"You must say I am very unhappy."
"He is very unhappy," repeated Willem, parrot-like.
"Why is he unhappy?" demanded McPherson. "Ask him?"
"Why are you unhappy, Mynheer Grimm?" droned the boy.
"On account of Kathrien's future," replied Peter Grimm.
"What?" questioned Willem, who did not quite understand the meaning of the words "account" and "future."
"To-morrow----" began the Dead Man.
"To-morrow----" droned Willem.
"Kathrien's----" continued Peter Grimm.
"Your----" said the boy, glancing at Kathrien.
"Kathrien's?" asked the doctor. "Is he speaking about Kathrien?"
"What is it, Willem?" begged the girl. "What about me, to-morrow?"
"Kathrien must not marry Frederik," said Peter Grimm, as if teaching a simple lesson to a very stupid pupil.
"Kathrien----" began the boy, then flinching, and once more glancing fearfully over his shoulder toward the door, he whimpered:
"Oh, I must not say that!"
"Say _what_, Willem?" urged McPherson.
"What--what he wanted me to say!"
"Kathrien must not marry Frederik Grimm," repeated the Dead Man. "Say it, Willem?"
"Speak up, Willem," exhorted McPherson. "Don't be scared. No one will hurt you."
"Oh, yes," denied Willem, in terror, "_he_ will. I don't _want_ to say his name! Because--because----"
"Why won't you tell his name?" insisted McPherson.
"Hurry, Willem! Hurry!" begged the Dead Man.
"Oh," wailed Willem, with another terrified glance at the door, "I'm afraid! I'm _afraid_! He'll make Anne Marie cry again. And me! And _me_!"
"Why are you afraid of him?" asked Kathrien. "Was Frederik the man that came to see Anne Marie----?"
"Kathrien!" primly reproved Mrs. Batholommey.
Kathrien caught hold of the boy's hand as he rose, shaking, to his feet.
She knelt before him.
"Willem!" she implored. "Was Frederik the man who came to see Anne Marie? _Tell_ me!"
"Surely," expostulated Mrs. Batholommey in pious horror, "surely, Kathrien, you don't believe----?"
"I have thought of a great many things this evening," replied Kathrien, vibrant with excitement, yet instinctively lowering her voice so as not to break in on Willem's semi-trance. "Little things that I've never noticed before. I'm putting them together. Just as Willem put that picture together. And I must know who the Other One was."
"Hurry, Willem!" exhorted the Dead Man. "Hurry! Frederik is listening at the door."
The announcement brought Willem around with a gasp toward the door. He stared at its panels, quaking, aghast.
"I won't say any more!" he whimpered, pointing at the door. "_He's_ there!"
"Who was the man, Willem?" entreated McPherson. "Come, lad! Out with it!"
"Quick, Willem!" supplemented Peter Grimm.
Kathrien, acting on an unexplained impulse as Willem stared terror-stricken at the door, hastened toward the vestibule.
"No! No!" shrieked the boy in anguished falsetto as he divined what she was about to do. "Please, _please_ don't! _Don't!_ _Don't_ let him in.
I'm afraid of him. He made Anne Marie cry."
But Kathrien's hand was already at the latch. She threw the outer door wide open. Frederik Grimm stood on the threshold, his head still a little forward. His ear had evidently been pressed close to the panel.
"You're sure Frederik's the man?" almost shouted McPherson.
"I won't tell! I won't tell! _I won't tell!_" screamed the boy, taking one look at Frederik, then tearing loose from McPherson's restraining hand and dashing up the stairs.
"I must go to bed now," sobbed Willem from the gallery above. "_He_ told me to."
He ran into his own room and shut the door quickly behind him.
"You're a good boy, Willem!" Peter Grimm called approvingly after him.
The cloud of grief was gone from the Dead Man's face, leaving it wondrously bright and young. With no trace of anxiety, he turned to witness the consummation of his labours.
Frederik Grimm was standing, nerveless, dazed, where Kathrien's impulsive opening of the door had disclosed him. Dully, he stared from one to another of the three who confronted him. It was Kathrien who first spoke. Pointing toward the photograph that still lay on the desk, she said:
"Frederik, you have heard from Anne Marie."
His lips parted in denial. Then he saw the picture, started slightly, and lapsed into a sullen silence.
"You have had a letter from her," pursued Kathrien. "You burned it. And you tore that picture so that we would not recognise it. Why did you tell Marta that you had had no message--no news? You told her so, _since_ that letter and photograph came. You went to Anne Marie's home, too. Why did you tell me you had never seen her since she left here? Why did you lie to me? _Why do you hate her child?_"
Frederik made one dogged effort to regain what he had so bewilderingly lost.
"Are--are you going to believe what that brat says?" he muttered.