The Second Coming of Gluttony - Chapter 202 - There Is a Time to Avoid Fighting, Even in the Absence of the Law (2)

Chapter 202 - There Is a Time to Avoid Fighting, Even in the Absence of the Law (2)

Chapter 202. There Is a Time to Avoid Fighting, Even in the Absence of the Law (2)

About 170cm tall.

Seol Jihu continued with a clear voice.

Face covered with a black veil, wearing a black patternless top and bottom. Body on the slimmer side, and what else Oh yeah! This person is a woman, judging by the length of her hair and her curves.

Seol Jihu put what he saw in the vision into words, but made it sound like it was something he heard from Miss Foxy.

And also

Seol Jihu didnt miss a glint of surprise flas.h.i.+ng across Pavlovicis face.

A palm-sized purple snake tattoo on her neck.

Pavolovicis eyes widened slightly. Seol Jihu rested his chin on the back of his palm and asked.

You know her, right?

He couldnt jump to any conclusion yet

It doesnt matter.

But he could always just make up a good excuse. Basically, all he was trying to do right now was probe the man.

The vision Seol Jihu saw was this the four people in front of him were lying dead in an alleyway, and not a single one of them had shown him a different vision. Meaning, these four would meet the same fate.

Another thing to note was that all four would be killed by the mysterious female Earthling he just described. She was so scrupulous that she even had her face covered in his vision, but the scene of Pavlovici with a hole in his chest glaring at her until he died was still vivid in Seol Jihus mind.

Pavlovici seemed to be shaking in resentment and injustice as well.

Ho how.

Perhaps because of how shocked he was, he acknowledged that he knew her.

Seol Jihu considered selling Kim Hannah again, then grinned. Sometimes, silence was more effective than words.

A short silence flowed before Seol Jihu finally spoke.

You said you told us everything. Were you lying?

We told you everything!

The man kneeling furthest back shouted. Judging by his face, he seemed to be the youngest sibling of the Alexei brothers. He was only 20 according to his Status Window.

Pavlovici darted a quick glance at him, but he seemed to have already made up his mind.

The reason we didnt mention that woman was because we werent sure she was related to the work we received.

That woman?

Yes. We met her when we got our first mission, but it was just once. Her face was veiled, so we didnt see it. But we definitely remember seeing a purple snake tattoo on her left neck.

Seol Jihu nodded his head, gesturing at him to go on.

After that, she notified us of work to do by sending her underlings.

And what about this one?

You see were not really sure.

The man became more careful.

In the past, we could tell their relations.h.i.+p with that woman by their clothing or a mark on their necks. But the client this time was different. This person was hiding his or her ident.i.ty with a turban and a gown, but thats nothing uncommon.

Seol Jihu looked up before nodding a couple of times.

That person must be related to the snake tattooed woman. Probably.

Otherwise, she wouldnt have appeared in his vision.

Judging by how meticulous they were, looks like they did their homework in researching my background. They were probably thinking, If it works, it works. If it doesnt work, thats fine too

Seol Jihu blurred the end of his speech before glancing at the four men.

I cant be sure, but its very likely. And well They will probably kill you soon. Like killing a dog after the hunt is over.

Soon? The four men sent a dazed glance hearing the certainty in Seol Jihus tone.

What a pain in the a.s.s. Even if you die here, those dirty b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will package it to their advantage and publish it as a newspaper

Seol Jihu cracked his head left and right while muttering as though the whole thing annoyed him.

Pavlovici instantly realized that Seol Jihu was talking about them, but couldnt tell whether he was telling the truth or not.

But one thing that was certain was that Seol Jihu knew far more about this matter than they did, and that most of the things he said so far were true.

Not only had he found out that they were brothers, but he had also described that woman accurately.

Thats why Pavlovici couldnt help, but be bothered.

That they would soon die.

Right, theres no reason to give them a news story. Fine, you can leave.

Seol Jihu shooed them away as if he was being generous.

The Priest should be coming soon. Why dont you stay and get healed first?

He is letting us live? And healing us too?

The four mens eyes widened. It wasnt because they were happy. Setting aside the fact that he was letting them live, it was more like he was trying to avoid a dirty pile of dog t.u.r.d on the ground.

Ah, lets get this straight, just so were clear. The four of you were alive when you left Carpe Diem. This is it for our relations.h.i.+p. Even if you get lucky and survive, dont go around spreading false rumors about us, alright? If you do

A sharp glint flickered in Seol Jihus eyes as he muttered grimly.

At the same time, the suspicion in the mens hearts solidified into a.s.surance. Each and every word that was coming out of Seol Jihus mouth was foretelling their deaths.

Seol Jihu waved his hand to quickly shoo them away, but the four men didnt budge an inch.

