The rhythmic thud on the hotel door continues. Spilling out of bed, I head over to answer.
"What?" I snap as I yank open the door.
Will, far too perky for a guy who I swear drank as much as me last night, steps back, appraises me in my boxers and shakes his head with a small smile. "Dude, you look like s.h.i.t."
"I'm tired. What do you want?" Unimpressed, I head to the mini-bar and pull out a bottle of water.
Will follows and crosses his arms over his chest, bright green eyes meeting mine. He matched me in drinking last night; why doesn't he look like c.r.a.p too? Although I'm pretty sure that's bite marks on his neck.
"Jax, it's one p.m. You're late for the sound check."
I freeze. "s.h.i.t. Really?"
"First gig on a European tour with Phoenix and you're in bed! We have s.h.i.t to do, man."
I spot my jeans by the end of the bed and grab them. "f.u.c.k. Sorry."
"What the h.e.l.l happened to you? Since when can't you handle your booze?" Will sinks onto the end of the bed. "Or your women."
Before we went to the club, at the hotel bar, I knocked back more beers than I realised, distracted by Tegan and later by the prospect of a celebratory night. The night before Ruby Riot opens for Blue Phoenix on their European tour. Blue Phoenix. Unreal. Must've been the champagne. I never drink champagne. Yep, definitely that. I rub my head.
"Where're Nate and Ruby?" I ask.
"They've gone ahead to the venue. I've spent half an hour calling you and gave up, came here to haul your a.s.s out of bed."
"And the Phoenix guys?"
Will pulls his lip piercing in his mouth and glances around the room. "Dunno. Haven't seen them. No chick with you?"
"That's right you couldn't stand up." He laughs and claps me on my bare shoulder.
I shrug him off; pleased it wasn't Ruby outside the door. At least Will's laid back about my s.h.i.t start to the first day of the tour. "Give me ten. I'll grab a shower and meet you in the lobby."
Will heads off, unperturbed. Often, I'm glad the twins are chilled guys. Reckon I've seen them fully stressed once and can't remember why. Life rolls over them and they grasp at the fun parts, letting the c.r.a.p sail by. I guess Ruby holds enough tension for the four of us.
The warm water flows over my aching head as I replay last night. I remember dancing with a chick, then she wasn't there, and I spoke to Tegan. No clue what I spoke to Tegan about. s.h.i.t, I hope I didn't make an a.r.s.ehole of myself in front of her.
Months I've waited for this day. I'm playing a stadium gig tonight with the biggest band in the f.u.c.king world. Thousands of people. This is huge and what do I do to prepare? Get wasted and wake up half-dead. Ruby's going to lose her s.h.i.t if I'm below par for our final rehearsal and sound check.
"Morning!" I call to Bryn as I approach him in the hallway between our hotel rooms. I head back to mine as he leaves his.
He stops. "Where've you been?"
"Where does it look like I've been?" I indicate my sweaty self, yoga pants, and gym vest.
"Working out? You didn't go to bed until three a.m.!"
"And?" I wipe a lose strand of hair from my damp forehead. "I usually get up early."
"I doubt you'll find anybody else does. Weirdo."
I flick Bryn's ear. "Funny. Did you find someone to take Jax back to the hotel?"
Bryn makes a derisive sound. "Yeah. What a joke."
True. I smile at the memory of Jax's performance. "Sure, you never got wasted when you were on your first tour," I say sarcastically.
"There's a time and a place, Tegan."
I giggle at him. "You seriously are an old man, big brother."
"I'm stressed about the f.u.c.king tour, okay?"
Whoa. The tightly wound Bryn from yesterday remains; this has to be about more than me and my arrival. "Are you all right?"
"Fine. Sorry." He wipes a hand across his brow. "Dealing with some s.h.i.t; I need things running smoothly on tour at least. Call me when you've showered, or whatever. I want to talk to you."
Before I can respond, Bryn stomps to the elevator, his heavy footsteps m.u.f.fled by the carpet. Jeez, I hope n.o.body gets in Bryn's way today.
Half an hour later, refreshed and ready for the world, I grab my phone and shove some cash in the back pocket of my jeans. First day of touring with Blue Phoenix, and I bounce down the corridor with excitement over what the day could hold. I've waited years to spend time in the thick of everything and watch how their world works. Playing the fan girl, I chose a Blue Phoenix sleeveless tee this morning. Will Bryn finally tell everybody who I am? My mind floods with ideas and possibilities. I can't wait to show pictures to people, I know that Phoebe is jealous as h.e.l.l. When we hit the UK leg, I'll find her some backstage
One small cloud on the horizon - what does Bryn want to talk to me about? He's agreed I can stay. As I wait for the elevator, I picture him giving me a list of dos and don'ts with that sulky look he's had since I arrived. Something's wrong with Bryn, he's not normally this uptight. Maybe once he's in his natural environment backstage he'll cheer up.
Distracted, I don't notice another person appear besides me.
s.h.i.t. No.
I stop.
Tegan, standing by the elevator, makes jeans and a sloppy Blue Phoenix t-shirt look like the s.e.xiest outfit on the planet. I am not nervous of chicks these days but she ties my tongue in knots. This reaction is because I'm unsure if I made a d.i.c.k of myself in front of Tegan last night, not because she stuns me.
Sure it is.
Tegan's full lips are pursed, a troubled line between her brows so I keep my distance and say nothing. She notices me almost immediately.
