"But are there no fresh horses for us, Child-of-Light?"
asked Pasmore. "If the others have got a good start and fresh horses, can we catch them up?"
"I have said I have sent all the horses of Douglas away for safe keeping. We must overtake them with what we have. The Great Spirit is good, and may do much for us."
"Then let us push on, Child-of-Light, for it will be a grievous thing if evil befall our friends now."
For three days they travelled in a north-easterly direction, but the sun had gained power, and spring had come with a rush, as it does in that part of the world. The first chinook wind that came from the west, through the pa.s.ses of the Rockies from warm southern seas, would render travelling impossible--their sleighs would be useless.
The great danger was that Douglas and the others would have pa.s.sed over the Saskatchewan, and the ice breaking up behind them would have cut off their retreat.
In those three days the party was tortured with alternative hopes and fears. Now it was a horse breaking through the softening crust of snow and coming down, and then it would be one playing out altogether. If in another day those in front were not overtaken, it was pretty certain they must run into Big Bear's band, and that would mean wholesale ma.s.sacre. In order to catch them up they walked most of the night, leading their horses along the trail.
On the fourth day they sighted the broad Saskatchewan, now with many blue trickling streams of water upon its surface and cracking ominously. They scanned the opposite sh.o.r.e in the neighbourhood of the trail anxiously.
"Look, brother," cried Child-of-Light, "they are camped on the opposite bank, and away over yonder, coming down the plateau, are Indians who must belong to Big Bear's band. But the river is not safe now to cross. I can hear it breaking up and coming down at the speed of a young broncho away up the reaches. Before the sun sets this river will be as the Great Falls in the spring, when the wind is from the west."
It was as the keen-eyed and keen-eared Red man said.
There were the rancher and his party camped on the other side, in all innocence of the Indians who, unseen, were stringing over the plateau. There was no time to be lost.
"You give me your jumper, Child-of-Light, and your pony--they are the best," Pasmore cried. "I shall be back with the others before long. In the meantime, look to your guns."
The others would fain have accompanied him, but Pasmore knew that would only be aggravating the danger. Without a moment's delay he jumped into the light box of wood and urged the sure-footed pony across the now groaning and creaking ice. And now there broke upon his ears what before only the Indian had heard. It was the coming down of the river in flood, miles away. It sounded like the roar of a distant Niagara. Here and there his pony was up to the fetlocks in water, and the ice heaved beneath him. Every now and again there was a mighty crackle, resembling the breaking of a thunderbolt, that sent his heart into his mouth. He feared then that the end had come and he would be too late. With rein and voice he urged the sure-footed pony across the ice. Would he never reach the opposite bank? But once there, would it be possible for the party to recross? Surely it would be as much as their lives were worth to try.
Long before Pasmore had reached the landing, Douglas and the others had seen him. It was no time for greetings, and, indeed, their meeting was one too deep for words.
They merely wrung each other's hands, and something suspiciously like moisture stood in the rancher's eyes.
As for Dorothy, she could not utter a word, but there was something in her look that quickened Pasmore's heart-beats even then.
"You must be quick," cried Pasmore. "Big Bear will be down upon you in ten minutes. Look! There they are now.
There is yet time to cross."
And as he spoke there came a roar like thunder, travelling from the higher reaches of the river towards them; it pa.s.sed them and was lost in the lower reaches. It was the "back" of the ice being broken--the preliminary to the grand chaos that was to come. The Indians had seen them now, and were coming at a gallop not a mile away.
Douglas, Jacques, and Bastien ran and hitched up the horses into the sleighs.
"You are not afraid to tackle it, are you?" asked Pasmore, as he looked into the girl's face.
"I'd tackle it now if it were moving down in pieces no bigger than door-mats," she answered smilingly.
"Then will you tackle it with me?" he asked.
"Yes," she said. "Jump in, and I'll follow. Your sleigh is empty, and father's is full of all sorts of things --it's too heavy as it is. Here they come! Dad, I'm going with Mr. Pasmore," she cried; and the sleighs raced abreast of one another down the slope.
"Spread out there," cried Pasmore, "and don't bunch together, or--"
He did not finish the sentence, for just at that moment there came a _ping_ from the sh.o.r.e they had just left, and a bullet sent up a jet of water into the air alongside of them. There was another great rending sound from the ice that struck terror into their hearts. Their horses quivered with excitement as they darted forward. There was a roar in their ears that sounded as if they were close to a battery of artillery in action. _Ping, ping, ping!_ and the bullets came whizzing over their heads or skidding on the ice alongside. It was a lucky thing for them that the Indians were too keen in the pursuit to take proper aim. Separating, so as to minimise the danger, each team dashed forward on its own account.
