"I will." I edge away but Shaun places his hand against the wall, caging me in. I straighten. "Get the h.e.l.l away from me."
"You think you're special, don't you?" he whispers, his breath against my cheek. A reminder of the night he attempted to persuade me into s.e.x is triggered by his subtle scent and the p.r.i.c.kling fear intensifies at his tone.
We're alone.
"Do you think you're too good for me? Well you're not."
"I don't want to talk to you."
He places the other arm against the wall and looks down at me, body centimetres from touching. "If you f.u.c.k rock stars, you must be easy. Time you let me have a go too."
"Don't you dare talk to me like that," I say in a low voice. I need to get away. Now.
"It would be in your interests. Believe me."
"You're disgusting!" I push him in the chest but he catches my arm. "This is hara.s.sment! I'll report you!"
Shaun laughs. "Good luck with that."
"Come near me again and I will!"
He lets go and brushes my coat where the material has creased. "When you need me to help clear things up, let me know. We can come to an arrangement."
"Clear what up?"
His mouth curls into a knowing smile. "Misunderstandings. Good night, Fleur."
I refuse to be drawn into his game and don't respond. My head is screaming a hundred questions, but my sixth sense sends me to the door before he takes hold of my arm again or worse.
As I hurry across campus through dusk, I drag my phone out and call Will.
"Hey!" he answers. "Two secs."
The background noise quiets as he moves. "How's your day?"
"Will." No other words come as I hold back tears.
I gulp down air. "When are you back? I want to see you."
"What's happened?"
"I just want to see you. I miss you."
"I'm in Edinburgh tomorrow. I won't be back until Monday."
"Okay," I say in a whisper.
He pauses. "Fleur. Tell me what happened."
I can't. I don't want anybody to know what happened with Shaun today or any time. Will already suspects and I don't want him involved. I'm embarra.s.sed and ashamed that I've been so stupid. My mistake. I can deal with the a.r.s.ehole on my own.
I fight the thickness in my throat. "I just had a bad day, that's all. How's your day?"
My light tone may or may not have fooled Will. I don't know, and I sit on a bench to listen to his voice. Will's stories of his recent band interview and photo shoot amuse me, the stories of Jax and Ruby refusing to do as they're told by their publicist. I'm gradually pulled away from the c.r.a.p of my day.
"Thank you," I say when he pauses.
"For what?"
"Helping me switch off. Caring."
"You know how much I care, Fleur. I hope you've told me the truth."
"Honestly, it's only stress about a.s.signments."
"Right. You know what's funny? I can tell from your voice how you're feeling."
"Why's that funny?"
"'Cause that's never happened before with a chick. Weird, huh?"
"Well, you are weird, Will."
"Shut up."
"Excuse me!"
A soft laugh is my answer. "I miss you. I want to know what's bothering you and help."
"By help I hope you mean a hug and not tracking down the perpetrator."
"Of course. As soon as I'm back in London, I'm there."
We face our usual end of call awkwardness. What's the etiquette here? Are we dating? More? Every time the endless moments pa.s.s, where we both attempt to figure out what to say, my heart rate speeds. Today I don't want him to end the call, not yet.
"I'll look forward to Monday," I reply.
"You're funny. You sound like you're organising a business meeting. So formal."
"Don't tease me."
"I'll see you on Monday and we can deal with our unfinished business."
When we end the call, I clutch the phone to my chest and summon up images of Will to replace those of disgusting Shaun.
Images of our unfinished business.
Will returns a couple of days later, and I'm surprised by him waiting outside the lecture theatre. I hadn't arranged to see him until later today. I see Will before he notices me; he's sitting on a bench hunched against the cold November day with hands in pockets as he watches people pa.s.s. More people seem to notice him these days, although on campus he's still Will Campbell, student, to most.
One or two stop to speak to him and he grins. I share his happiness; if he's smiling this broadly, they're complimenting him on the new alb.u.m or his music. With this comes a sinking in the pit of my stomach. He'll leave campus. It's inevitable. Although I'm happy to see him, another part of me resents he came back this academic year and stole his way into my heart. If he'd stayed away, I wouldn't be facing hurt.
As if to confirm this, a couple of girls approach Will. He stands and folds his hands beneath his arms scanning round until his eyes rest on me. Without a word to the girls talking to him, he strides over.
A week since I saw him and the feelings I have attempted to bury spill out as I walk towards him too. Will sweeps me into his arms and off the floor, squeezing tight around my waist as he looks up at me. I grab his shoulders in surprise and suddenly the world around doesn't matter. The only people who exist in this place are us.