"Good morning, Jaxon," she says with a knowing smile.
"Don't call me Jaxon. Only my mum and gran call me that."
"When you're misbehaving?" Tegan pulls her teeth over her lip to disguise amus.e.m.e.nt.
I really b.l.o.o.d.y hate alcohol memory blanks when the person who saw, and remembers all, clearly wants to tease.
"You forgot your," she says staring straight ahead.
Her words jolt me from the distracting sight of where the vest tee she's wearing scoops low beneath her arms to reveal the edge of a black bra and smooth, tanned skin. "What do you mean?"
"You're a rock star after a wild night. You should be wearing"
"Wasn't wild, I just drank too much."
"Uh huh."
I ignore her. I have enough to worry about with facing the wrath of Ruby when I arrive at the venue.
Tegan continues to fight her smile and hits the b.u.t.ton on the elevator again, muttering about how long it's taking. So far, she met my eyes briefly and now focuses on the elevator door. I train my gaze on the side of her face and I'm positive her cheeks are pinker than when I arrived.
"I hope I didn't say anything rude to you last night," I say.
"Okay." I pause, irritated by her lack of information. "What did I say?"
Finally, she looks around at me; deep brown eyes beneath long lashes capture my breath. We lock eyes for the longest since we first met, and I swear something's there; something I haven't seen in anybody before, even Ruby. Apart from the desire for Tegan that hits each time I'm sharing oxygen with her, I feel like I already know her, but I'm sure we've never met before.
"You're a rock star."
"Yeah, I know."
"No, that's what you told me. Repeatedly." The elevator doors slide open and Tegan steps into the small s.p.a.ce.
I follow and because Tegan chooses to stand right in the middle of the elevator, I have to edge around her. I swear she laughs under her breath at me. She reaches across to press the b.u.t.ton for the ground floor, a scent of citrus from her hair as it touches my arm briefly. I high five myself for not looking down her top when it drops forward with the movement.
The doors close and I'm engulfed by Tegan's presence. Even in my delicate, hungover state, all I'm aware of is the girl standing too close. I stare at my feet as the elevator lurches; if I look back into her eyes, I'm lost. This is wrong. I don't do the unsure, teen-boy bulls.h.i.t anymore. I'm not him.
"You were very complimentary, Jax, don't worry. Also, you didn't try to grope me, so that's a bonus."
"Complimentary?" I look back to Tegan.
Eyes focused on my mouth, she rubs a finger along her bottom lip before lifting her eyes to mine. A simple gesture but loaded with promise I doubt she intends to keep.
"Are you teasing me?" I ask in a low voice.
"Teasing? No. Why would I do that?"
Tegan is tall, almost matching my height, and my refusal to shift away from her leaves our faces close, bodies almost touching. Her subtle scent is stronger, as is my desire to push Tegan against the wall of the elevator and kiss her hard. This is wrong and bad for my health. Bryn would break my arms and Tegan's firing an arousal she won't satisfy any time soon.
I move my face closer, nose almost touching her cheek. "I don't know, Tegan Hughes, but whether you're teasing or not, you can't hide what I can see in your eyes."
Tegan doesn't respond or move her head at all, so I shift back from her.
Something close to a staring match follows, no more words exchanged. Neither of us backs down, until the elevator lurches to a stop. The movement jostles Tegan and her bare arm brushes mine. A jolt like a bad static shock joins the sensation of her soft skin. Tegan steps back and breaks eye contact, touching her arm where we connected.
The doors slide open and Tegan steps out, placing a hand on the edge to hold them. "I guess I'll see you later, Jaxon," she says with a smile.
Tegan attempts nonchalance, but her eyes tell a different story. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, Tegan heads away. Great, now she has me focusing on her a.s.s again.
I'm annoyed my hungover state prevents me matching Tegan's game, because if I were myself, things wouldn't stop there. I can play too, and she'll discover I don't play by her rules.
I meet Bryn inside the stadium entrance where he ushers me to one of the offices before I find time to have a real look at my surroundings. A huge LCD screen features an announcement about Blue Phoenix's and Ruby Riot's concert tonight. On another wall, one of their recent music clips plays on a matching screen. I'm itching to take pictures, already plotting my blog post. One with Bryn by the screens would be good to share, but I don't get a chance. Yet.
The small room we step into contains a small round table with four blue-seated chairs, the window overlooking the nearby car park. A woman in a business suit sits at the table furiously typing a text message on her phone, short blonde hair falling across her face.
"Tina, this is Tegan," says Bryn, to the immaculately groomed woman. "Tegan, Tina. She's head of PR on tour and works with the tour manager. Makes decisions."
I grin. Awesome. Maybe I can persuade Tina to let me join her and gain some PR experience. "Hey."
Tina looks up from her phone and appraises me with disinterest. "h.e.l.lo." She looks to Bryn. "I thought you were sending her home?"
Sending me home? I'm not twelve.
"I agreed she could stay if we find her something to do," says Bryn "Something to do?" asks Tina.
"Yeah. She doesn't have any skills really, so maybe you have some ideas?"
"Cheeky b.u.g.g.e.r!" I say and shove his arm. "Just because I'm not musical."
"I mean you don't have training in anything useful for the tour."
"What did you have in mind?" Tina asks Bryn, frowning at me.
"Useful..." She sighs.
"I can be your PA, big brother," I say with a sn.i.g.g.e.r.
"Very funny, Tegan. I don't have or need a PA."