The adoration from the fans astounds me. The majority of the girls press themselves against the barriers closest to Jax, but all the band's names are shouted. Pride seizes me and draws me into the world of my rock star who swaps between concentration on his guitar and the occasional engagement with the crowd. I'm hidden from him, focused on Will above everything else around.
By the end of the show, I admit to myself I like the band. Just not at this volume.
As they finish the set, I head back to the Green Room expecting to be alone. A girl with brown hair hanging across her face sits on the sofa, long legs crossed as she studies her phone. She looks up as the door closes.
"Oh, hey. Are you Fleur?"
"Hey. Tegan?"
"Sure am." The corner of Tegan's eyes crinkle with a genuine smile. "Great to meet you. Will mentioned you."
"Did he?"
How Tegan caught Jax Lewis is obvious. This girl is stunning. I've seen pictures around, the pair lauded as the beautiful couple of the moment. I'd presumed she was one of those girls whose faces are sculpted by deceptive make-up every time she's in public. Wrong. Everything about Tegan is natural; and when she stands, I understand why there's hate from the fans. Tall, slender, and poised, there aren't many girls who could compete with her.
"Want a drink?" She indicates the fridge and I shake my head. Tegan pulls out a bottle of water. "You tamed a Campbell," she says with a laugh. "Never thought I'd see that."
"I guess."
"He likes you."
"I noticed."
"No, I mean he really likes you. He's different recently." She drinks.
"He changed his hair."
"He changed his att.i.tude. Which is funny considering the way he teased Jax earlier this year about me."
Tegan's words fill me with a new warmth; somebody from his inner circle smooths over the doubts eating at the edge of my happiness. Will's drawing me into his world as I'm pulled into his life; and even if Nate doesn't accept me, Jax and Tegan do. I perch on the sofa. How will I cope if I'm spat out again?
"Cool, well, I'm sick of being the only band girlfriend. I have somebody to talk to now!"
The twins barrel into the room and I'm surprised by a smile from Nate. Jax follows and walks straight to Tegan; she giggles as he seizes hold of her. "Gross! Don't do that when you're covered in sweat."
Jax whispers something in her ear; and without another word, they head out of the room.
Will bounces down onto the sofa next to me and greets me with a kiss to match Jax's for Tegan. I wrinkle my nose and shift away. Tegan's right gross.
"Hey, Fleur, what did you think?" calls Nate.
Nate snorts. "Good. Your girlfriend thinks you're only good, Will."
His light-hearted comment is a relief after the earlier animosity and I smile. "Very good."
Will pokes me. "f.u.c.king amazing!"
"You were good," I repeat and kiss him.
"You know how awesome I am, you found out last night," Will murmurs into my ear.
Instantly, heat flares in my cheeks and I turn to Nate. "I prefer Taylor Swift, did he tell you?"
"Holy f.u.c.k, no way!" laughs Nate. "Seriously, dude? You're dating a girl who likes that c.r.a.p."
"Will likes her too..." I say and bite my lip.
Nate shakes his head at Will. "You'll say anything to impress a chick."
"He knows all the moves," I continue.
A speechless Will stares at me as I ruin his credibility.
"Sure he does." Nate grabs a shirt from the pile of clothes on a nearby chair. "Stop wasting time. Get changed. We're going out, remember?"
Half an hour later, we bundle into a taxi and arrive at Blue Room, the place I said I'd never go. A small group of people stand around the entrance; far enough from the bouncers to not cause trouble, but close enough to spot us. They come armed with phones and paper, calling out to Nate and Will as we approach the doors. The twins pause and go over to them, posing with their eager fans who take selfies with the boys. Is this for real? Nate curls an arm around one girl's waist, closer than the others, and she holds out her arm for him to sign.
I stiffen as a girl taking Will's picture rests her head against his, and he wraps an arm around her shoulder. This is understated compared to star frenzy I've seen in the past, but uncomfortable to see him close to other girls. Will is all smiles for his fans, but heading towards me, he frowns.
"Come on!" Will grabs my hand and we pa.s.s the group, who are now comparing the pictures they took. The girl who was with Will looks up and her mouth parts as she looks between Will and me.
"Will has a girlfriend," she says to her friend who joins in her scrutiny.
I glance at Will who grips my hand tighter; but to my relief, the girl calls out, "She's pretty! I hope she's nice!"
I wince. How old are they?
A flash dazzles me as a photo is taken of the pair of us.
"Whoa!" I say. "Really?"
"Don't stress, you look gorgeous," Will says.
"Will the pictures be shared?"
He shrugs. "Dunno."
I didn't think this through.
We step past the bouncers; and on the way in, Nate whispers something to the burly, suited guy and points at the girl he was with. The man nods and we step inside.
"This was much easier when I had my wingman to take the chick's friend," he says loudly as the music thuds through from the main room into the entrance hallway.
Is he deliberately snarking me? Nate doesn't look over and Will shoves him.
"Like that'll stop you."