They found themselves in a rather ironic situation. Because they were now looking for a way to live in a place they thought would be their grave.


One of the men mustered up his courage and carefully began to talk. He was the youngest of the four brothers.

You said we will die soon What do you mean by that?

Seol Jihu, who was putting a cigarette in his mouth, blinked.

Oh, just think about it.

With a snort, he spoke as if he was too lazy to explain but had no other choice.

You lost your value the moment we published a reb.u.t.tal article explaining how papers denouncing me were written before you even provoked us at the pub. Publis.h.i.+ng an interview article now would only exacerbate the public opinion against them.

Seol Jihu prompted, Dont you agree? And the four men nodded their heads.

Anyways, everyone knows that you four were only tails to be cut off. Now, Carpe Diem will obviously do its best to find out who they are, and those guys will probably do their best to avoid being caught.

After a lengthy explanation, Seol Jihu fiddled with the end of his cigarette.

Considering how meticulous they are, I doubt they would let you walk around alive even if we let you live. At least Thats what I would bet on.

The mans eyes widened.

W-We only did what we were told!

And he shouted defyingly.

Never mind their organization, we dont even know a single face of their members! We, we just

I know.

Seol Jihu affirmed calmly.

Then just continue to think like that Ah, we dont know their faces or even their organization. We just did what we were told. They wont kill us since we dont know anything, right?

Pavlovicis pupils shook.

But consider this. They can kill you and mutilate your body, then throw out a story with a headline that reads, Did Carpe Diem have to go this far?

The more Seol Jihu talked, the more their faces contorted.

Youre free to imagine, but let me give you a word of advice. From now on, dont stay together with just the four of you and join an organization to rely on. Though I dont know if the Haramark Royal Family, Sicilia, the Triads, the Union, or the other large-scale organizations would be willing to accept you.

Seol Jihu took his eyes off them and lit his cigarette as if he really was done with them. However, the four men still refused to move an inch.


Seol Jihu smirked.

You want to live?

The brothers, who were staring at each other worriedly, turned their gazes to Seol Jihu.

Unfortunately, my answer wont change. There are two ways for you to survive, but neither of them is of any interest to me.

At that moment, Pavlovici, who was laying sprawled on the floor, groaned loudly. Furrowing his brows and sweating profusely, he brought himself onto his knees with great difficulty. His broken arms still hanging limp, he pleaded.

Pwease hwep us.

His words were more intelligible than before.

Help you? Why not just run to Earth?

Ewarth ishnt swafe eisher.

Pavlovici shook his head with much trouble.

We arr sowwy. Well do ash you shay. Pwease hwep us!

Thud! He smashed his head onto the ground.

Pwease! Well pway back thish debt bwig!

Please, well pay back this debt big.

Seol Jihu liked the sound of that. They werent saying they would pledge their loyalty, but that they would pay it back in equivalent value if he let them live.

This was something that aligned with Seol Jihus principle. And in truth, it was what he was waiting for as well.

Hm, I dont know.

But Seol Jihu didnt take the chance immediately. Not only were words easy to say and hard to carry out, but the brothers shouldnt have erased the doubt inside them completely.

People like them, they wouldnt truly understand something until they experienced it themselves.

I say all this, but it probably doesnt feel real to you yet.

Pavlovici flinched. He raised his upper body once again.

So lets do this.

With a grin, Seol Jihu called Marcel Ghionea. After the Archer of Steel walked in, Seol Jihu whispered something into his ear.

Yes, okay, got it.

Nodding his head in understanding, Marcel Ghionea glanced at the four men. He muttered as soon as the explanation was over.

It might be a bit difficult on my own.

Will it?

Its highly probable that the enemy will move in a group, and people like them generally use different people to act as scout and attacker.

Marcel Ghionea thought about the matter for a while before saying.

Im confident I can do it if I have a helper.


Someone like Miss Phi Sora there arent many who are stronger than her in Haramark.

I dont mind, but do you think you can convince her?

Marcel Ghionea hesitated a little.

Uh didnt she borrow equipment from you, leader? If you tell her youll extend the lending period a bit, Im sure shell agree even if she grumbles.

Seeing the ash-grey haired Archer tighten his grip on his own white bow, Seol Jihu gave an insipid smile.

Alright, if you can succeed, Ill let you hold onto that bow for a long time.

Marcel Ghioneas eyes sparkled instantly.

Ill see to it that it is a success! As for Miss Phi Sora, Ill talk to her before night falls.


Marcel Ghionea then left the office, saying he needed to go shopping for the mission.

There. I just gave you a safety device.

Seol Jihu got up slowly and put his hand in his pocket. He tossed the round object he grabbed, and an orb rolled to Pavlovicis knees.

