The two Rovers were in no cheerful frame of mind. They realized that Sack Todd was much exercised over the fact that they had discovered the secret of the ranch, and what he would do to them in consequence there was no telling.
"Perhaps we'll never get away from here alive!" cried Sam after another talk.
"Oh, I don't think he'll dare to go as far as that, Sam. He knows we have friends and that they will do all in their power to rescue us or find out what has become of us."
Another hour went by, so slowly that it seemed three. Then, of a sudden, d.i.c.k uttered an exclamation.
"I've struck a prize, Sam!"
"What is it?"
"A bit of candle."
"Humph! What good will that do, if you haven't any match?"
"But I have several matches," answered the eldest Rover, and a second later came a faint scratch, and then the bit of candle, dirty and mouse-gnawed, was lit.
It was not much of a light, but it was far better than nothing, and both boys felt light-hearted when they could see each other once more.
"Let us make another examination of the hole," suggested d.i.c.k.
"Something may have slipped us before."
They went over each part of the walls with great care. On one side, a portion of the stones was set in squarely.
"This looks as if they had at one time closed some sort of a pa.s.sageway here," remarked d.i.c.k. "I should like to know what is beyond."
"Can't we pick out one or two stones?"
"We can try."
The candle was set down on the stone flooring, close to the wall, and the two lads started to work without delay. In a corner of his jacket, d.i.c.k found an old jack-knife that had not been taken away from him, and this he used on the mortar. Sam had nothing but a long, rusty iron nail, so their progress was necessarily slow.
"Don't seem to be making much headway," observed Sam, after pegging away for a while. "Wish we had a hammer and a cold chisel."
"If we used a hammer they could hear us, Sam."
At last they had one stone loose and pulled it out of the wall.
Holding up the light, they saw that there was a wall of plain dirt behind it.
"Beaten!" muttered the youngest Rover, and a disappointed look came over his face. "d.i.c.k, we have had our labor for our pains."
"I am not so sure of that, Sam."
"Why not, I'd like to know? That doesn't look much like a pa.s.sageway."
"That is true, but we may be able to dig through the dirt without great trouble, and if this spot is close to the outer wall of the building--"
"Oh, I see," and Sam's face took on a more hopeful look. "But it might take a long time, anyway," and his face fell once more.
They had just started to loosen a second stone, when the candle began to splutter. They saved it as much as they could, but in five minutes it flickered for the last time and went out, leaving them in a darkness that seemed more intense than ever.
"We might as well continue to work," said d.i.c.k as bravely as he could.
"There is nothing else to do."
But, at the end of an hour, they had to give up the task. All of the stones around the hole they had made refused to budge, and, as the opening was not over eight inches in diameter, it availed them nothing.
"It is no use, Sam," said d.i.c.k finally. "We are simply wearing ourselves out for nothing. Give it up."
Both boys were exhausted, but were too much disturbed to take a good sleep. Yet, as they sat on a bench, the eyes of each closed, and he took a series of naps, arousing at every unusual sound that penetrated to the underground cell.
Overhead, everything had become unusually quiet, but toward morning came heavy footsteps, and they heard the opening and closing of an outer door.
"Somebody has come in," said Sam. "I wonder if it is the party that went to look for Tom and the others?"
"More than likely. I wish I knew if they discovered anything, or if Tom managed to keep out of sight."
Again there was silence, and once more the boys dozed off, not to rouse up until there came the unlocking of the cell door. Sack Todd stood there, lantern in hand, and beside him Andy Jimson.
"Hope you had a good night's sleep," said the owner of Red Rock ranch.
"Fine," answered d.i.c.k sarcastically. "Your feather beds can't be beat."
"And the quilts were extra warm," put in Sam, catching his cue from his brother.
"Humph! Your night here doesn't seem to have tamed you down much,"
growled Sack Todd.
"I said they were gamy youngsters," came from the long-nosed man.
"They showed that when they were on the houseboat."
"I want to question you," said Sack Todd, setting down his lantern.
"How many were there in your party?"
"How many did you catch?" questioned d.i.c.k, at the same time pinching his brother's arm to make Sam keep quiet.
"You answer my question, boy!" growled the owner of the ranch.
"Why don't you answer mine?"
"I am not here to answer questions."
"Who said I was, then?"
"You are a prisoner."
"You had better answer up, if you know what's good fern you," broke in Andy Jimson. "Sack doesn't stand for any nonsense."
"Tell me, how many were in your party?" repeated the owner of the ranch.