The Blue Room is a dark, loud, and intimidating place hidden behind double-doors at the edge of Camden. The name makes sense. The smaller than expected venue has painted, dark blue walls decorated in band posters and graffiti art, and the theme extends to the rough wooden bar. Chairs and tables surround the small dance-floor and the place has a relaxed and intimate atmosphere I never expected.
Ruby Riot sit in a cordoned off raised area at the rear of the club, low sofas around a couple of metal tables. Jax waves as we head over. Tegan's curled into Jax's side and he has an arm across her shoulder, holding a beer in the other. They deserve their position as the beautiful couple of the day. She's gorgeous and he's, well, Jax Lewis of the perfect face and perfect body variety.
Will flops next to Jax and I take a seat opposite the golden couple.
"Don't be freaked out," calls Tegan over the music.
"I'm not. I'm okay." Overwhelmed, but okay.
"Have a drink." She turns her head. "Hey! Will! Get Fleur a drink."
I smile to myself as he dutifully heads off to the bar. I'm here, in his circle, but at the edge. Will isn't in sight anymore, and Nate's female friend from outside now sits next to him, Nate's attention focused on her. He pushes hair from the girl's neck and whispers something in her ear. She slaps his leg; Nate catches her hand and kisses it. As if sensing my scrutiny, Nate looks over and I quickly look away.
"You sure you don't want a real drink?" asks Will as he places a gla.s.s of on the table in front of me.
"Maybe later."
The table fills with people I don't know; some Will introduces me to, others he doesn't seem to know either.
The more people who join us, the easier this becomes. Will remains with me and I relax as the number around the table pushes me further into the background. He's right; there's no difference between my Will and Ruby Riot Will. He hasn't taken on a persona. This guy, like me, is a take it or leave it person.
I compare him to Nate, who definitely has the persona. In the past, I've seen pictures and heard stories that Will was the same, but I've noticed subtle changes in the time I've known him. The self-a.s.sured joker is still here; but dropping his att.i.tude leads to a relaxed Will, and not the idiot who accosted me at the party three months ago.
I've dropped my guard too. The world isn't as black and white as I thought; university doesn't automatically create cultured, intelligent people who are above others. I always compartmentalised people, and my judgement of character is way off the mark.
Why else would I lock myself into Will's life and risk a relationship with a man far removed from the ideal I set myself before I came to London?
Because he is that man. Will's right. Our surfaces don't matter, what's beneath does. Underpinning our relationship is respect and a growing love for each other. In a year, five years, ten years, we'll be different people shaped by experience; but the heart of who we are will remain the same.
The heart and soul resting at the centre of who we are has recognised another and found a place to belong.
The number surrounding us grows by the hour; people vie to be part of the band's company. Ruby doesn't show and I haven't met her yet. Will has told me about the dynamics of the band and I'm unsure I'd like Ruby. Or that she'd like me.
As the evening progresses, Will's humour kicks in and he hams up everything for his audience with his brother. If this included any teasing of me, I wouldn't be happy; but this side of Will is part of what drew me to him. He and Nate also relax further around each other and their affinity becomes clearer with their banter. Nate lets go of the animosity around me; maybe I'm oversensitive and imagined some of his dislike.
After a visit to the bathrooms, I approach the edge of the dance floor, ready to head back to the table. Somebody b.u.mps into me striding in the opposite direction. I stumble as the bulk of the guy knocks me sideways in his hurry. He stops and steadies me, his hand on my arm.
"Sorry, sweetheart."
"No problem."
The man's hand remains on my arm and I look up. He's smiling, in a lopsided way with unfocused eyes. "What's your name?"
"Hey, Fleur. I'm Adam."
"h.e.l.lo." I move from his touch, and walk away.
"Hey! Fleur!"
Adam catches up with me and I stop again. The drunk smile continues. This guy is tall and his bulk intimidates me, even if he's not deliberate.
"You wanna drink?"
"I'm okay, thank you. I'm with somebody."
Adam scratches his head and looks around. We're at the edge of the dancers, the music louder and I can't hear what he's saying. I gesture in the direction of my table and he frowns in confusion. Smiling and nodding at the words I can't hear, I attempt to walk away again; but Adam steps in front of me.
"Excuse me!" I say.
"One drink, c'mon."
I lean towards him in the hope he hears me above the music. "I said I'm with somebody. Thank you for the offer."
As I draw away, he stumbles slightly. "So?"
Again, I attempt to walk away. This time he grabs my hand.
"Let go!" I snap and pull my hand away.
When I turn my head again, I see Will's figure striding towards us. He stops short and looks at our hands.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing. Adam wanted to buy me a drink, and I was explaining I had a "
My sentence is interrupted by Will stepping between me and Adam, the two men practically nose to nose. "She's not interested, mate."
"Jeez, okay. Calm down, man."
Will shoves him in the chest. "Leave her alone."
"I only asked her if she wanted a drink!"
A cold fear trickles down my spine as Adam changes his mind and steps up to Will. No way, Will...
"Will!" I grab his hand. "Not this again!"
"Are you okay? Did he touch you?"