I joined Will for a couple of the summer festivals in Europe. The hotels were nice enough, but hanging around while he's on stage wasn't. VIP or not, a tent in a field is still a tent in a field. But, I was with Will and hadn't seen him for two weeks, so I put up with the soggy conditions.
The situation that pulled us apart fades into the past, and we throw everything we have into fixing what should never have broken with a determination not to fall apart again. The only place I fall is deeper into Will. Some people argue we hadn't been together long before the nightmare we were dragged into, and ask me what's the point in chasing rainbows. They're wrong. Even though his name was Nate, the person I spent time with early on was Will. I've loved Will longer than I knew.
He's my Will; unguarded, straight talking, and frustrating at times. Will's my missing part the part who lives for the now and doesn't worry about the future. The man who teaches me to do the same.
Sometimes, he's in my world and we manage some ordinary time, but only if we're away from the rest of the band. Will Campbell and Fleur Roberts are a couple, but the Ruby Riot ba.s.sist is low on the media's priority list while scandals stay away. Unless I'm pregnant, or we get married, or have a public fight, I doubt anybody will bother us now. I couldn't live Tegan and Jax's life. The press actively seek stories; and if they can't find any, they make them up. According to the internet, Tegan's been pregnant at least three times, and they've been on the verge of divorce.
I have to step into Will's world too. Like tonight. Ruby Riot is often invited to awards ceremonies and movie premieres, especially if there's been no activity from the band for a few weeks, and they need publicity. Will scores an invite to the new Star Wars movie premiere in London, and the b.l.o.o.d.y big kid he is runs around the apartment, fighting his brother with lightsabers.
I'm staying at Will's London place for the weekend; he still shares with his brother, but in a bigger place so we don't fall over each other when I stay as I did when they shared the small student house. Nate no longer views me as a threat, but remains guarded.
Sometimes I'm annoyed at how the world still calls them 'the Ruby Riot twins' when they're two people, with two ident.i.ties. The world sees Nate as a joker to match his brother; but I see a man hiding behind a persona. Perhaps 'the Ruby Riot twins' suits Nate as an extra layer of protection. I attempt to talk to Nate the times we're alone, but the conversation never goes beyond polite niceties.
This is my first movie premiere and, as I avoid these events usually, I'm nervous because I'll be photographed. After days of deliberating and chatting to Anne, I've played it safe with a 'little black dress'.
Will, on the other hand, has elected to wear a Star Wars t-shirt.
He looks over, mid-battle as I walk into the room and gives a low whistle. Nate knocks the lightsaber from a distracted Will's hand, and follows up with a victory lap around the room.
"Seriously, Will?" I gesture at his clothes.
Will looks down, pulling at his t-shirt. "What? Did I spill something on myself?"
"Dude, look at her. She dressed up and you're not," Nate says.
"Yeah, but I like my tee." He flicks his fingers at Nate. "Where's yours?"
"Seriously? You expect me to walk into a premiere wearing a Star Wars shirt and carrying a lightsaber. What are my chances of picking up a decent chick if I do that?"
Will sidles over and places his hand on my a.s.s. "I'm wearing a Star Wars t-shirt, and I picked up a chick."
"No, you have not!" I smack his backside in return. "Unless you change, I'm not going with you."
Nate chuckles. "Still have a lot to learn, little brother."
"You're only jealous because my lightsaber's bigger than yours."
"Maybe Fleur should be the judge of that," replies Nate and winks at me.
I shake my head at the pair. The other thing I've learned is Nate's acceptance of me needs to be reciprocated, which means I accept the side of Will his twin brings out when they're together.
"Will. Change into a shirt. Please."
Will blows air into his cheeks. "Guess I should, or you'll be swapping me for a hot actor instead." He saunters along the hallway back to the bedroom and calls, "Not that any of them can match up to me."
"Big head!" I call.
"You know it's true!"
I turn to an amused Nate. "Beer?"
"Nah. All good. Gonna get going." Nate drops the lightsabers on the sofa.
"Is Alison coming with you tonight?"
"Why would she come?"
"I thought... doesn't matter." Alison, the long-legged, gorgeous extra in the latest Ruby Riot video caught his eye. As I've met them together more than once, I've jumped to an obviously wrong conclusion.
Nate pulls out his car keys. "Will! See you there!" he yells. "Later, Fleur."
The door slams behind Nate, and I find Will in the bathroom, wearing an open shirt, confused frown on his face. "You seen my shoes?"
"Why would they be in the bathroom?" I run my hands along his smooth chest, and then b.u.t.ton his woven grey shirt.
"Is this shirt suitable?"
"You'll do." I step back.
Will backs me against the bathroom counter. "I'll do?"
"Yep." I tiptoe and brush my mouth against his.
With a smile and complete disregard for my lipstick, I curl my arms around Will's neck and press myself into him. Kissing Will when we're alone is always a bad idea if I intend to leave the house anytime soon; neither of us is very good at holding back. He's in the UK for a few months now; university is on a break for me, so we're wrapped further into each other than before.
