"It did."
"Glad to hear it, stranger. Sometimes the folks from the big cities find fault. Expect me to run a reg'lar Aster-Delmonic.u.m, or sumthin'
like that."
"It is very hard to suit everybody," said d.i.c.k. "By the way," he went on, "do you know a man around these parts named Sack Todd?"
"Do I know him? To be sure I do, stranger. Friend o' yourn?"
"Not exactly, but I have met him a few times. Where does he live?"
"Lives over to Red Rock ranch, quite a few miles from here."
"Not exactly. He has a cousin there, I believe, and some others. But I wouldn't advise you to go over to the ranch, nohow."
"Sack Todd don't take to visitors. The story goes that a visitor once stopped there an' shot his wife and robbed her, an' since that time he ain't had no use fer anybody, only them as he knows very well."
"Does he run the ranch for a living?"
"Don't know but what he does, but he don't work very hard a-doin' it."
"Is there an old man working for him--a fellow with thin shoulders and reddish hair?"
"Yes; an' he's a sour pill, too."
"He must be an odd stick, to keep himself so close."
"Yes; but Sack's a good spender, when he's in the humor of it.
Sometimes he comes to town with a wad o' money an' treats everybody right an' left. Then ag'in he comes in an' won't notice n.o.body."
Here the talk came to an end, for the hotel man had to attend to some new arrivals. d.i.c.k joined the others and all took a walk, so that their conversation might not be overheard.
"This only adds to the mystery," said Tom after d.i.c.k had repeated what the tavern keeper had said. "I am more anxious now than ever to visit Red Rock ranch, as they call it."
"So am I," added Sam. "And remember, we want to catch Dan Baxter if we can."
"Well, we can't go ahead and back too, boys," came from d.i.c.k. "If we really mean to investigate, we ought to send Mr. Denton and the ladies and the girls word. If we don't, and we are delayed any great length of time, they will be sure to worry about us."
"Maybe we can telephone," suggested Songbird. "Don't you see the wires? Some of the plantations must have the service."
"That's the talk!" cried Fred. "Let us try it, anyway."
They walked to the nearest station and looked over the book. But the Denton plantation was not mentioned.
"We can send a letter," said d.i.c.k. "That will get there before they have a chance to worry."
They returned to the tavern, and there the communication was written, and later on dropped in the post-office. Then they held another consultation.
"Those fellows around that ranch are all armed beyond a doubt," said Tom. "I think we ought to get something in the shape of firearms."
"We've got a gun and a pistol now," answered d.i.c.k.
"Say, I ton't vos go pack of der been schootin' goin' on!" cried Hans. "I tole you dot Sack Todd been a pad man."
"You can remain behind, Hans," returned Sam.
"He can go on to Mr. Denton's," said Songbird.
"Not much--I stick py der crowd," said the German youth. He thought it worse to leave them than to confront any possible perils.
Their horses had been fed and cared for, and by the middle of the afternoon each was provided with a pistol, the extra weapons being secured at the local hardware establishment.
"Afraid of outlaws?" questioned the man who sold the pistols.
"There is nothing like being armed," answered d.i.c.k. "On some of these trails, there is no telling what sort of persons you will meet."
"I've got an idea," said Tom when they were on the street again. "Why not take our time and move on Red Rock ranch after dark?"
"And lose our way," came from Sam.
"Well, we can't use that trail in the daylight. That old man will be sure to halt us."
"We can get around the old man somehow," said Songbird. "As soon as we spot him, we can make a detour."
By four o'clock, they were on the way. Not to excite suspicions on the part of any of Sack Todd's friends who might happen to be around, they left Caville by a side trail and then took to the back road after the last of the houses of the town had been pa.s.sed.
"I'd just like a long ride over the prairie," cried Sam. "I know I'd enjoy every minute of it."
They had proceeded less than a mile when Hans went to the front.
"I d.i.n.k dis horse vants to let himself out a leetle," said he.
"I'll race you," said Sam, and away they started at a breakneck speed.
"Hold on!" cried d.i.c.k. "Don't tire yourselves out in that fashion.
We've got a good many miles to go yet."
But neither of the racers paid any attention, and soon they were a good distance to the front. Hans was doing his best to keep ahead of the youngest Rover, and, as his steed was a little the better of the two, he had small difficulty in accomplishing his object.
But, alas, for the poor German boy! The race made him careless of where he was going, and soon he found himself on the very edge of a swamp, similar to that encountered before.
"Whoa!" he yelled to his horse. "Whoa!" And then he added: "Sam, go pack kvick!"
"What's wrong, Hans?"