The Religions of India - Part 57

Part 57

#Earth# (see Nritus).

#Gandharvas#: KZ. i. 513; Meyer, Gandharven-Kentauren (list of Apsarasas); Pischel, VS. i. 78; Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, i.


#Haritas# (sun's steeds) as Charites, KZ. x. 96; ib. 365; Sonne, _loc.

cit. s_. S[=u]ryra; Muller, Science of Language, ii. 388.

#Heaven# (see Dy[=a]us and Varuna).

#Indra# (etymology, Benfey, OO. i. 49; PW. sv.; andra, A.-Sax. 'ent,'

'giant,' BB. i. 342;[17]] nar, [Greek: _anor-_, Jacobi, KZ. x.x.xi. 316; Indra's bolt, vadha, 'wetter,' Delbruck, KZ. xvi. 266): Perry, Indra in the Rig Veda, JAOS. xi. 117 (see epic, below).

#K[=a]ma#: Weber, ZDMG. xiv. 269, IS. v. 224, xvii. 290; Muir, v. 402.

#Manu#:[15] Roth, ZDMG. iv. 430; Weber, IS. i. 194 ('man and moon'), ZDMG. iv. 302; Muir, OST. i. 161; Kuhn, KZ. iv. 91; Burnouf, Preface of Bh[=a]g. Pur[=a]na, p. iii; Ascoli (m[=a]nus, mactus), KZ. xvii.

334; Maspiter as 'man,' Corssen, KZ. ii. 32;[16] Manu's wife, Weber, ZDMG. xviii. 286. Compare also KZ. xii. 293, xix. 156, Mannus (see Laws, below).

#Maruts# (dubious etymology, Gra.s.smann, KZ. xvi. 161; P. von Bradke, _loc. cit. s._. Dy[=a]us): von Bradke, Wunderliche Geburt, Festgruss an Roth, p. 117 (Brahmanic, same point of view in parody, RV. x. 102, ZDMG. xlvi. 445). Hymns to Maruts, translated by Muller, SBE. x.x.xii.

#Mitra#: Windischmann, Abh. K.M., 1857; Weber, IS. xvii. 212 (see Varuna).

#Namuci#: Lanman, JAS. Beng. viii. 1889; Bloomfield, JAOS. xv. 143.

#Nritus# as Nerthus, Hoffmann; (Roth) Bruce, Vedic Conceptions of the Earth, JRAS. 1862, p. 321; Prithiv[=i], ZDMG. xli. 494.

#Parjanya#: Buhler, Zur Mythologic des Rig Yeda, OO. i. 214; Hirt, 1F.

i. 481, 'oak-G.o.d.'[4]

#Purandhi#: Pischel, VS. i. 202; Hillebrandt, WZKM. iii. 188, 259; Colinet, BOR. ii. 245, iv. 121 ('abundance'), Congress, 1892.

#Pricni# (p[r.]cni) as Frigy, KZ. ii. 478; 'freckles,' KZ. xix. 438.

#P[=u]shan#: Muir, OST. v. 171; Bergaigne, La Relig. Ved. ii. 420; Hillebrandt, ved. myth., i. 456 (with soma); gubernatis, letture, p.

82 (as setting sun); pischel, vs. i. 11 (s[=u]ry[=a] and p[=u]shan); perry, notes on the vedic deity p[=u]shan, drisler memorial, p. 240.

#Ribhus# ([r.]bhavas, etymology, 'alf,' 'Orpheus'; or Orpheus from [r.]gh, [Greek: orchietai], Kuhn KZ. iv. 103; Wackernagel, KZ. xxiv.

297); Ludwig, iii. 187, as Seasons. Neve, etudes sur les hymnes (1842), and Essai sur le mythe des Ribhavas (1847, misleading, Ribhu as apotheosis).

#Rohitas#: Henry (above).

#Rudra# (etymology, Pischel, VS. i. 57[18]): Weber, Vedic Conception of, IS. ii. 19; Pischel, Vedica, ZDMG. xl. 120; Rudra's mouse and Smintheus, KZ. iii. 335; Grohmann, Apollo Smintheus und die Bedeutung der Mause in der Mythologie der Indogermanen.

