"Just a bit of fun, man."
I grit my teeth. "I'm not arguing with you about what you did, again."
"You could've just apologised. She likes you."
"Not anymore she f.u.c.king doesn't! I tried to and she told me to p.i.s.s off."
"No point worrying then. There're a s.h.i.tload of girls interested in Will Campbell."
Yeah, just not the one I want. Fleur's moved on from Ethan the douche who made her cry, but not in my direction. The day I tried to apologise, I saw her heading across campus with a different guy, laughing and joking. I think he's a postgrad, but I don't pay attention to who's who in the department. He kept putting his hand on Fleur's arm, a sneaky kind of friendly touching from a man who'd like to be friendlier. The monster gnawed again and the little voice whispered 'get a grip'.
"Okay. Where's this weekend's party?"
Nate grins. "Which one?"
The meeting with Shaun begins the same as any other. Light, chatty, professional. No mention of kissing. I'd steeled myself and worn extra foundation to disguise the inevitable blushing that will happen. I'd emailed Shaun part of my dissertation to read over, and he's genuinely impressed, told me I had ideas he'd not considered, which took the paper in a unique direction. His praise for my work thrilled me as much as telling me he wanted to kiss me.
Shaun thinks I'm clever and attractive.
Ready to leave, I'm still talking through some of my concepts when I reach the door. Then pause, aware of Shaun's silence. The tension seeps out again and I glance up. His eyes are trained on my face; I don't think he's listening.
"I need to apologise to you," he says.
"What for?"
"Propositioning you."
I smile at his antiquated expression. "You didn't. Sorry I behaved like a silly girl."
"You didn't."
The heaviness doesn't drop. "That's fine. All forgotten."
He sighs. "Is this because of the rock star? The Ruby Riot guy who studies with you? I heard the rumours."
Rumours? c.r.a.p. "No. He doesn't study with me. Not anymore."
"Is he the one who upset you? The other day? Do I have to challenge him to a duel? Protect your honour?" He smiles the Shaun heart-gripping smile.
"He propositioned me, but not as eloquently as you did."
"I bet he wasn't! I hope you turned him down."
"Do I look like I'd be interested in a rock star?"
"You know what they say, opposites attract. You never know, underneath all that he could be a gentle, loving guy who enjoys long walks in the park and reads books."
I snort at the idea, despite the fact I've seen Nate's gentle side. "And you could be an egotistical d.i.c.khead who tells me he wants to f.u.c.k me on the desk."
As soon as the words are out, I slap my hand over my mouth. That was supposed to be a joke, but it came out very badly. Luckily, Shaun takes the comment in his stride and my language doesn't shock him.
"I could see why that might upset you if that's what he said, Fleur. I think he misjudged you totally."
"Exactly." I shrug my bag strap onto my shoulder; no way is this foundation hiding the red beacon, which is my face right now.
"But I would like to ask you out."
"There's a new Thai place. Spice Temple, 7p.m.?"
"Um." He steps closer and I swallow. Now what do I do? "Why me?"
"Because I like you. You're smart. Funny. Different."
"Are we allowed to go out together?"
Shaun laughs. "Yes, 7 p.m."
"Okay. Right. Meet you there?"
"Sure." As I head out of the door, he calls my name and I glance back. "I'll make sure I buy you flowers before I ask you to f.u.c.k me on the desk. The rock star did things in the wrong order."
If Shaun hadn't ended that comment with a laugh, he'd be waiting a long time to meet me tonight.
A p.i.s.sed off Tegan slams cupboard doors in the kitchen of our small house and I watch warily. She might be able to help.
"Hey, Tegan. You're a chick, right?"
She turns and frowns. "You need to ask me that question?"
"Yeah, sorry. I mean, if I've p.i.s.sed a girl off, and she won't talk to me, what should I do?"
"Are you asking me for relationship advice?"
"Um. No. Me and her, we're not like... dating, but she helped me with something. I want to thank her and she won't talk to me."
Tegan stares as if I'm speaking a foreign language. "Since when were you and your brother interested in what girls think of you?"
Since Fleur.
"I'm not, just want to thank her."
"Uh huh. I don't know. Buy her some flowers." She pours a gla.s.s of water and gulps down the contents. "Tell Jax I'll see him later."
Before I can respond, Tegan slams the gla.s.s on the counter and glides past me, grabbing her phone from the table on the way past. The door slams as she leaves the house. A couple of minutes later, a ha.s.sled looking Jax appears at the foot of the stairs.
"Has Tegan gone out?"
"Yeah. What did you do this time?"
"Said something I shouldn't. As usual. Man, what am I supposed to do?"
My mouth twitches into a smile. "Buy her some flowers?"
When the large bunch of pink roses arrives at the house, I panic. If Shaun bought me flowers, is that a not-so-subtle hint? After what he said when I left the room today, I'm wary.
Until I read the card.
'Thanks for the help with my paper. Sorry about my behaviour the other night. Can I please explain?'
Unsigned, but no prizes for guessing who.
I fight a smug smile. A rock star bought me flowers. Nate Campbell bought me a bunch of roses.
Anne points at them. "Secret admirer?"
No way am I telling Anne they're from Nate and giving fuel for her fire. "Looks like it." I grab the card and fold it, pushing it into my pocket.
"You're dressed up, where are you going?"
I look down at my short blue dress, teamed with a yellow cardigan. "Hardly."
She points at my face. "You have lipstick on. And is that mascara?"
"I often wear make-up!"
She purses her lips for a moment. "Oh! Are you going on a date? With history dude?"
"Maybe. Yes."
"Nice." She grins. "Where?"
"Spice Room."
"Even nicer! A bit pricier than Curryleaf."
"Is it?"
"I guess he wants to impress you."
"I guess."
"Enjoy!" Anne shoves me towards the front door. "And I want a picture. Is he hot? Or is he a cardigan wearing nerd?"
The smile I give her is the answer. Hot? Undoubtedly. Carrying a mixture of excitement and nerves, I leave for my date.
We step out of the restaurant, and I shiver. In my eagerness to leave my house, I left my coat at home. A cardigan isn't enough for tonight, even with the warmth flowing through from Shaun's attention.
"Are you cold?" he asks.
"I'm fine."
He takes one of my hands and rubs it. "You are. Here." Shaun peels off his jacket and drapes it across my shoulders, despite my protests.
I relent, glad of the extra heat from his woollen jacket. "Thank you."
"No problem. I was going to buy you flowers, but thought you might get the wrong idea after what I said earlier, so I'll make this my romantic gesture." He takes my hand and squeezes. "I've enjoyed tonight."
"Me too."
Shaun's the perfect dinner date. Polite and interested in what I have to say, and we chatted about more than work tonight. He told stories of his time as a student, and listened to mine. We chatted about and planned an evening at the Royal Shakespeare production happening next month, and compared our favourite plays. This guy didn't behave like a kid; he never picked vegetables out of his meal the way Nate did out of his sandwich or made loud, stupid comments.
Why am I giving time to thinking about the guy who makes a career out of humiliating me?
"I wondered, do you want to come back to mine? Seems too early to end the evening." When I don't reply he adds, "Or we could watch a movie. No pressure."