For a moment, Jax's eyes widen and his mouth curves into a smile. "Challenge accepted."
I watch in disbelief as he walks out of the room, enjoying the view of his tight a.s.s. Where the h.e.l.l is he going? Jax reappears with a square silver packet and waves it at me. My chest and stomach tighten in antic.i.p.ation, but I hang onto my nonchalant aura despite my shaking arms.
"You can stop this Miss In Control bulls.h.i.t, Tegan, because I'm not stopping until you scream my name." He rolls the condom onto himself as he kneels between my legs at the edge of the bed. "You have no idea what you've done by teasing me."
I antic.i.p.ated him moving to the next base, but Jax drags my legs over his shoulders. "Jax Lewis moves, huh?" he asks, looking up at me from between them.
Before I can come up with a retort, Jax presses his mouth back on my sensitive flesh and I grip the edge of the sheets as he thrusts his fingers back inside me. His tongue skillfully strokes and teases, as he sucks on my c.l.i.t until I'm heading upwards again. This man can do things with his tongue I never imagined possible, each stroke pushing me further into a natural high, driving me out of my mind, and craving one thing. More. Him. Everything.
Jax drags me to the blinding edge, burying his face further between my legs; his day's growth scratches, the harsh contrast to the soft adding to my arousal. The noises I'm suppressing escape, giving Jax the clues he needs and he stops again.
"f.u.c.k!" I half-shout at him.
"Was that a complaint or a command?" He nudges my flesh with his nose and I swear I hear him chuckle.
"Don't tease me," I say. "Please. I didn't do this to you!"
My whole body trembles with the need for him to bring me to the o.r.g.a.s.m he keeps dangling out of reach.
One day, in the not too distant future, Jax is going to regret this.
Without another word, he returns to his teasing, this time pressing harder against me, the rhythm of his tongue, and fingers against the soft spot inside, drag me into an intensity I've never experienced. Blood roars through my ears, my vision blackens, and at that moment, I've lost the game. The o.r.g.a.s.m shatters me, body and soul; I lose control and half-scream his name as I come.
"f.u.c.k!" I shout again, and he laughs, as my body screams for more. "Inside me. Now."
Jax doesn't need asking twice and I'm still sky-high on the bliss as the hard tip of him pushes against my slick centre. He rocks against me, pushing slowly, and I inhale, wriggling against him. Jax fills me, setting new tingles in my belly as his movement pushes me back toward the height I was sure I'd moved away from. I'm lost again, beneath Jax's hard body, as he grips my a.s.s and thrusts deep. "So f.u.c.king tight," he breathes. "You're so f.u.c.king tight."
Jax pushes himself up and our eyes meet again, trapped in our world of pleasure. Tenderness crosses his face for a moment as he strokes a strand of hair from my damp face until I tighten around him again, and he closes his eyes, mouth parting with pleasure of his own. He sinks onto me, gripping my hips hard as he gathers pace, seeking his own release. I dig my fingers into his a.s.s and stare at this glorious man who in twenty minutes has given me more pleasure than I've had from a guy in my whole life.
I'm never letting Jax go. I'll fight to make this man mine.
Our bodies slide together, my nipples rubbing against his chest, as if any more pleasure is needed here. I start murmuring his name beneath my breath, swearing as I come again, more powerfully than before. I'm barely aware of anything apart from Jax's moan as he pulses inside me and settles on my chest, showering my face with kisses.
Jax lifts his head. I smile and trace his swollen lips with my fingers. "Almost made me scream," I whisper.
"I never said I'd make you scream the first time. I said I wouldn't stop until you do." He grins. "We can have more fun that way."
When Jax disappears into the bathroom, I consider his words as I lie back on the bed, glowing with the heat streaming through my body. He returns and pulls me into his arms and I drag the duvet over us as I snuggle into his chest. We lie together silently, as Jax strokes my hair.
A sudden panic grips my heart. I've never had s.e.x with a guy who didn't tell me he loves me first. In fact, I've only slept with with two guys. s.e.x with Jax blows past experience out of the water and he's bypa.s.sed the words and into my bed.
Worse than that, he's bypa.s.sed the words and imprinted himself onto my heart and soul.
The intense pa.s.sion and consuming need we create when we're together has spilled into s.e.x now. n.o.body could bring the intensity Jax achieved through a purely physical connection. Could they? I'm pulled into a place I never intended to go and this scares me. Does this go any deeper for Jax than physical pleasure, or is he caught by the intensity too?