"Stay with it, broncho! Stick to it, my son!" yelled Pasmore.
In the pauses of the thundering and rending there cut clearly into the now mild air the clattering of the horses' hoofs, the hum of the steel-shod runners, and the _ping, ping_ of the rifles. It was a race for life with a vengeance, with death ahead and alongside, and with death at their heels. A gap in the ice, or a stumble, and it would surely be all up with them.
"Go it, my game little broncho!" and with rein and voice Pasmore urged the brave "steed onwards.
"h.e.l.lo! there goes the breed's pony!" cried Pasmore.
A bullet had struck Bastien's horse behind the ear and brought it down all of a heap upon the ice. There was an ear-splitting crack just at that moment which added to the terror of the situation. But the rancher pulled his horse up by a supreme effort, and Bastien, deserting his sleigh, leapt in beside him. Then on again.
Pasmore's pony was now somewhat behind the others, when suddenly there was a mighty roar, and a great creva.s.se opened up in front of them. It took all the strength that Pasmore possessed to pull up on the brink.
"We must get out and jump over this somehow," Pasmore cried to Dorothy. "It's neck or nothing."
So they sprang out of the sleigh, unhitched the plucky pony, and prepared to cross the deadly-looking fissure.
The first thing that Pasmore did was to urge the pony to leap the creva.s.se on its own account; after a very little coaxing the intelligent animal gathered itself together, and jumped clear of certain death. It then rushed on with the others.
"Now, give me your hand, and we'll see if we can't find an easier place to cross," said Pasmore to Dorothy.
"It's lucky we've got on moccasins instead, of boots, is it not?" she said. She seemed to have dropped that old tone of reserve as completely as she might a cloak from her shoulders.
She gave him her hand, and they ran up the river alongside the jagged rent. Two or three bullets whizzed past them perilously near their heads.
"Why, there's Child-of-Light and Rory!" she cried. "I suppose they've come to keep back the Indians."'
It was indeed the case. The sight of the advancing Indians had been too much, for them, and they had come out on the ice so as to check the foe. Their fire was steadier than the enemy's, for it did undoubted execution.
Soon Pasmore and Dorothy came to a place that seemed comparatively narrow, and here they essayed to cross.
The other side seemed a terribly difficult spot on which to land, and the clear, blue water that ran between looked deadly cold. Once in there and it would be a hundred chances to one against getting out.
"I'll jump across first," said Pasmore, "so as to be ready to catch you on the other side."
He jumped it with little effort, although he fell on the other side, and then it was Dorothy's turn.
There was a flush on her cheeks and her eyes were strangely bright as she put one foot on the sharp corner of the rent, fixed her eyes on him, and sprang. It was a dangerous and difficult jump for a woman to take, but he caught her in his strong arms just as she tottered on the brink, in the act of falling backwards, and drew her to him.
"Well done!" he cried, "another time I wish you'd come to me like that!"
"Let us run," she said, ignoring his remark, but without show of resentment. "Here is Jacques waiting for us with his sleigh."
And then a tragic thing occurred. The mighty waters of the Saskatchewan had been gathering force beneath the ice, and, pressing the great flooring upwards, at length gained such irresistible power that the whole ice-field shivered, and was broken up into gigantic slabs, until it resembled a vast mosaic. The horse attached to Jacques'
sleigh was shot into a great rent, from which it was impossible to extricate it. They dared not stay a moment longer if they wished to escape with their lives.
Then far five minutes they held their lives in their hands, but they proceeded cautiously and surely, jumping from berg to berg, the man encouraging the woman to fresh endeavour, until at last they gained the southern bank.
Had they slipped or overbalanced themselves it would have been good-bye to this world. Pasmore and Douglas had to a.s.sist Dorothy up the steep banks, so great had been the strain and so great was the reaction. Nor was it to be wondered at, for it would have tried the nerves of most men. They turned when they had reached a point of vantage and looked around. An awe-inspiring but magnificent sight met their gaze.
Coming down the river like a great tidal wave they could see a chaotic front of blue water and glistening bergs advancing swiftly and surely. At its approach the huge slabs of ice in the river were forced upwards, and shivered into all manner of fanciful shapes. It was the dammed-up current of the mighty river which at length had forced the barrier of ice, and carried all in front of it, as the mortar carries the sh.e.l.l. There was one continuous, deafening roar, punctuated with a series of violent explosions as huge blocks of ice were shivered and shot into the air by that t.i.tanic force. Nothing on earth could live in that wild maelstrom. It was one vast, pulsating, churning ma.s.s, and as the sun caught its irregular, crystal-like crest, a lawn-like mist, that glowed with every colour of the rainbow, hovered over it. It was indeed a wondrously beautiful, but awe-inspiring spectacle.