You can use that communication crystal to call me.


Should I try predicting the future?

Seol Jihu spoke playfully on purpose.

Mister Pavlovici, you and your brothers will soon encounter a situation where you will have to make a choice.

Whether to change their destiny or accept their fate.

If you want to live youll know what choice to make.

Speaking with a clear, silvery voice, Seol Jihu turned around.

Thats it then. Well continue next time we meet.

He was clearly chasing them out. He didnt even look at them, as if it didnt matter whether the brothers took the communication crystal or not.

Pavlovicis gaze slowly fell on the orb in front of him.


Bow. Pavlovici lowered his head before tightly holding onto the blood-stained crystal.

Almost as if it was a new life.


Under Seol Jihus permission, the four of them left Carpe Diems office after being treated by a Priest.

Ah I really dont get it!

And unsurprisingly, Chohong, who wasnt aware of the details, exploded in anger.

f.u.c.k, its already a miracle that they made it out of here alive, but what? You even healed them? Lookie here, weve got a saint!

Seol, I dont mean to intrude on your authority as the leader, but I just cant agree with this. This isnt it. I dont get it.

Hugo became uncharacteristically serious and supported Chohong. Even Phi Sora snorted as if Seol Jihu was a kill-joy.

Quiet, all of you!

Jang Maldong roared, unable to bear the sight of their bickering, but Chohong yelled back instead.

Quiet? Why should we? You saw it too, old man! This son of a b.i.t.c.h just!

This son of a b.i.t.c.h?

Jang Maldongs eyebrows perked up.

I know this is a small team, but it sure has turned to s.h.i.+t while I was gone!

I-I mean! You saw what he did! How does this make any sense!?

Chohong smacked her chest as if the entire situation was frustrating her to death. But not caring about her outburst, Seol Jihu simply giggled and happily smoked his cigarette.

Chohong grit her teeth ferociously and plopped down next to him as if to devour him alive.

Hey, just what were you thinking letting them go like that?

Nothing. Its just that I felt bad killing them when they were apologizing so sincerely. You know, it made me all uncomfortable.

Chohongs face turned red with anger at Seol Jihus carefree explanation.

Jesus, Im gonna go crazy. Were perfectly justified, no one is going to bat an eye even if we kill them. You think people will think youre kind because you let them live? Did you get infected by a goody-two-shoes virus? Hey, Ghio! Say something too! Wait, where did that son of a b.i.t.c.h go?

Turning her head left and right, Chohong growled once again.

Listen, man. This is going to make people think youre a pushover, a gutless idiot. You think thats it? Even the enemy will see this and mock you as a r.e.t.a.r.d!

That doesnt sound that bad.

Seol Jihu spoke calmly. Chohong furrowed her brows.

Wha, what did you say?

Id love it if they thought that.

After replying calmly, Seol Jihu didnt say anything else. He simply closed his eyes and smiled, fully revealing his teeth.

At that moment, the room suddenly turned silent.



When a stifling silence suddenly fell in the once clamorous office


Seol Jihu opened his eyes and looked around.

Everyone was staring at him.

Just like when he refused to return to Earth after being discharged from the temple, their eyes were calling him out for acting strange.

What? Why?

When Seol Jihu made a confused expression, Chohong slowly closed her eyes and then opened them back up.

Hey, did you just

Ill take my leave.

At that moment, Agnes got up from the couch.

Ill see you off.

Normally, she would have said it was fine or that he didnt need to. But this time, she didnt say anything.

The moment he walked out the door, he could hear Phi Sora shout, See! I told you that guy has a split personality!

What the h.e.l.l is she on about?

Seol Jihu closed the door while grumbling. Then, just as he was about to say something to Agnes

Close your mouth.

A cold voice rang out.

Seol Jihus eyes widened slightly. Was she mad because he released the Alexei brothers she worked so hard to capture?

Naturally, that was the first thing he thought of. But Agnes was only now starting.

Drop your head a little and loosen your pupils too. Try to remain as expressionless as possible.

The odd pressure behind her words forced Seol Jihu to follow her demand. Agnes then turned back to Seol Jihu and smiled lightly.

Thats better.


From now on, wear that face when youre talking about something that you cant tell others about.

What did that mean?

Loosen your shoulders if possible and straighten your clothes too.

When Seol Jihu tilted his head, Agnes dusted off his shoulders and straightened his clothes for him.

In Paradise, martial prowess isnt the be-all, end-all. A persons face, expression, glance, gesture, appearance, and even the sound of their breathing some can synthesize even the tiniest information to guess someones intention. This is an ability recognized by the Seven G.o.ds, and some have even been promoted to a High Ranker because of it. Miss Foxy is one such example.

