The Runesmith - Chapter 482: Risky Plan.

Chapter 482: Risky Plan.

Chapter 482: Risky Plan.

It would be nice to know just how much time I have...

Roland was at an Before him lay two paths he could take. It seemed like the guards were finally fed up with his stepmothers antics. She had probably been bothering them for at least two days and refusing to take no for an answer. The sun was starting to set, and it was possible she had been shouting at them since early morning. It was commendable that she would do this to save her son, but these people didnt care; they just wanted to be left alone.

In this situation, he was seen as nothing more than an outsider. His ident.i.ty was probably being researched, as the guards had seen them all enter through the main gate. He had some power thanks to his Inst.i.tute emblem, but he couldnt do anything too drastic without probable cause. The big question remained: how much time did Robert truly have? The timeline was muddied, and he had no idea if his older brother was fine. Luckily, there was a way for him to find out, and then he would decide whether to push or retreat.

They didnt notice it, the improved camouflage runes are working as intended

While the guards focused on him, pointing their spears, he used his refined runic cubes for a secret mission. A few special ones were equipped with an altered invisibility spell that allowed them to go unnoticed. This estate had its own protective magical barrier, and there was probably at least one mage on the premises.

Inside the Inst.i.tute, he had spent days not only researching magic needed for the runic prosthesis but also delving deeper into spells that could be added to his a.r.s.enal. With Arions help, he had access to a vast quant.i.ty of tier 3 runes he had never seen before. With the help of the debugging skill and his current knowledge, he was confident that no mage close to tier 4 could compete with his technology. However, it was still better to keep his floating devices at a distance while he scanned the area for Robert.

His brother, along with Lucille De Vere, had visited his home before. While he had been a much worse runesmith back then, he had still managed to keep both their mana patterns. With the help of his mapping device, he just needed to find them, and with his enhanced scanning range, it shouldnt take long.

There she is... Lucille.

The first person that appeared was the woman his brother had an affair with. She was hidden away in one of the large mansion rooms. Close to her was a group of guards and even a tier 3 knight. Her health was good and she was not harmed. His sensors had been upgraded to the point of him being able to identify someones whole status from even his current location.

Name :

Lucille De Vere L 109

T2 Rune Mage 9

T2 Ice Mage L 50

T1 Mana Scribe L25

T1 Mage L25

She did say that she took the advancement for the rune mage cla.s.s

This woman had a strong affinity for rune magic when they first met. Before their long period of silence, she had informed him about pursuing this cla.s.s. Her level was relatively low, likely because she spent most of her time studying at the Inst.i.tute. She would periodically undertake quests in the nearby dungeon - the same one where he had been attacked by the knight trio. Given her status as a counts daughter, she probably had ample a.s.sistance to level up more quickly but didnt seem to fully utilize it to gain more power.

No status effects spotted, they are just probably guarding her so she wont run away. Now where are you, Robert

He continued with his scan of the area, trying to figure out where his brother was being held. Roland noted several key points of interest. The first was a large storage building near the mansion, which seemed to be in use by several guards and house staff. Roland suspected this might be a holding area for various goods involving food and a connection to the stable.

The second location was a more fortified structure, positioned towards the back of the estate grounds. This building was surrounded by additional defenses, including magical wards and a higher concentration of guards. Just like in Albrook, this place had a nearby barracks with many trained knights and an open training ground. It was a great place to have a dungeon in as even if someone managed to run away, they would just encounter a swarm of soldiers to stop them.

That might be where theyre keeping him but he could also be somewhere offsite or underground, not a problem though.

The fortified structure seemed the most likely place where Robert might be held. Roland continued his search, spreading his scan area as much as he could while the guards here were getting closer. Luckily, Francine was there to constantly shout in their direction. Her status as a n.o.ble's second wife and proxy was still there, so they couldnt get too violent. Thanks to the scene she was making, he was able to move his concealed drones without them being spotted until his target appeared.

So you are there Robert, now lets see

Slightly underground, near the barracks and the training area was a hidden underground dungeon. To not waste time, he used the signal-amplifying capabilities of his drones to use his identification skill. Then he was able to see his status and how far his brother had gotten in the years they were separated. The first time they met he was only level fifty-six but now, he was actually close to getting his first tier 3 cla.s.s.

Name :

Robert Arden L 137

T2 n.o.ble Blade 37

T2 Sword Knight L 50

T1 Squire L25

T1 Warrior L25

He managed to get a cla.s.s Ive never heard about.