"What do they hope to achieve?" I ask. "Don't the so-called fans understand they're p.i.s.sing me off?"
We sit in a quiet corner, in the bar of the latest hotel, ensconced in yet another meeting with Tina and Riley. A couple of roadies huddle over beers in the opposite corner, chatting loudly; but, in the early afternoon, few other people are here. Tegan twists a gla.s.s of orange juice around in her hands. I'm on my third beer.
The day after our photo went viral, Tegan and me had our hauled in front of PR and a very p.i.s.sed off Tina. Following a lecture about our stupidity, we were instructed to keep her in the loop of everything we plan to do - and not to leave the hotel.
Tegan ranted to me afterwards about being treated like a child; but the media barrage started, and we realised what a spectacular f.u.c.k up we'd made.
The attempts at digging dirt on Tegan have failed, but that doesn't matter to die-hard Jax Lewis fans who rip Tegan apart anyway. As far as they're concerned, she shouldn't get her hands on me. I asked Riley who the h.e.l.l the fans think I should be with and received a curt 'n.o.body'. Perfect, I have a fan base of f.u.c.king psychos.
Two days of intense scrutiny, of being frightened to set foot outside of the confines of the tour hotels and airports, our life is curtailed. Tegan's plans to visit as many European capitals as she can have halted, and she's p.i.s.sed off. Big time. We're in Berlin and stuck indoors.
"Jax, we told you weeks ago, we're supposed to deal with all media exposure to stop stupid a.s.s mistakes like this. You have no idea how to handle this kind of thing," says Riley.
I scowl at her usual superior tone, biting back the desire to make a comment about Nate. How can he be interested in this uptight chick who dresses like she's ten years older than she is? Look at her - business suit and neat blue blouse to match her sensible shoes and middle-aged att.i.tude. Straight-laced and boring. I asked Nate what his game was with Riley, but he shrugged the incident off as a mistake. Who for - him or Riley?
"It was my idea. I told you that before," puts in Tegan.
"Jax attacking his fans on Twitter over this has inflamed the situation," replies Tina. "Again, stupid idea."
"They're f.u.c.king trolls, not fans. Tegan's already had to disable her Twitter and Instagram."
"And shut down my blog." Tegan drags a hand through her hair. "This is a nightmare."
I squeeze her hand. Whenever she's upset about the situation, my fear over what happens next sneaks in. Will Tegan change her mind and leave? I don't mean I'm worried she'll leave me, but what if she quits the tour? If Tegan goes, I don't know what will happen, because I don't know what I'll get up to when she's not around. Especially with a few beers inside me.
"You have to agree to let us take over all media contact now - social or otherwise," says Tina.
I huff. "Fine. If you do, will this go away soon?"
Riley scoffs. "You're in this for the long-term, Jax." She flicks a look between Tegan and me. "I hope he's worth all the c.r.a.p, Tegan."
Why is Riley such a b.i.t.c.h? What did I do to her? Yeah, I came onto her - one time only - when I was wasted, but I didn't touch her once she made it clear I should back off. Sometimes, personalities clash. She doesn't like rock star a.r.s.eholes and I don't like stuck up chicks.
She'd better not get into Tegan's ear about me because Riley has stories I'd rather Tegan didn't know.
"What's the plan?" I ask.
Tina opens her iPad and scrolls down the screen. "We're putting something together. Maybe we'll push you back into public on your own, but mostly keep Tegan out of the spotlight. You have to show you can love your fans and her."
Love her?
"Which means no ducking out of tonight," comments Riley.
"Tonight? I'm performing."
"The backstage VIP winners?" asks Riley. "Remember? I bet they're hanging out to meet you."
"s.h.i.t." I rub my head. "I never wanted to do the meet and greet thing."
"You love girls all over you!" says Riley.
I flash Riley a look. "Jem told me it's usually tweens and their mums. Hardly somebody I'm likely to hit on." Tegan shifts and puts down her drink and I tighten my grip on her hand. "Not that I would anyway. Not now."
Tina sighs. "Really, we could've done with you being on the market, Jax."
"On the market? Like a piece of meat?" I retort.
Tina gives a small shake of her head and returns to note taking.
"Well, the break up could be timed with the alb.u.m release in a few months, a bit of media exposure will help sales," says Riley with a smirk. "Reckon you could last that long?"
Tegan sits forward and fixes an unimpressed look on Riley. "What's your problem?"
I watch with interest, at Tegan finally picking up on Riley's downright b.i.t.c.hiness around me. Tina looks at her too, a small crease on her brow. "Not appropriate, Riley."
