My mind races. What else does Jude need? 'We want the freedom to track and kill demons in this realm.'
'For payment?'
'Maybe, but mostly because it's what we should have been doing all along. If you want us to go to war against h.e.l.l, it's only fair you give us a chance to thin the ranks first.'
I glance across at Dani, standing between Jess and Jason. Watching me. Proud. 'I want our human friends to be welcome here. That no harm will come to any of them, especially Dani.' Opposite me, Semyaza shifts his weight on his knee. 'And we're not our father's keeper,' I continue. 'None of us is taking responsibility for the choices the Fallen make from this point.'
Gabriel raises his eyebrows. 'Do you wish to see your family expanded?'
'I expect them to work out how to use a condom.'
'Enough,' Semyaza says, rising. 'I do not need my child explaining when and how I can use my-'
'My point exactly.' I glare at my father, will him to shut up and not derail my negotiations. He glowers at me, but doesn't push the point.
Gabriel folds his arms, flexes bare biceps. 'I shall take a moment to consider your demands.' He launches himself from the ground and flies to the roof. Jude is on his feet before Gabriel touches down.
'Gaby, you don't have to do this.'
'Of course I do.' The others are already gathering around us.
'Don't.' I stop him. 'There's no discussion here, Jude. I'm staying.'
'f.u.c.k, man,' Rafa says. 'Talk about being careful what you wish for.' It's only half smart-a.r.s.e. Rafa's as off-kilter as I am.
Rephaim crowd around us, hushed, but Jude doesn't acknowledge any of them, not even Rafa. He's still searching my face. 'You could have a different life, Gaby.'
'I don't want a different life if you're not in it. I thought we'd already established that.' My voice breaks a little but I keep going. 'I'm staying because you're my brother. Because I love you. Because you're tied to this place now and I've got your back until we die, whenever or however that day comes.'
'What about Pan Beach?'
'It's not going anywhere. I can still visit.'
The Fallen are all on their feet now but they give us s.p.a.ce. Even Semyaza stays where he is.
'We go where you go, buddy,' Rafa says. 'That's the way it's always been, whether you like it or not.'
Jude looks from me to Rafa and back again. Blinks a few times. Swallows. 'Okay.'
'Looks like we're coming home for good,' Zak says. I scan the faces around him, faces I've known my whole life. They're all with us: Ez, Taya, Malachi, Micah, Mya, Jones and Seth. They don't want a war any more than I do, but, like me, they won't abandon Jude.
And Gabriel knows it.
'We can probably fix up your old room,' Daisy says. Her freckled face is lit up in the moonlight. 'You don't get an upgrade just because you're calling the shots.'
'So you're staying?' he asks.
'Of course I am. I live here, remember? But don't think you'll be ordering me around.'
Jude smiles, finally, and some of the tightness leaves his face. 'Wouldn't dream of it.'
Daniel works his way through the crowd to us. Callie, Uri, Zeb and Magda are with him: the Five, still a united front. 'What do you need from us?' Daniel asks.
I study him, look for traces of resentment and find none. But then Daniel was never going to question an edict given by an archangel-even one that involves Jude being his new boss. Challenging authority has never been Daniel's style.
'What are you offering?' Jude asks.
'To do what we've always done: keep this place running. Provide structure and routine. Balance the books, keep food in the commissary, manage the day-to-day business.' Daniel glances back at the rest of the Five. 'And keep you accountable.'
'I'd expect nothing less.'
Daniel offers his hand. Their eyes meet as they shake and there's something new and uncertain between them: the first stirrings of something beyond rivalry. Daniel nods in Semyaza's direction. 'You're going to need all the help you can get.'
Rephaim part to let Semyaza through. The rest of the Fallen stay in formation, waiting for an order. If Semyaza accepts Jude's authority, the Two Hundred will fall in behind him. The Captain of the Fallen plants his feet and folds his arms, matted hair hanging over his shoulders. He's a head taller than us and stands so close we have to look up at him.
'I will not kneel before you,' Semyaza says. 'Neither shall any of my cohort.'
A muscle twitches in Jude's jaw. 'What have you seen in me over the last hundred and thirty-nine years that makes you think I'd want you to?'
'Authority does strange things to men.'
'Are you worried I'm too much like my father? to bad decisions?'
b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, does he have to goad Semyaza right now?
The fallen angel's eyes flare, and then I catch a twitch of a smile under his wiry beard. 'I think that we have many interesting days ahead of us, son.' Semyaza's gaze meets mine, still amused, and then he turns away.