At first, Roland was quite happy, his brother was still alive and he was progressing well through his level. However, soon after his smile faded as something was brought to his attention. Roberts health points were rather low, at just a quarter and they were slowly ticking down. To make things worse there was a whole list of debuffs and status effects that he was under.

Poisoned, paralyzed, second and third degree burns, broken fingers, lacerations

It was quite something, he wasnt sure how to react to this information. One thing was clear, his brother wasnt alone at this moment and his health going down could mean only one thing, he was being tortured. Rolands heart sank as he took in the reality of the situation. The sight of his brothers suffering stirred something within him and he knew that something needed to be done. His previous plan of retreating to recess the situation was thrown out of the window as time was running out.

Sir, I will not ask again,

One of the guards said, finally stepping forward and brandis.h.i.+ng his spear more threateningly. It was hovering a few centimeters away from his face but he didnt care. His mind raced with ideas of how he could handle this situation without getting himself and the people here killed.

You must leave now.

Rolands mind raced, weighing his options. Retreating was still the safer option, waiting a few hours until it got dark would allow him to use many other concealment skills. The only downside was Roberts safety, would he even last for another four to five hours until he got to him?

There is one way Can I do it?

Did you hear me?



The guard held his spear steady in front of Rolands face but suddenly he realized that something was wrong. His body felt heavy and he started sweating as if his instincts were telling him to run away. When he tried to take a step back he found himself unable to, his hands felt heavy and the weapon he was holding began to shake.


Rolands voice boomed, amplified by both his runic magic and skills. The air around him s.h.i.+mmered with mana, causing the guards to take a hesitant step back. His presence could not be denied and commanded attention from everyone gathered here. Francine looked up in surprise but she and the others were not affected by the magic he was using. Which made the scene playing out before them, even more baffling.

First, the spear that the guard was holding started turning red as Rolands magic had superheated it. The guard was equipped with standard armor provided by the De Vere house, fit for his tier 2 cla.s.s. Even though he was wearing hand protection and thick gloves, they quickly started sizzling just like the spear he was holding. With haste, he was forced to release it with a cry of pain as the metal scorched his hand, the weapon clattering to the ground.

The other guards exchanged nervous glances, their confidence shaken but they didnt step back. Only when their own spears started turning red did they relevant and finally take as tep back. All their weapons. .h.i.t the ground and continued glowing red until they started melting into the ground. All the equipment they were using was considered of higher quality, crafted to withstand various conditions. That everything was melting before their eyes, only solidified their fear of the man standing before them.

"Who are you?! What are you trying to do? Do you know in whose territory you find yourself in?"

One of the guards, who seemed to be the leader, demanded an answer. His voice was trembling slightly and he was glancing towards the bushes where the other hidden soldiers were. His display was enough to make them hesitate, but this wasnt quite enough. His plan required more chaos and time. It would probably take a few minutes for the rest of the guards to truly gather but this would be enough.

Me? I am Deputy Professor Wayland, from Xandars Inst.i.tute of Wizardry. Did you truly think that your vile deed could be hidden away from me? Stand down and let me through, I can not let such vile things happen under my watch!"

Rolands words were quite vague and this was his intention. He was using his ident.i.ty as an eccentric mage to his advantage. If anyone ran a background check about what happened in the Inst.i.tute, they would probably dig up the Viola incident. It made him look like someone who couldnt look past any wrongdoings. Roberts current situation was a good excuse for him to act and this included Lucienne.

Deputy Professor? This is preposterous, you have no authority here!

The guards voice wavered despite his defiance. The t.i.tle of Deputy Professor carried some weight even under the n.o.ble circles. Lucille, who was part of their household, had spent many years at the same inst.i.tute, so they should have been aware of the position's implication. Perhaps these gate guards wouldnt be, but the higher-ups who would soon come here to stop him probably would.

"Preposterous, you say?"

His voice was calm, almost playful.

"What is preposterous is what you are doing here! Now remove yourself from my eyes, or I will do it for you!

Enough of this nonsense. If you have grievances, take them up with the Count himself after making a proper appointment, you cant just barge in here!

The guards s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably, their spears were gone but they still had their side arms ready. They werent letting up, while they were clearly afraid of him what probably scared them more were their superiors. If they showed weakness here they would face serious consequences. Their life was at risk either way, so in their eyes it was best to stall the seemingly crazy mage and wait for the knight commanders to arrive.