"Sorry. I'm p.i.s.sed off with the situation they created. This makes my life harder."
"Oh, poor you!" I retort. "What a shame you have a job to do!"
She fixes me with a sour look. "I guess I'm worried about Tegan. I mean, Bryn's the person you need to worry about the most, but Tegan's the one the fans aren't happy with." Riley looks at Tegan. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that; but you're a nice person, and I don't want you being hurt."
"I haven't done anything! I could understand if I'd screwed around with him, but it's not like I have him tied to the bed somewhere!" says Tegan.
"Heh, I might like that," I say and Tegan's scowl suggests she doesn't share my humour. She pulls her hand away. Her already tense figure stiffens further. Oh, c.r.a.p. I've witnessed her build up to frustrated explosions over the last couple of days and I recognise the signs.
"Are things really that bad?" Tegan asks.
"You won't be able to keep working for the tour. Judging by the latest campaign against you, selling t-shirts in public isn't a great idea," replies Tina.
Tegan stands and her chair sc.r.a.pes loudly across the floor. "This is bulls.h.i.t! I can't work. I can't leave the hotel. What the h.e.l.l am I supposed to do?"
My heart rate picks up as she stomps out of the bar area before anybody can respond. Tegan's increasingly edgy; and although she attempts to keep a lid on things, her stress at the situation increasingly spills into loud outbursts. How much does Tegan regret what's happening, and her choice to tangle herself with me?
Without saying anything else to Riley and Tina, I head out of the bar. The carpeted hotel lobby is empty, and I pause. Which way did Tegan go? Man, she can move quickly when she wants. I catch sight of the clock above the reception desk. 2 p.m.. Will and Nate headed off to the sound check an hour ago. I'd hoped to smooth the waters before heading down there myself, but all that's happened is Tegan's more stressed than she was.
I find her sitting in the corner of the hotel, where the expansive gla.s.s atrium arches above the chairs and tables smattered around the open s.p.a.ce. On alert for anybody who could look like a fan, I stand next to Tegan. An elderly couple sits at an adjacent table, examining a guidebook. A concierge with a trolley of suitcases, followed by a businessman talking loudly on his phone.
"Are you okay?" I ask. She frowns up at me. "b.l.o.o.d.y stupid question, sorry."
"p.i.s.sed off," she mutters.
"Yeah, same. Maybe I should leak Ruby's pregnancy and the media can get off our backs."
Tegan's eyes widen in shock. "Jax!"
"I'm joking, why would I do that? I don't want two band members baying for my blood. And have you ever seen Ruby p.i.s.sed off? Like really p.i.s.sed off. Not pretty. And with the hormones -" I cut my ramble short as Tegan's lips purse. "Anyway, I'm sure the world will know soon. Only the bands and Tina are aware, but that won't last."
"Poor Ruby."
"She'll handle it. She's cool."
Tegan straightens and shoots me a poisonous look. "And I'm not handling it? Is that what you mean?"
"Whoa, Tegan. No, that's not what I mean."
"Sorry. Stressed. When are you heading off?"
"In about an hour. You coming?"
Tegan sinks back in the upholstered chair. "Maybe. If I'm allowed."
"I think being in public is the issue, you'll be fine backstage." I sit in the chair next to her.
Tegan's sunken shoulders and defeated stance aren't like her, and she doesn't respond when I rub her leg. When I take Tegan's hand and kiss her fingers, she turns her head. Instead of anger in her eyes, there's unhappiness that stabs at my heart. I don't want this girl to be unhappy. I want to be the reason she smiles. I cup Tegan's chin and kiss her.
"Everything will work out," I say.
"I don't know. I'm a bit freaked out." She pulls her phone from her back pocket and turns the screen to me. "Did you see what was on -?"
"When did you reactivate Twitter? Why?"
"Because!" Tegan's mouth turns down. "I wanted to see Berlin too. What's the point on travelling with the bands if I can't b.l.o.o.d.y go anywhere?"
I stroke a strand of hair behind her ear. "You want to go home?"
"No, those psychos aren't making my decisions for me. I won't let that happen!"
"Things will calm down in a few days."
"You reckon?"
"Yeah. And if not, once the tour's over, we'll be out of the spotlight. The hype will die down. Some other celeb is bound to get up to s.h.i.t that's more interesting than us. Well, until the alb.u.m's released in October, then Ruby Riot will be everywhere again, and we'll be back in the public eye."
Tegan studies me curiously. "October?"
"Yeah. Why?"
She shakes her head. "What Riley said."