The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 354: Three-eyed Crow

Chapter 354: Three-eyed Crow

Chapter 354: Three-eyed Crow

We have arrived. The low and respectful voice outside the carriage made Annan open his eyes silently from his drowsy mood.

He was the only one on the carriage, neither Kafni nor the cat was here with him.

Im here already.

Annan never thought that he had journeyed so fast that he arrived one day earlier than he had expected.

It wasnt like the horse darted fast, or they took a secret shortcut. The main reason was that they didnt take a break at all.

There would be the replacement of new horses and new coachmen at every city and station. Only the man who was guarding Annans side, wearing a crow mask and staying outside the carriage the entire time, wasnt swapped away.

Annan didnt even leave the carriage because the person in the crow mask took care of his daily needs. Moreover, the person in the carriage covered with black cloth was not allowed to leave.

The soft yet heavy black cloth had a texture similar to coral fleece.

The black cloth had countless eyeb.a.l.l.s patterns printed. Staring at it would invoke a dizzy feeling when the carriage moved. Even when the carriage was still, it felt like the eyes were staring at the surroundings from all directions. It was a mystical cloth indeed.

Ordinary people couldnt stare at the carriage covered with this black cloth. It had high resistance against Prophet spells. No Prophet wizards could easily make out what was covered inside the fabric.

Other Transcendeds with strong perceptions would immediately avoid such a carriage. Not only would they never attack, but they would not even dare to look at the carriage as well.

The cloth symbolized that the Three-eyed Crow was delivering intelligence for His Majesty the King.

Every open eye on the black cloth was quite different. Behind the eye pattern embroidered on the black cloth was connected with the Three-eyed Crows vision.

Aside from the two eyes embroidered on the cloth, a movable camera complimented the pattern, making it the Three-eyed Crow.

The kingdoms intelligence agency didnt need to scatter their forces all over Noahs territory but still monitor the country quietly and closely.

These eyes werent only found on the black cloth of the carriage. Some were embroidered on the neckline, cuffs of someones clothes, the backs of the hands, foreheads, etc.

Through a simple ritual, the host could control the opening and closing of the eye pattern. Even though only one eye could be activated at one time, the Three-eyed Crow allowed them to monitor a large area of territory by rapidly switching the monitoring vision.

Attacking and monitoring the carriage covered with black cloth was the same as trying to steal and rob while there were police a few meters away and watching.

The carriage is quite high. Please mind your steps. When Annan got off the carriage, the man in the crow mask said respectfully, reaching out to support Annan.

The carriage that was more than half a meter high was indeed challenging to get off.

Still, Annan was not a soft and feeble young n.o.ble.

However, Annan didnt push the man away. Instead, he leaned his weight toward the man and carefully landed on the ground with the mans support.

Then, Annan nodded with a slight smile, Thank you.

This is my mission. The young man wearing the crow mask immediately took a half step back, bowed back to Annan, and replied in a deep voice.

Of course, he was well aware that Annan respected him.

He had already brought Annan over, and this act was to show kindness to Annan.

If Annan didnt accept his kindness, Annan would push away his hand and get off; if Annan were politely keeping a distance, Annan would not borrow his support but only hold his hand as an act.

Of course, the officials knew that Annan was Transcended and couldnt possibly fall. At the same time, it was a rude gesture to have an unknown male servant who hid his face to give support to an unfamiliar son of the Grand Duke.

In fact, this was just a simple test.

Annan quickly discovered the Crows intentions and made a friendly response.

The hidden line was I need your help.

Although Annan didnt speak it out, his eyes said so.

Please come in with me. The man with the crow mask nodded and replied in a low voice.

Annan quietly followed behind the young man while looking around at his surroundings.

After leaving the carriage, he felt a wet, cold wind blowing across his cheeks.

It was different from the Freezing Water Port.

Annan sighed silently.

It was slightly different from what was agreed with Silver Sire before.

Annan didnt wait until the spring hunting season to enter the capital. In other words, the Rotten Man believers had not yet been weeded out.

That said, it was still winter.

However, the Noah Kingdom in winter was not cold.

The weather was different from the Freezing Water Port and Roseburg. Although the Noah Kingdom was cloudy all the year-round, the temperature was generally around 6, even during the Noah Kingdoms January night and early morning.

For Annan, it wasnt cold at all.

However, the chill made him turn his shoulders and neck with some discomfort.

Even if a bed was provided on the carriage, sitting there for more than a day would make Annan a little sore.

The Geraint familys mansion wasnt too big.

Perhaps it was because every inch of land and money in the capital was limited. The Geraint familys mansion was similar in size to the viscounts mansion in Roseburg.

No matter the design or the decoration, the Geraint familys mansion was distinct.

Also, Annan glanced at the edge of the courtyard.

This was the first time he had seen such a heavily guarded n.o.bles courtyard.

From the watchtower alone, Annan saw six guard posts. Outside the courtyard, there was a thick, sound-proofed marble wall. The guards were armed with guns. Annan saw more than 300 guards at first glance from his angle.

These guards exuded a different air from those recruited at Roseburg.

Even the soldiers on the Roseburg side did not seem as disciplined as the guards of the Geraint family.

The forces garrisoned here were expressionless and stern, seemingly a recognition of the Geraint family.

Annan was currently in the backyard.

Behind him was a ma.s.sive fountain accompanied by statues three or four meters high on both sides.

Below each statue was a stele made of black jade. It was engraved with the name, family, and achievements of the statues owner.

Even though this was Geraints backyard, most of these statues were not from the Geraint family.

The person standing at the door to greet Annan was a young man about 1.78 meters tall, with a shapely body, black hair, and black eyes.

He had an ordinary look but had a straight stature. He didnt hunch even a slight, giving off a sense of reliability.

Annan could see that this young man was somewhat similar to Don Juan at first glance.

When the young man saw Annans face, he was slightly startled, especially when he saw Annans blue-green pupils; he was even a little lost in thoughts.

But he reacted quickly and offered Annan his hand politely, Welcome, Your Highness Annan.

The man spoke in a calm and charismatic voice, May I introduce myself

Im Eugene Geraint.