With the Count? Thats a good idea, shal I take it up with the Count then? I really wonder what excuses he will use

Lucienne, get back here!

Lucienne tried to step forward, confused about what Roland was doing. Her mother quickly pulled her back as the sound of swords being unsheathed echoed through the area. More guards emerged from their hiding spots and surrounded the man responsible. It seemed that a confrontation was imminent but before anyone could charge, a dark purplish magical haze surrounded the area, forcing all the guards down to their knees.

All the girls who had come here with Francine retreated towards the carriage. Although they werent affected by the wide-area spell, most of them were visibly shocked by the display of power. Even Hadley moved in front of Margaret to protect her, remaining on high alert. The grunts and screams of the guards filled their ears but were then suddenly silenced by other runic magic.

The spell Roland used multiplied gravity, forcing all his targets down to the ground. It was a technique he had learned at the Inst.i.tute, and after a few adjustments, he had managed to minimize mana usage by focusing the spell directly on his targets rather than affecting the entire field. As a result, the ground beneath the guards began to crack, while the surrounding area remained untouched.

They all struggled against the increased gravitational force, their armor and weapons pressing them into the ground, bending out of shape. Roland took advantage of the momentary incapacitation to quickly move forward. The gate before him started to screech as it was affected by yet another spell of his. Soon it bent out of shape, opening a clear path for him forward where already new foes were approaching.

His steps were calm and collected, as if he were taking a leisurely stroll rather than entering a heavily defended fortress. His map displayed hundreds of dots converging on his location, likely trained knights from the De Vere army. To everyone present, this seemed like the reckless act of a madman, but he still had a plan to escape with minimal harm. His focus was on a few specific dots that were just becoming aware of the situation. Until those individuals arrived, he needed to keep up the appearance of the show.

That one is a tier 3, but he wont be a problem

Many people were coming his way but he focused his attention at the ones that were potential threats, the knight commanders. One of them was coming down at high speed in his direction. His level wasnt that high, not even above two hundred. Roland knew how things went, the ones on the bottom always wanted to prove themselves and perhaps this man was the same. However, he would use him as a perfect example.

Rolands power had grown immensely but it was still better to take everything seriously. The air around him s.h.i.+fted and from a hidden s.p.a.ce, three long devices appeared. They were somewhat rectangular in shape with the base being thicker and the end almost forming a sharp point. They hovered slowly in front of him before various runes came to life. They formed a triangular structure in front of him and soon produced a sphere of concentrated magical energy.

Before the knight could do anything a thick burst of energy erupted from these devices. Roland stood there with them hovering over his head and waited. The man pulled out a thick oval s.h.i.+eld to protect himself but once the beam connected, he was sent flying into the air, slamming against the estates outer wall with a bone-shattering crash. The impact shattered his s.h.i.+eld and sent rubble cascading down around him. The energy beam had not only incapacitated him but also created a small crater, demonstrating the raw power Roland was wielding.

The sudden explosion of force caused chaos among the approaching knights. The sight of a knight commander flying through the air like a ragdoll immediately halted their advance. Their steps faltered, and a few even stumbled in their tracks, taken aback by the display of sheer might. However, this was not the only knight commander here and soon enough, they were shouting to establish morale.

"Form up! Don't let him intimidate you! You are the De Vere Knights, act like it!"

Roland's eyes flicked toward the source of the voice, identifying another knight commander rallying the troops. This one seemed more seasoned, with an aura that suggested a higher level of experience and authority. Soon they were closing in on him, but he would not be intimidated. There were more armaments he had with him and soon a large quant.i.ty of floating devices was appearing out of seemingly nowhere.

It was a combination of old cubes and new models like the ones he used previously for infiltration. They had simple software running them but he still could somewhat control their movements. Soon they were shooting concentrated mana projectiles at the ground to stop the approaching knight.

You dare attack the De Vere estate? Does your Headmistress condone your actions?

His attack halted as the men of the hour appeared before him. The voice that called out belonged to a high-ranking knight, the Grand Commander. Behind him stood an older gentleman with a mustache, likely the Count. However, the person he was most interested in was the man beside the Count, a round-shaped individual with a receding hairline. To make his crazy plan work, this man was essential, and by now, he had gathered all the proof he needed.