With that, Agnes clasped her hands in front of her skirt like she always did.

If you have time, try taking acting lessons. Im sure it will be of great help.


Anyways, it hasnt been that long since the war ended, yet youre trying to start another one.

With a grin, she turned around.

What a shame. A war hawk like you is better suited to be in Sicilia.

Agnes walked forward.

It will be a long war. If we share the same enemies, Sicilia will be more than happy to cooperate. Good luck!

With these final words, she walked down the stairs modestly.


Seol Jihu quietly looked down at Agnes back before gently smoothening his face down.


After Agnes went back, Seol Jihu requested to hold a private meeting with Jang Maldong. Jang Maldong laughed, saying Private meeting? Whos the leader?, but he didnt refuse.

So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Seol Jihu waited for Jang Maldong to sit down before cutting straight to the chase.

I plan to create an organization.

Jang Maldong paused before replying as though hed predicted as much.

Thats not a bad idea. So? I doubt youre acting so serious just to say this.

I plan to leave Haramark.

What? And go where?


Eva. That was a surprise.

Jang Maldong took in a heavy breath. He had instantly realized his plan after hearing the word Eva.

It was clear why Seol Jihu wanted to move their base of operation. He was aiming for something much greater than just creating an organization. In that sense, Eva really was the best place.

Rather, Eva was the only place.

The seven cities that were under the jurisdiction of the Seven Kingdoms all had representative organizations, but Eva was in a slightly different situation than these cities.


Jang Maldong maintained his silence for a long time. He had an idea where this was coming from. It was indispensable to achieve Seol Jihus goal, and the truth was that he had even been waiting to hear these words.

The problem was the timing.

Is it because of the last incident?

I cant say it isnt.

Seol Jihu continued calmly.

But I made up my mind after reading the records you gave me.

Jang Maldongs eyebrows wiggled.

This incident, Yuhui Noona being attacked, and the records Master Ian wrote I think these three things are closely related. Though Im not sure, this disturbing feeling just wont go away.

I agree.

Jang Maldong nodded gravely. Then, he spoke in a deeper tone.



The enemy is a monster.


There is a big difference in our strength, and they may be even trickier opponents than the Seven Armies because they are also human. This fight may affect your life on Earth too.

I know.

Seol Jihu replied with a profound glint in his eyes.

But this is something that must be done.

Jang Maldong fiddled with his cane. It didnt seem like Seol Jihu rushed to this decision, and he seemed oddly confident as well.

He seemed to be asking, So what should we do? To put it into words, he was acting like an adventurer, who had set out on a gamble.

In that case, I have three conditions.

Jang Maldong became curious where this confidence stemmed from.

I dont think its right to leave right away. Setting aside spreading our influence, we need time to organize ourselves in a safe place.

Of course!

We need money too. A lot of it. We need to acquire enough funding to operate an organization.

Ill try.

And lastly, this might be difficult, but I want you to win over another organization that can go with you. It cant be just Carpe Diem. We need an organization that we can trust and rely on in case something like the last incident happens again

I already have one.

This time, Jang Maldong couldnt be more surprised.

You already have one?

Yes, I decided to join hands with the Triads. Mister Hao Win came to see me at the palace and made the offer.

The Triads!

This changed everything. The Triads were thirsty for powerful Earthlings and Carpe Diem needed an influential force to back them up. The two groups would undoubtedly be a perfect match.

Jang Maldong chuckled.

If thats true then there is only one thing left to do.

Another one?

What do you mean, another? Dont you think we ought to change our name?

Jang Maldong grinned.

Your goal doesnt really align with seize the day. Since this is an organization for you, think carefully about what to name it.


Seol Jihu nodded his head, thinking that this wasnt such a bad idea.

Anyways, I understand your goal. It looks like you have made up your mind, and I dont see a reason to stop you either.

Jang Maldong got up.

The Triads Carpe Diem and the Triads

Muttering to himself quietly, Jang Maldong walked toward the door before suddenly stopping.

Let me ask you one thing.

He then asked as if he suddenly got curious.

Once you ama.s.s enough influence and consolidate enough power And you find out who is behind all this, what do you plan to do then?

Though it was only for a split second, golden light flickered within Seol Jihus pupils.

He slowly clasped his hands together, then dropped his head.

He vowed at the Banquet.

To not search for the gold color.

But to become the Golden Commandment himself.

Meaning, Seol Jihu was the Golden Rule, and the Golden Rule was Seol Jihu.

Seol Jihu buried his nose between his interlocked hands and spoke in a low voice.

Ill show them.

The engine that had cooled down after the war

That I am, Seol Jihu.

began to heat up thunderously.