'He's going to be a handful,' I say.
Jude gives a short laugh. 'The irony is killing me.'
There's movement among the Fallen, the angels breaking ranks and mingling with the Rephaim. Orias goes to Dani and Jason. Hadrial to Jess.
Mya stands back, watching. Reunions-warm and frosty-continue around us, interrupted only when Gabriel lands on the rim of the fountain. He keeps his wings out to steady himself.
'It is settled?' the archangel asks me.
I raise my eyebrows at Jude, who nods. 'Seems that way.'
'Then I accept your terms.' Gabriel's relaxed now too. Did he expect more resistance?
Jude stands before him, more sure of himself now. 'It was you in Idaho.' It's not a question and Gabriel doesn't answer. 'Thanks for stepping in.'
The archangel inclines his head.
'But why did you change our memories?'
Gabriel's irises slow to a steady flicker. 'Your attempt to open the portal was premature.' His eyes cut to Orias under the cloister. 'I had hoped to buy more time to allow things to unfold as I had intended.'
I touch the thick scar on the back of my neck, finally understanding. 'Jude and I could have lived at opposite ends of Australia for decades, by which time Dani's gift would have pa.s.sed and who knows how long it would be until the next seer came along-or if Orias would be able to influence her visions the way he did Dani's.'
Rafa reaches for me, brushes his thumb across the damaged skin beneath my hair. 'Why give them back their memories yesterday?'
'The horde was gathering,' Gabriel says, 'and even united, you were no match for Zarael. You needed to bolster your ranks with warriors experienced in battle. I wished to see if you would make that choice, and I wished to see what the Fallen would do if freed.'
'You could've let them out yourself.'
'What is existence without freedom to choose? It is always about choice, Rafael.'
Of course it is. And free will has worked out so well for all of us so far.
It takes me a second to realise he means us.
We gather around, no longer in formation and no longer separated into Rephaim and Fallen. I'm shoulder-to-shoulder with Jude and Rafa. I think about the past-real and fabricated-all the moments that make me who I am. What it means to have lived as a half-angel warrior and a human. The value of my friends, human and Rephaim.
It's all led to this. But how do we make this work?
'You have life, you have freedom and you have purpose,' Gabriel tells us. 'Do not squander them this time.'
And then the Second Lieutenant of the Angelic Garrison, second only in authority to the Archangel Michael, leaves us alone to figure it out.
'Are you nervous?' Maggie asks.
I glance down at my dress and my stomach does a tiny flip. 'No,' I lie and she laughs.
'I love that you'll face down an army of demons, but a gorgeous frock still freaks you out.'
It's not the frock that's freaking me out. It's wearing it in front of everyone I know. It's the strapless champagne dress I tried on in Melbourne with the fitted bodice and layers of silk flaring out from the hip, bought with some of the money I made from the LA job. Mercenary gigs have their perks.
Daisy lets herself into my room. My new room at the Sanctuary-which also happens to be Rafa's. Her hair is pulled back into a loose bun except for a few strands styled to frame her face, vivid against her pale skin. Her sleek gown is almost a perfect match for her red hair.
'How's the bride?' she asks.
I glance towards the bathroom and Mya steps into the doorway, make-up brushes in hand. She gives Daisy a once-over, says nothing. There's no love lost between them, but they can be in the same room without sniping at each other. Mostly. 'She's ready.'
Ez appears, a shy smile tugging at her lips. Soft white silk gently hugs her curves, her caramel skin luminescent against it. It's one of Maggie's designs, the halter neckline tailored to show off Ez's shoulders. Her dark hair falls in soft waves, her make-up light and natural. It turns out Mya can do more than slap on kohl when she puts her mind to it.
'Wow,' Daisy says, breaking into a wide smile. 'Breathtaking.'
Ez dips her head and reaches for a long white silk scarf. She carefully drapes it around her shoulders and over her hair so it hides the h.e.l.lion scar on her cheek and throat. 'Shall we?'
Maggie hands me a crimson shawl-hand-knitted, of course-and the five of us head for the chapterhouse under a grey afternoon sky. It's fresh outside but not freezing. The lamps along the cloisters are lit, casting a warm glow on the cobblestones. We move out into the open courtyard and Ez's breath catches. The path to the chapterhouse is lined with tall rose bushes in terracotta pots, strung with fairy lights. Even the marble angel looks festive, his wings and sword draped in garlands of white flowers.
