it would be hard to find anyone in the Federation who wouldnt be interested, except perhaps the Beastmen who opposed humans.

As you know, this cooperation request isnt something that was originally in my schedule.


I only brought enough food for how long I thought Id stay here, so Im currently all out of food.


Seol Jihu wanted to ask, Didnt you eat my banquet noodles yesterday? Shouldnt you have food left then? But he decided to just listen.

So when you come out alive, I would like to receive a portion of your rations.

Seol Jihu nodded immediately.

Thats easy. We brought a lot of dried bread and jerky, so you can have those now if youd like.

N-No, thats not it.

The Sky Fairy waved her hand in a fl.u.s.ter. She seemed rather anxious for some reason. After a long lull, she abruptly dropped her head and murmured quietly.

Um yesterdays noodles


Mine got stolen before I could finish them and its been weighing on my mind

She twiddled her thumbs before raising her head with a dry cough. Then, she shouted boldly.

I think its reasonable to ask for this much given what Im dwoing!

Seol Jihu nodded his head with a wry expression.

Yes well if its only banquet noodles, you can have as much as you want.


The Sky Fairy rejoiced.

Then can I have two, no, three bowls? Or even four?

She clasped her hands and jumped in delight. Seeing the Sky Fairys sharp, thin ears flapping crazily, Seol Jihu scratched his head.

Was it that good?

Somehow, things turned out well whenever food was involved.

Is it Gluttony (Gula)s influence?

This thought crossed his mind, but he laughed it off in the next moment, thinking it was too absurd.


Breakfast started in a quiet atmosphere as everyone had a lot to think about. Seol Jihu noticed several pairs of eyes stealing glances at him. He especially noticed Phi Sora, who was nibbling on her spoon with her head down.

She must have remembered the ancient emperors villa expedition.

Seol Jihu didnt dare to forget about that expedition either. It was a prime example of ones wrong choice not only killing everyone, but negatively influencing Paradise as well.

Feeling more pressure thinking that the same might happen to him, Seol Jihu vowed to follow through with the standard he set last night.

After breakfast

A guest visited the expedition team while they were cleaning up the campsite. It was Haeryeo and Haeyas mother.

Haeryeo! Haeya!


Seeing the two sisters embracing their mother put a smile on Seol Jihus face.

Thank you Thank you so much

The Foxman sisters mother even cried and bowed.

That was it. She turned around as soon as the girls were back in her hands. Even Haeryeo and Haeya were surprised by how quickly she turned back.

Lets go back. Hurry!

Hm? Now?

Of course. Do you have any idea how worried everyone is? Prepare to get a huge scolding when you get back.


The sisters continued to look back as they were dragged away. Although the mother expressed her grat.i.tude, it felt like a simple show of formality, and she seemed more interested in avoiding this place.

Some races of the Federation do not like humans. Beastmen are especially like that.

Yuirel explained with a wry expression. Seol Jihu nodded his head without a word. He knew he was lucky to have met the Cave Fairies. He didnt think for one second that he would be welcomed by everyone.

Now then, shall we get going?

Yuirel gestured with her chin.

Well guide you, if youre fine with us leaving afterwards.

Thank you!

Seol Jihu didnt say no.


Here it is.

The sun was now in the middle of the sky after the group set off in the morning. Yuirel, who was leading the way, stomped on a patch of gra.s.s.

This is the safezone. A bit further ahead, youll find the place where the Sky Fairies held their ritual.

In other words, beyond this point was where the PaG.o.da of Dreamss influence reached.

How is it? It doesnt look all that different from here, huh?

Just like Yuirel said, there wasnt much information to be gathered from this place. Only trees and shrubbery filled the area, just like the areas they crossed to get here.

If he had to point something out that was different, it would be the air. The air was no longer refres.h.i.+ng and cool, but damp and unpleasant. Of course, he might just be imagining things.

Go on if its yellow or a color of the right direction. Immediately turn back if it isnt.

Seol Jihu reiterated his vow and walked forward with deep breaths. He then roused his mana and activated his Future-Gauging Nine Eyes.



Seol Jihus eyes shot wide-open as he stared straight forward.