Where Will braces his hands either side of me, the fleur de lys symbol faces up and I run my finger along the outline.
He looks at the tattoo. "I reckon I'll love you as long as that tattoo is there."
"You reckon?"
"Nah." He bites his lip at my frown and pushes himself between my legs. "I don't reckon, I know."
"Did I ever tell you, you're a sweetheart?"
Normally, Will retches, but this time he grins. "Always told you, you'd see through my bulls.h.i.t because there's no point trying to pretend around you. Just don't tell anybody. I have an image to maintain."
I sit on the counter and Will settles between my legs. "You know what? I'm not sure I like this shirt."
"What the h.e.l.l, Fleur? Make your mind up."
"Take it off." I bite the corner of my lip and realisation glints in his eyes.
"We'll be late." He unb.u.t.tons his shirt and I push it from his shoulders.
I giggle as he grabs my hips and pulls me to the edge of the counter. Will slides his hand under my dress, stroking my thigh. "Did I ever tell you I love you?"
"Once or twice." I close my eyes as he kisses and nips my neck.
"Or that you're awesome?" His lips move against my skin, fingers moving higher up my leg.
"I think I remember you telling me that." My breath shortens as he skims my panties.
"And me?" he asks.
"You? You're a tattooed slacker who b.l.o.o.d.y stole my heart."
"Ha!" He drags the strap of my dress to one side. "You're not gonna get it back either."
"I don't want my heart back. I love you."
Will rests his forehead against mine. "Yeah, you keep hold of mine too."
"Cool. Glad that's sorted."
Will pushes my dress above my knees, higher, until the cool of the counter is against my legs. When Will starts kissing his way from my neck to the top of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s I grab Will's head; if he goes any further we won't leave the house any time soon. "Will. We'll be late."
Will disentangles my fingers from his hair and kisses my hand. "I don't give a c.r.a.p about that."
This time when Will kisses me, he unzips my dress. As his mouth follows the path of where the material falls to my waist, I have no hope of resisting him any longer.
When I let Will into my life, I veered off my planned road to the future in a big way. I always expected this to end in carnage, my heart torn apart and thrown to one side, but I misjudged him. Everything I thought was wrong with Will is exactly what makes him right.
In life, we don't get to choose who we fall in love with. Fate can bring two people together, and time can keep them apart; but the thread between hearts and souls can never be broken. I'll always be his.
The End Thank you for reading Shuffle. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please consider leaving a review on Amazon for the book. Review are important to authors and very much appreciated.
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Thanks to everybody who loves the Campbell twins enough to want to know their stories. I never intended for the whole band to have a story each but looks like it's happening! Not that I'm complaining, I love them all (even Nate because I know why he's a mess...) This stunning cover was designed by the amazing Najla Qamber. Thank you again for making my book look outstanding.
Thank you to Peggy and Becky from Hot Tree Editing for their professional and friendly service.
Thanks to Jessica from Inkslinger for taking over the promotion and release.
A huge thank you to all the bloggers who continue to support me, I couldn't reach as many people as I do without your help. Every single post, share and shout out means a lot.
Thanks to my readers group and the ladies of the Lounge for your support and encouragement.
And thanks to every single reader who has left a review, signed up to my mailing list, spoken to me on Facebook or emailed me. You make my dreams a reality. I'm overwhelmed by the support and can't wait to share more with you!
And a final shout out to my husband, Nick who supports me every step of the way and has watched my dreams become reality. Although, he isn't allowed to read my books so he probably won't see this!
A Ruby Riot Novel.
Reprise (Ruby Riot #3).
Drummer Nate Campbell is a 'Ruby Riot twin' and that's all he wants anybody to know. For Nate, girls are a dispensable distraction and the rock star life suits his needs. n.o.body will expect him to hand over his heart if he pretends he doesn't have a one.
Falling for Nate Campbell was the second biggest mistake of Riley Sawyer's life. When the PR girl worked with the band on a European tour, she earned a reputation as an unapproachable workaholic. One mistake with Nate ruined her reputation, and Riley left vowing never to go anywhere near a tour or Nate again.
Two years later, Riley is forced back into the Ruby Riot world. A stolen car, a snowstorm, and Nate's b.l.o.o.d.y-mindedness leave the pair stranded together. Nate and Riley cross their thin line between love and hate and discover a connection they don't want to leave behind when the snow retreats.
Nate knows Riley's the girl for him but doesn't want to risk handing her the heart he hides. Riley wants to leave behind her secrets to move on and find love. The problem is, she wants Nate and doesn't think he can ever be hers or anybody's.
For those at THC who left me alone to write, thank you.
And sorry about the groups.
a repeated pa.s.sage in music.
* a repet.i.tion or further performance of something: a stale reprise of past polemic.