Music and laughter carry from the chapterhouse. Everyone's inside, except for Hadrial. He's waiting at the main door, hair and beard trimmed. Wearing a tuxedo.
'How are things between you two?' Ez asks Mya as we get near.
'Ugh, he wants to talk about my feelings all the time,' she says. 'It's exhausting.'
'It's good that he cares, though, right?'
Hadrial raises a hand, as if Mya might have missed him standing there. She sighs. 'I better go keep him out of trouble.' She gives Ez a quick, awkward peck on the cheek and then breaks away from us to join her father.
We make our way around to the side of the ancient building to an antechamber. I knock once and let myself in. Zak is waiting in a black suit, crisp white shirt and mint tie. He gives a curt, nervous nod, more interested in Ez, a few steps behind me.
Rafa and Jude are fiddling with their ties in front of a full-length mirror, both dressed in black suits. Rafa turns around. He's freshly scrubbed and clean-shaven, and wearing that suit like it was made for him-which it was. I drop the shawl so he can see my dress.
He takes me in, so slowly I feel heat creep up my neck. And then he steps closer, brushes a thumb across my bare shoulder. 'Good choice,' he says quietly and kisses the scar on my collarbone. I'm wrapped in a heady cloud of sandalwood and fresh cotton.
'Get a room, you two,' Jude mumbles, still fussing with his tie.
'Give that here.' Daisy crosses the room and strips it from under his collar.
By the door, Ez and Zak are holding hands and smiling at each other. Tender. Intimate. They're going to walk down the aisle the same way they navigate life: side by side. Ez's father is inside, but she doesn't need anyone to give her away.
'How do you know how to tie a Windsor knot?' Jude asks Daisy. He seems all too aware of how close she's standing as she loops it back around his neck and goes to work.
'I don't, but I'm confident I can do a better job than you.' She chews on her lip as she concentrates. He focuses on her ear, keeps his hands by his sides.
Maggie catches my eye, glances at Daisy and Jude and raises her eyebrows. I shrug. n.o.body knows what's going on between them. I'm not even sure they do.
The door on the far side cracks open and Jason appears. He ushers Dani through in front of him. She's wearing a peach dress, carrying two bunches of white roses. She approaches Ez, shy, and offers her the larger of the two. Jason holds out a hand to Maggie. 'There's room up the front,' he says to us, and they disappear into the chapterhouse together.
I squeeze Ez's arm. 'I'm so happy for you.'
I don't know how seriously Ez and Zak talked about marriage before, but after the carnage at Pan Beach and the upheaval at the Sanctuary, they decided we needed something to celebrate. She blinks rapidly and dabs at her eye with the side of her finger. 'Don't get me started,' she says and laughs, embarra.s.sed. 'Go on, I'll see you in there.'
The chapterhouse is unrecognisable. Under Maggie's instruction, it's been decorated to resemble a giant Bedouin tent, all lanterns, couches and hanging fabric. The stone floor is covered with dozens of giant rugs, the marble columns draped with scarves. I've never seen so much warmth and colour in here. Orange-blossom candles scent the air. I love it like this, without the bloodstains and scars.
Micah sits on the dais, playing acoustic guitar. Brother Stephen waits beside him, gnarled fingers clasped over his robe. His arm is finally healing from his encounter with Zarael in the car park last month, and his pale blue eyes are sharp again, hopeful.
The crowd is gathered at one end of the chapterhouse, divided by a makeshift aisle of plush red carpet. Fallen and Rephaim blended together. Ankida. The newest members of our melting pot are here too: Jess and Maria-not quite relaxed, but not uneasy either-standing together in solidarity. The Butlers and their crew, feet planted and arms folded like this is a normal night at the Imperial. Mick's already got a beer.
Rafa, Jude, Daisy and I slip through the crowd and squeeze in between Jones and Malachi. Taya is across the aisle, head bent in conversation with Simon. They lean into each other, relaxed, familiar.
I look around for Semyaza, find him waiting for me to notice him. He glances at my dress and raises his eyebrows in what I think is meant to express surprise that I own clothes other than jeans and t-shirts.
Nathaniel stands off to one side, watchful. He's still keeping his distance. I haven't worked out how I feel about him, and neither has anyone else yet. It's another one of those things that need time. He spends most of his days with the Fallen now, obviously burdened, wearing his guilt and shame like a heavy wool coat. But tonight, at least, his mood is lighter. His eyes flick to the back of the room and he holds up a hand. It takes a few seconds but everyone falls quiet.
Micah begins to play 'Let It Be'.