What happens next? We went way beyond innuendo earlier and we're about to have the discussion over whether he takes me home. To bed.
Others leaving the theatre push past us, not paying attention. Will's phone rings interrupting the trip back in the direction of what we may, or may not, do next. With an apology, he steps aside and answers.
Will stands beneath a poster for the latest action movie, and I stare at the actor above him. Will isn't famous yet, more infamous than anything; but will he be as recognisable as the guy on the poster one day? The concept is weird. He's not an ordinary guy, that's for sure, but what will happen to him? The man resting against the wall, long legs stretched in front of him could never be average, and my thoughts drift back in the direction of earlier.
I finally accept he isn't Nate anymore; this is Will. This is the same guy who I spent those weeks with. The idiot who lied to me but didn't play games. Do I give him a chance? Compared to the other guys I've come across this year, he's an example over why I shouldn't judge by appearances.
But the lies niggle.
Thirsty from salty popcorn, I indicate to Will I'm heading to the kiosk to grab another drink. The evening's last showings begin soon, and a smattering of people hang around the lobby. I queue, sandwiched between two groups of loud guys, and wrinkle my nose at the smell of beer. A few minutes later, I reach the front of the line, and as I'm about to step up to the counter, a couple of tall guys push by me.
I stumble to one side and blink at them in surprise as they place their order. Not somebody to shrink away from these situations, I storm up behind them.
"Excuse me, I was next," I say.
One of them looks around and wipes a hand across his face. "We're in a hurry."
"That's not my problem. I queued here for five minutes!"
His mate sn.i.g.g.e.rs and my irritation grows. I gesture at the young girl serving, who has an empty box hovering over the vat of popcorn. "I just want a bottle of water, please."
"Hey! She's serving us!" retorts one of the guys.
Ignoring him, I pull some coins from my purse and hand them to the speechless girl. As she turns to retrieve a bottle from the fridge, the guy begins a loud tirade against me. My hands shake with anger more than fear as I take the bottle, keeping my eyes off his.
"What's happening?" Will appears next to me.
I step away. "Nothing. It's fine."
"Are they talking s.h.i.t about you?" he asks, his eyes hard.
The taller guy takes two large cups of c.o.ke and looks back. "Keep your girlfriend under control, mate."
The switch in Will's temper is palpable, as he stiffens and steps forward. "Keep your f.u.c.king mouth under control."
The other guy turns, two boxes of popcorn in his hands. "Hey, he's the dude from Ruby Riot."
"Who gives a s.h.i.t? C'mon." As he walks away, the guy knocks into me again, deliberately.
All this over a b.l.o.o.d.y box of popcorn and a bottle of water. "You d.i.c.k!" I retort.
"Whatever, you stupid b.i.t.c.h."
"What the f.u.c.k?" Will's quiet anger simmers over and he steps in front of the guy before he can move. "Apologise to Fleur!"
"Or what?"
"Apologise," he growls.
The two men are the same height, and I can't be sure Will won't do anything stupid. I grab his jacket, aware at the growing interest in the situation from people queuing nearby.
"Will. Forget it." Testosterone hangs in the air and I take Will's hand. I've witnessed this kind of thing before on nights out with guys, and I'm relieved Will's sober. "Will!"
The challenge continues, until Will steps forward, right into the guy's face. "Talk s.h.i.t about Fleur again and I'll f.u.c.king punch you!"
"We're late for the movie!" complains the guy with the popcorn. "Ignore the f.u.c.ker."
Relief replaces the anxiety as the drunk guy steps back, breaking the standoff. "Jesus, man."
Without an apology, the two stride off toward the theatres. Scared Will is about to walk after them, I pull him in the opposite direction.
"f.u.c.king a.r.s.eholes," he mutters and grips my hand. "You okay?"
"Yes. Don't do that again! I hate when you make a public display of us, you know that."
"I don't cope well with people who upset somebody important to me."
"I was dealing with it. You made the situation worse."
"Didn't you hear what he called you?"
"Yes! But I don't care, what does it matter?"
"It matters because if someone upsets you, they'll learn it's a f.u.c.king bad idea!"
This is reminiscent of the Will earlier, ready to hunt down Ethan because he thought the guy was responsible for the mood Shaun put me in. The one who warned Ethan off once before.
"Seriously, Will, I can look after myself. I stood up for myself and was about to walk away."
Will shoves his hands in his pockets and mutters something under his breath. He's tense, face dark with anger still. I place a hand on his cheek and he takes hold.
