The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 637: Substitute Walker Of Blood Grail

Chapter 637: Substitute Walker Of Blood Grail

Chapter 637: Subst.i.tute Walker Of Blood Grail

[TN: The term previously translated as cup will be standardized as grail from this chapter onwards. This includes changing Cup-holding Lady to Grail-holding Lady.]

When Lin Yiyi realized that the Man Against Himself would join her team, she realized that the players probably wouldnt need to be hands-on in this mission.

It felt like having a professional player carrying the team.

The players could challenge difficult games with the carrys presence.

Though, would the players care about the carrys feeling?

No! They would be more focused on their benefits.

Those were likely the internal monologues after feeling blessed having the carry


This combat approach differed from when he was fighting with Jiu Er.

The red spear transformed from Henry Wordens right arm had sharp thorns reminiscent of a beasts fangs.

When the spears penetrated the enemys body, the enemy lost the ability to struggle.


As the rigid spears rapidly softened, they began to emit a screeching rustle. The slender, red tentacles, which had spread throughout the alley, quickly melted away, withdrawing back into Henrys side and transforming into his right arm.

Those impaled victims found themselves being reeled back amidst their screams. Their bodies produced squeaking and creaking sounds as they were compressed and crushed by an invisible force, disappearing into the red torrent formed by the tentacles.

The magic hand had seemingly devoured them.

The blood and pieces of flesh in the alley were seemingly licked up and swallowed by an unseen force, leaving not a trace behind.

Let alone a corpse; not even a drop of blood remained on the scene.

The only evidence that a fierce battle took place here before was the holes and scratches left on the wall.

Are we the villain here? Citalopram complained.

Lin Yiyi shrugged, Its not a big problem. Brother H is the protagonist.

Are you saying, Brother or Uncle?

It doesnt make any difference. Henry is our boss now. Lin Yiyi complained, These people are the protagonists with the face of a villain

What are you guys chatting about? Henry Worden leaned over curiously and asked lightly, Are you saying I look like a villain?

His voice and eyes emanated a gentleness contradictory to his brutal combat approach.

It was as if he had not torn apart the bodies of his enemies with the spear that his right arm had transformed into but rather, as if he was gently touching a b.u.t.terflys wings.

Sir, were just saying the way you fight is kind of cool. Jiu Er tried to diffuse the tension, Isnt that so?

Instead, Henry was amused, Why are you asking me?

However, Saint Citalopram, in the form of a spirit body, spoke in an ethereal voice with an echo, Dont we need to leave a survivor for questioning?

When Citalopram asked this question, Henry showed an eerie smile.

At that moment, Suuankou felt the air getting stuffy and sticky. He instinctively touched his face and looked at the back of his hand, only to realize that there was no blood or sweat on his face or body.

The others didnt seem to notice it.

This former Holy Grail Knight, G.o.ddaughter of the Cup-holding Lady and now the Sacrifice Saint, lowered his eyes. There was a sense of compa.s.sion in them.

Dont worry about it. He repeated.

Whether it was the various types of wounds covering his body, his clear eyes that were as transparent as light golden liquor, or his gentle tone they all emphasized a sense of harmlessness and compa.s.sion.

He slowly closed his eyes as if tasting a mellow wine.

However, the words he uttered gave people an unpredictable sense of danger, I have kissed their blood, and I have tasted their desire.

Following Saint Henrys words, all the wounds on his body began to bleed.

Your Excellency?! Lin Yiyi exclaimed, Are you injured?

No, he sensed our arrival. What responded was the immature voice of a boy.

The players didnt see the source of the voice at all.

However, the voice seemed so close, as if it was a whisper in the ear.

However, in stark contrast to this voice was the rationality and wisdom in his words, No secrets exist in front of a Bloodseeker. After all, secrets and desires are intimate sisters.

Thats all for now. Henry said softly.

When Henry opened his eyes again, the Man Against Himself gave off a different air.

The pupils of Lin Yiyi and Suuankou shrank. They vividly felt their hearts racing. The thumping of their heartbeats was so wild that it was buzzing in their ears.

Immense fear surged into their hearts for no reason.

Their knees trembled their backs were so taut that they felt like they were about to snap, and sweat was seeping from their palms.

The effect occurred, although the players werent in confrontation with Henry.

Simply being in Saint Henrys presence no, more accurately, just catching a whiff of his presence was enough to instill this instinctual fear in them.

However, why did Jiu Er not feel anything?

Lin Yiyi looked at Jiu Er curiously.

The excitement and curiosity of potentially witnessing a clash between deities overcame her fear.

Enduring the intense discomfort in her heart, Lin Yiyi sent a private message to Jiu Er.

How do you feel now? Is there any discomfort?

However, Jiu Er did not response.

Jiu Er? Lin Yiyi suddenly realized something was wrong.

Jiu Ers pupils had turned scarlet at some point.

She raised her head and stared at the sun She muttered something in a low voice.

No need to panic, Miss Yiyi.

The Sacrifice Saint said softly, She is summoning the Cup-holding Lady for me.

[The Flesh of Sacrifice] suppressed my divine art, so I can only find another believer of Cup-holding Lady to help me complete the ritual

Did this happen when they attacked Jiu Er? Lin Yiyi realized it.

Henry must have buried something under Jiu Ers skin during that time.

She frowned immediately, resisting the fear in her heart, raised her head, and looked directly at Saint Henry, You


. Saint Henry lowered his eyes and put his hand before his lips.

As the thunderous heartbeat sounded on Jiu Er, the surrounding world was dyed pure scarlet in the blink of an eye.

It wasnt the blood splas.h.i.+ng out of her body Instead, the sky dome of the above-ground world turned into a dark red abyss.

Thats the mouth of the grail.

Lin Yiyi, who had experienced Ritual: Roaring Heart, recognized it immediately.

What a treasure

Thats really good stuff.

There came an old, frail voice that sounded like he had exhausted all his strength just to speak, The saints blood Do you want to hand over the sacred bone to this child?

Only nine seconds had pa.s.sed since the surprise.

Thunder roared again from Jiu Ers body.

That was the sound of a heartbeat amplified thousands of times.

Despite Lin Yiyi having the physique of a Silver Rank, she couldnt muster any strength in front of the loud noise, and she was shaken to the point where her body went numb.

Given this amplitude of power, the pa.s.sers-by must be


Lin Yiyi suppressed the dizziness and looked around.

Unbeknownst to them, the players seemed to have left from the previous alley.

There were no buildings beside them. Instead, the players found themselves in the middle of a crimson plane.

This was a vast crimson prairie. Each blade of gra.s.s seemed to have absorbed the crimson sunlight, turning into an incomparably pure shade of deep red.


, are we within a barrier? Suuankou blurted out.

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