The Righteous Player(s) - Chapter 130: Salvatore's Determination

Chapter 130: Salvatore's Determination

Chapter 130: Salvatores Determination

Dont overthink it, senior.

Looking at Salvatore, who was sitting on the opposite side of the carriage with frowned brows, Annan didnt have the slightest fear or anxiety on his face.

He hugged his knees, leaned back on the carriage, and curled up lazily.

Annan glanced at Salvatore and said, Master Bishop has the right idea. Both of us are young. Those people will inevitably do certain things to fight for power. This will increase the variables.

Although Bishop usually looks like a nice guy, its scarier when such a nice guy gets angry. Since were in this situation, we shouldnt come forward. After all, what we need now isnt a Roseburg that completely obeys my command. Instead, we want a Roseburg who wont hold me back at critical times.

If it is for this purpose, then it is best for us to leave the place. It would be better if all parties in Roseburg would mistakenly think that Bishop Daryl stole my power.

No, Im not thinking about this issue.

Salvatore shook his head and added, The issue isnt about having Master Bishop scout the dangerous paths. Since Bishop Daryl has this job post, it means that he has at least the strength of Silver Rank Transcended. Moreover, he is old and experienced. Therefore, it is much safer for him to go than us.

When exploring the unknown ritual, the danger brought by a dumb teammate was impossible to be compensated by the bonus of having one more teammate.

It would be better to have no one holding back than having no one to help.

Not to mention, these teammates couldnt be utilized to attract firepower, but rather distractions one had to put their mind into protecting their life.

Annan and Salvatore werent people not knowing their limits.

They knew that a formidable enemy was ahead, and they were inferior.

Since they were inferior, it was better off not giving free kills.

What Im thinking about is, Salvatore whispered, Do we have a reason to prevent Master Michelangelo from being resurrected?

He is a respectful master. In addition to his reputation and countless disciples in the Transcended world, he is also a distinguished artist in the mortal world.

It might be due to Salvatore getting used to being attacked by the shadow.

Salvatores timidity made him afraid to express his thoughts.

Especially when this idea was somewhat unreasonable.

After all, in Transcendeds worldview, any unknown, unchecked, and unapproved third-party ritual was not credible. Therefore, these rituals must be treated with vigilance.

No one knew what the victim and material were necessary for this ritual.

No one could be sure of the side effects this ritual would bring.

No one had any idea of the perpetrators purpose in the ritual.

No matter which condition went south, it might cost many lives.

To put it bluntly

Since the ritual performer operated an unknown ritual that had not been registered, and no one was willing to be the guarantor, it meant that the purpose was shady.

So, for the publics safety, it was natural to stop them from running the ritual.

Therefore, once Transcended saw someone secretly holding an unknown ritual, the first reaction was to interrupt the ritual.

Salvatores idea of maybe letting the ritual succeed will be better was a naive move that would be ridiculed in the Transcendeds worldview.


I support you, senior. Annans tone was calm and sincere.

I think your inclination is correct on this matter. If this ritual resurrects Master Michelangelo, then upholding the habitual thinking for safety and ruining the ritual without thinking will be an overly conservative move.

We are all ordinary people, and we are all mortals. All mortals make mistakes. That is to say, the practice of aversion to all rituals will be wrong at some point. So why dont we let the revolutionary moment be now?

There was no doubt that Annans words had the sophistry of a child in them.

No adult would take the words of a child seriously. No matter what the child was talking about, it was undeniable it was a form of guessing.

Taking risks while relying on guesses was by no means a wise move.

But Salvatore wanted to believe Annans words from the bottom of his heart.

In other words, he had already planned to do this at the start. He just lacked an excuse.

Thanks, Don Juan.

Salvatore took a deep breath, Then, I will stay in the bas.e.m.e.nt when I go back and prepare a batch of pre-conversion agents urgently. When the fifth day is approaching, could you notify me in advance? I will make a batch of useful reagents on the same day. Thank G.o.d, I brought enough material with me before coming to the Freezing Water Port.

Salvatore looked at Annan and asked in uncertainty, After five days, will you accompany me back to Roseburg?

Annan looked like he didnt want to ruin the resurrection ritual.

But for Salvatore, as long as Annan didnt intervene, it should be enough. He didnt expect Annan to accompany him on taking risks.

His shadow told him the same thing. Although the risk of failing his plan was not significant, once his speculation went wrong, the price was not something he could bear. Losing the t.i.tle of Black Towers Son was a minor issue. It was possible to be expelled or wanted if the loss was heavy.

Salvatore still wanted to give it a try.

Master Michelangelo was undoubtedly a great person in this world. His value was much higher than that of a useless person with no talent. If he guessed wrong in the end, then Salvatore would even off his life, release the shadow, and escort the civilians to escape safely.

Don Juans wisest choice was not to follow him.

That was the logic.

But, Salvatore still hoped that he could hear Don Juans opinions when making decisions.

Of course I will come. This is not the same as letting Master Bishop go and a.s.sess the situation. It is dangerous for you to go there. If I advocate that you take the risk and yet I dont support you, Im no different from an insolent wretch.

Annan went beyond Salvatores expectation and just replied leisurely, Notify me at that time.

Im just a little curious about one thing, senior. I hope you can answer it for me.

Do you partic.i.p.ate in this troublesome matter just because It is a good thing to resurrect Michelangelo?' Annan asked. His eyes shone with curiosity.

Annan was already planning to get involved, but he was also curious about Salvatores standpoint.

In Annans a.n.a.lysis, Salvatore must be hiding something in his heart.

Otherwise, based on Salvatores character, he should first persuade Annan not to go and then decisively choose to accompany Annan on the adventure after Annan refused. Salvatores proactive stance seemed inexplicable. Regardless of Annan going or not, he had planned to witness the unknown and great ritual established over several years.

Annan was curious about the answer.

Annans joys in life included peeping into others secrets while keeping his personality hidden.

Salvatore was silent.

He was thinking Or rather, he was also asking himself.

Finally, Salvatore spoke with a firm tone, Part of the reason is about Mr. Nottdamm. I am a little worried about him, and I always believe that he is not a villain. My instinct tells me this.

But I cant judge whether a person is good or bad based on my speculation alone. I must use my eyes to see for myself, my ears to hear for myself, and my heart to judge.

If he isnt a villain, then he must be distressed now. He needs help, but when you look around, everyone wants him to die. Even if he did nothing wrong

It was the same as what he said on the carriage.

When Salvatore said this, he paused slightly.

He raised his head and stared at the carriages roof.

It was as if looking at someone in his memory.

Salvatore whispered as though he was in a dream, How can I turn myself away in the face of someone else suffering?