"Sorry. I don't want anything to upset you, Fleur."
"And I don't want to date a guy who threatens to beat up anybody who looks at me the wrong way."
"But " I silence him with a raised brow. "Fine. I'll try."
"Try?" I lace my fingers through his. "Oh, Will. You're not what you seem are you?"
"In a good or bad way?"
We head towards the exit, through the gathering late night crowds, and he grips my hand. "I haven't decided yet."
Change of topic rapidly needed. "What was the phone call about?"
"Ah. Band stuff. Going away tomorrow."
"Yeah. Forgot to say earlier, but I guess we didn't talk much." Will's mouth twitches into a smile. "We're heading north, and then to Scotland for a few days."
"I guess I should give you some homework to do while you're away." I nudge him in the ribs and he laughs, letting go of more tension.
"For you, anything."
I walk through the smattering of people still in the venue, my evening catches up.
Earlier today, I'd decided to give Will a chance and discover if he's the same guy I spent time with and fell for. I didn't intend to end the evening on a date to the movies following a l.u.s.t-induced session with him on a desk in the study room. What would've happened if Sam didn't interrupt? Surely, sanity would've tapped me on the shoulder and interrupted.
Will's pa.s.sionate matching of my heated need super-charged my body with desire for him, the same desire following me as I invite a rock star with an impressive reputation back to my house.
We step off the bus at the stop nearest my place. Each step closer to my house pushes more excited apprehension into my stomach, the 'what next' hanging over our heads. Will's silence continues, on the bus he brooded for a while. Is this because of the decision we make next or because of the incident at the movies?
The house is quiet when I step inside. Anne must be having a late night or staying over at Kyle's; and the tension mounts.
"Don't you want to come in?" I ask Will as he hesitates on the doorstep.
"Yes, but control yourself this time!" he says and grins.
Confused by his words, I smile back as he walks inside. "Did you want a beer?"
"Nah. I have to be up early." He grimaces. "I wish I didn't have to. Every time we go away I have to be up at some stupid hour..."
"I feel your struggle, Will. Must be terrible for you following your dreams as they come true."
"Shush. Make me a coffee." He gestures with his hand to the kitchen.
Will doesn't join me, and when I return with two steaming mugs, he's lounging on the sofa with his boots on the low table. I shove his legs out of the way. "Make yourself at home, why don't you?"
He ignores my sarcasm. "If I was making myself at home, I'd be in your bed." He takes the mug and sips, but his face doesn't betray whether he wants to do what he says, or not.
I sit next to him and together we drink. Will takes my hand and rubs the back with his thumb and I stare at the action. Drinking coffee and holding hands isn't the action I had in mind. Is the girl who threw herself at Will still in me? Maybe she could take charge. Something inside had me unbuckling his belt earlier. I swallow at the memory and side-glance him. The expression on his face matches my thoughts and I giggle.
"This is very civilised," I say.
"Yep." Will gulps back his coffee. "Now I know you're home okay, I should go." He sets the empty cup on the table.
What the h.e.l.l?
"Oh. Right."
"Unless there's anything else you want to do?" Poker faced, Will regards me.
"Do you?"
He slides closer and tips my chin up, eyes glittering as he looks back at me. "I want to do a lot, but I won't. You've had a s.h.i.t time with men recently, and I'm going away tomorrow. I don't want you to feel used if I stay."
"Now you're being presumptuous! When did I ask you to stay?"
"Ah. Yeah. Well." He wrinkles his nose. "I don't want to be a douche who has his hands all over you the moment we're alone."
"Too late for that, isn't it?"
"That's true, but "
Seriously? I have to throw myself at him again? Is this what he's into? Girls making the first move?
I wind my arms around his neck and brush my mouth against his. "Will, you have permission to put your hands on me."
"You might regret that statement." His hands slide around my waist.
"Somehow, I don't think so," I murmur and stroke the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Are you sure?"
"Jesus, Nate, just kiss me."
As soon as the words are out, I slap my hand over my mouth. Will's eyes widen and he pulls away. "Will. I mean, Will. c.r.a.p."
Will sits forward and stares at his boots.
"I'm sorry." I touch his arm. "I know you're Will, it's just "
"I lied about who I was, didn't I? So now I'm Nate to you."
"No. You're not." I move closer. "You're not like your brother."
"Aren't I?" Will cups my cheek in one hand and holds a thumb on my lips. "I'm exactly like him in a lot of ways."
"Not to me. You said yourself, at the party, you're the same guy but with a different name."