"Missed you so f.u.c.king much," he says as he looks up at me.
My pulse rate hikes as I look into his eyes, and the doubts drift away. When somebody looks at you the way Will is now, there's more than a casual connection. He drops me to the floor and seizes my head for a kiss instead. The scent and taste of Will trigger my body's demand for this man, and I press myself into him, the safety of his arms around me wiping away the fears around Shaun. A giggling pulls me away from our s.p.a.ce in time; but our kiss continues, the ache for each other not soothed yet.
If I stay here, doing this, I'll combust. I shift my mouth and bury my head in his neck. "You weren't joking about seeing me as soon as you arrived back, were you?"
"Arrived home about an hour ago." Will rests his chin on my head. "I hope you're free tonight."
I pull away and touch his mouth. "Of course! I haven't made any plans because I knew you were coming back."
"Good." Will unhooks my bag from my shoulder and drapes it across his. He takes my hand and we walk away from the building. "Now, tell me what's happening. What upset you?"
I glance at the pavers, kicking my way through the leaves on the ground. "I'm okay. Forgotten about it now. You know how over the top I am about my grades."
"Taking me somewhere special this evening?" I nudge him with my elbow, attempting a swift subject change.
I snap my head around, expecting a teasing Will smile, but he stares straight ahead as we continue walking. "Ha-ha."
He stops. "Why's that funny?"
"I don't know, just "
Will takes my coat by the collar and drags me closer. "I don't want to wait anymore. This is killing me."
My breath rushes out with an 'oh' sound as his steady look holds mine. Our phone conversations over the last few days increased with innuendo, his forthrightness shouldn't be a surprise, but face to face, this is different. "You said you didn't... I mean last time you...What changed your mind?"
"Oh, nothing really. Just that I love you."
I blink away the words. "What?"
"I love you. I mean, I kinda thought I did already but, when I was away, I spent a h.e.l.l of a lot of time wishing you were with me. Then you called and sounded unhappy and my chest ached. Like, literally." He fists his hand over his chest. "In here, it hurt. I thought I had heartburn or something."
"Shush! From that moment I've counted down the hours to seeing you." He holds my face in both hands. "So, I guess I must be in love with you. Don't know what else to call it but I'm pretty sure it isn't indigestion."
My heart thuds in my ears at his weirdly spoken confession, and I place my hands over his cool fingers. Typical Will, out of the blue, no sense of time and place. Over the last few weeks, I've grown to love something about Will. This guy speaks off the cuff, never tempers his words. If he has something to say, he'll say it, often with unintended, and funny, results.
But I never expected him to walk into my day and tell me this.
His brow dips. "This isn't what you're thinking. I'm not saying this just to get you naked."
"I wasn't thinking that," I say in a soft voice. "If you were lying I'd know. I was thinking how crazy this is, and how I felt the same. I've never missed anybody the way I missed you."
The strangest part of all this is Will's constant public displays with me, right from the start. We're in the middle of campus, kissing, telling each other our deepest thoughts as people pa.s.s by. What if we're photographed? Doesn't he care? But I understand. When I'm with him, the world around us fades into the background and becomes about my lips on his, his hands on me, and a connection that crosses both our worlds.
His frown disappears, a grin replacing the concern. "Felt the same? You had indigestion too?"
I poke him in the ribs and he winces with a laugh.
"Funny." I glance around at the pa.s.sing groups, not wanting to be overheard. "I never expected to fall in love with somebody like you."
"Somebody like me? A pierced, tattooed slacker?" He kisses my nose.
I laugh. "You may be a pierced, tattooed slacker, but you're my pierced, tattooed slacker. And you know what? You're not a slacker; you're an amazing guy who chased his dreams. Slackers don't do that."
"Right, so...?" He c.o.c.ks an expectant brow.
I reach out a hand and run my fingers along his scruff until I rest them on his lips. "Despite your stupidity, you're worth a hundred of the other guys I've met recently."
"Yeah, I know that."
I sigh. "Big head!"
"C'mon." He wraps his large hand around mine and we stroll away. The late autumn sun is brighter in the sky, the cold day warmed by Will's presence.
"You always do these things in public, Will. Why?"
"Dunno. Just didn't want to wait, I guess." I rest my head against him as he wraps an arm around my shoulder instead. "You're awesome."
"So you keep telling me."