"Ethan." I bury my face in the pillow, away from the hurt and humiliation. "Was he with another girl?"
I twist my head around to squint at Nate. "Why?"
"He's looks like that kind of guy."
"What kind of guy?"
"Nothing. I'm a hypocrite."
I'm too drunk for this conversation. "Yeah." I fumble around for the edge of the duvet, desperate to hide under it and not continue a conversation I can barely keep up with.
"He's a douche."
"We established that," I mumble.
"Chicks like you don't deserve guys like him."
I roll over, hair splaying across the pillow as I look up at my pierced and tattooed knight in shining armour. "And you, Nate Rock Star, do chicks deserve you?"
In the dim of the room, Nate's expression is shadowed but his eyes are focused on me. "Yeah, Fleur, I'm a douche with women too. But, you know what? If a girl like you thought she was mine, I'd be f.u.c.king lucky. And I wouldn't screw her over."
"That's sweet," I say and turn over again, fighting the nauseous spinning of the room.
Fleur grapples with the duvet and it slides to the floor. With a sigh, I pick the duvet back up and place it over her. She's a mess and her make-up has run around her eyes. Has Mr. Perfect made her cry? Is this what I've done to girls before? I grit my teeth.
"I don't feel good." she says.
"You don't look good."
She mumbles something and I can't hear; I shuffle further along the bed and look down at her. "What?"
"I have a rock star in my bedroom." She giggles and pushes hair from her face, attempting to focus on me.
"Yeah, don't sell your story to the papers though."
Fleur lifts a hand and attempts to point at me. "Something I wonder about."
"Piercings. Do you have them other places?"
"A few."
"Can I see?"
I arch a brow. "You're not seeing them all."
"Why not?"
"I'm shy."
Fleur barks a laugh. "I've seen pictures of you with less clothes on! Show me."
I'm on the verge of lifting my t-shirt but stop myself. Tattoo, Will. "Nipples."
In the dim of the room, Fleur's eyes widen and she retches. "Don't show me! I'm going to puke!"
She pushes herself off the bed and staggers out of the door. I sit back and purse my lips. Really? Is this about piercings? She asked. After a few minutes, she hasn't returned and I head after her.
The bathroom door is open and Fleur kneels on the floor, slumped against the side of the bath. She looks at me in confusion. "Nate."
Her dress is. .h.i.tched up her long legs and hair dishevelled. "Jesus, woman. What a mess!"
Fleur closes her eyes and I crouch down. "No, you can't stay here."
I grab her under the arms and half drag her back to her bedroom. She grips my arms and attempts to walk.
"First time in a while I haven't climbed into bed with a girl whose bedroom I'm in."
She crawls onto the bed. "So I hear."
"Your brother might be a d.i.c.khead to me, but I know all about you and girls, Nate."
"What? It's their choice."
"You don't have to be such a manwh.o.r.e though. What do you get from doing that?" Uh. Lots of awesome, no strings s.e.x. "Shame, 'cause I think I like you a bit."
"Like me a bit?"
"You're not my usual type, but you're cute."
I make a gagging noise. "Cute?"
"Well, hot in a scruffy but smells nice way." She giggles again. "And stop repeating everything I say."
I sit next to her on the bed and Fleur hiccups. "Will wouldn't be happy to hear this."
"Pfft. Not like I'm going to do anything. All I said was you were cute."
Right. I sit in silence for a few moments fighting the voice in my head whispering 'tell her'. She'll be furious when she does find out; won't the longer we leave this make things worse?
"Fleur, I should tell you something."
"You think I'm okay, right? The guy with you now isn't like Will when he p.i.s.sed you off, y'know, the drunk d.i.c.khead."
"S'pose. Nice of you to bring me home. And put me to bed." She sn.i.g.g.e.rs. "Rock star."
"Right. Well. The thing is..." I pause. At least in her inebriated state she won't be able to slap me hard. Surely, I have brownie points for helping her tonight. "About me and Nate. I'm... I mean he... s.h.i.t." I drag a hand through my hair, not looking at her. "I'm not Nate; I'm Will."
"Huh. Really?" she mumbles.
I stare. Why hasn't she lost her s.h.i.t at me? "So, you don't mind?"
There's a long pause and I tense, waiting for the explosion. "Still not happy. But you helped me. S'all good. Sort of."
Wow, well that was easy.
She sighs and pulls the duvet up to her chin. "Tell your brother to make sure he has his notes for the group tomorrow."
s.h.i.t. "No, I mean I'm Will. Now and then."
I wait for an answer and it doesn't come. "Fleur?"
Her response is a not so gentle snoring from beneath the duvet.
f.u.c.king great.
Waking up the next day hurts. I bury myself in the warmth and safety of my bed until the nauseous feeling switches to shakes and a headache, and the need for painkillers and water push me out. I drag on my scruffy blue track pants and pull a university logo sweatshirt on before heading downstairs.
A Campbell twin looks up from where he sits on the sofa watching TV, feet on the table and coffee mug in hand. For a moment, my befuddled brain thinks I'm in the wrong house. No, that was definitely my bed I climbed out of.
When the stairs creak, he looks over. "Wow, you look like s.h.i.t."
"Charming! What are you doing here?"
He gestures at the TV with his mug. "Watching the football."
I sigh. "You helped me home, didn't you?"
"And you're Nate," I say warily.
"I'm whichever one you want "
"Right. Nate. You do know that statement is getting old now?"
"Call it my secret code."
I pick my way across the room, close to furniture in case I need to steady myself. A blanket and pillow are rolled up on the sofa next to Nate. "Did you stay all night?"
"I was gonna leave, but your housemate said I could stay."
"Why would you?"
Nate looks back to the TV. "It was late, couldn't be a.r.s.ed going home."
"Okay," I mumble and finish my confused trip to the kitchen.
Nate appears and rests against the counter as I pour a gla.s.s of water with shaking hands. "Plus, I'm waiting for payment."
"Payment for what? The taxi?"
"No. I looked after you last night. You can thank me by buying me lunch."
I blink. "Do I look like I'm well enough to go to lunch?" And why would I go with him?
Nate peers at me and wrinkles his nose. "You'll be okay after a shower. You smell like a b.l.o.o.d.y brewery, though."
"You really are a charmer, aren't you?"
"I can be charming if I need to be. No point trying with you though; you'll see straight through me." Nate winks.
I sink against the counter next to him. "Thanks. For helping me."
"No problem, I liked helping you for once. You've helped me. Just don't tell everyone."
I frown at him. "What about?"
"Your wild night of pa.s.sion with a member of Ruby Riot." He catches my paling expression. "Teasing! I'm not having s.e.x with an unconscious girl!"