#Sarany[=u]# (sara[n.]y[=u]): [Greek: ertngis], ZDA. vi. 117; KZ. i.

439 (storm; riddle, _ib_. 440); Bloomfield, JAOS. xv. 172; as Dawn, Muller, Lectures, Second Series; Saram[=a], and S[=a]rameyas as Hermeias, _ib._; Aufrecht, ZDMG. xiii. 493 (RV. x. 108, translated).

#Soma#: Windischmann, Ueber den Somacultus der Arier, Abh. Munch. Ak., iv; Roth, ZDMG. x.x.xv. 681, x.x.xviii. 134; Ehni, _ib._ x.x.xiii. 166; Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, i; Soma and the eagle, Kuhn, Herabkunft (above); Roth, ZDMG. x.x.xvi. 353; Bloomfield, JAOS. xvi (p.

1, further literature), Festgruss an Roth, p. 149; Weber, Vedische Beitrage, p. 3 (Sitz. Berl. Ak. 1894, p. 775); and Agni ritual, Knauer, Vedische Fragen, Festgruss an Roth, p. 61.

#Surya# (see Haritas): sonne, hymn to, kz. xii-xv; form of word, j.

schmidt, kz. xxvi. 9. see p[=u]shan (and hinduism, below).

s[=a]vitr[=i], whitney, colebrooke's essays, ii. iii.

#Trita#: Macdonnell, Mythological Studies, JRAS. 1893, p. 419 (ap[=a]m nap[=a]t, lightning; Trita as Thridhi, name of Odin, 'third' form of fire); form of word, BB. ix. 99; Perry, see Indra (p. 26); Bloomfield, PAOS. 1894, p. cxix. Other literature, Kaegi, _loc. cit._, note 112 d.

#Ushas# (U[S.]AS): Muir, v. 181; Bergaigne, i. 241, etc; Sonne, KZ. x.

416; Muller, Science of Language, ii. 391, etc.

#Vv[=a]c#: logos, Weber, IS. ix. 473.

#Varuna# (varu[n.]a): Roth, ZDMG. vi. 71; Weber, IS. xvii. 212; Muir, v. 58; Bergaigne, iii. 110; Hillebrandt, Varu[n.]a und Mitra; Darmesteter, Ormazd et Ahriman; Sonne, KZ. xii. 364; Pischel, VS. i.

188; Geldner, _ib_. 142; Ludwig, iii. 314; Oldenberg as a borrowed G.o.d (PAOS. 1894); as water, Geldner, BB. xi. 329; form of word, Bolensen, ZDMG. xli. 504 (var 'h.e.l.l sein'); Bohnenberger (Roth), Varu[n.]a nach den Liedern des Rig Veda (Mitra as appellative becomes a new G.o.d, p.

85);[19] as svar, Regnaud, Rev. xix. 79.

#Vastoshpati# ('house-lord'): Windisch, Va.s.sus und Va.s.sallus, Bericht.

d. k. Sach. Gesell. 1892, p. 174 (va.s.sus for vast).

#V[=a]ta#, vayu (v[=a]ta is [Greek: aetes], 'wind'): Stokes, BB. xix.

74, compares Irish fath, 'breath,' but gives also fath, a kind of poem (vates, vods, English 'wood' as 'mad'). V[=a]ta, Wuotan, Zimmer, ZDA.

vii. (19) 179

#Vishnu# (vi[s.][n.]u like jishnu, ji[s.][n.]u, vi, 'fly,' the heavenly bird?): Muir, iv and v (older texts relative to Vishnu), PAOS. Dec. 1894.

#Yama#: Roth, ZDMG. ii. 216, iv, 417 (Jemshid), JAOS. iii. 335, IS.

xiv. 393; Whitney, Oriental and Linguistic Studies, i. 46; Muller, Science of Language, ii. 528, 534; Westergaard, with Weber's notes, IS. iii. 402; Muir, JRAS. i. 287; OST. v. 284; Bergaigne, i. 86, ii.

96, etc; Gra.s.smann, KZ. xi. 13, 'binder'; Ehni, Der Vedische Mythus des Yama; Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, i. 489; Bloomfield, JAOS.

xv. 163, 172; Hopkins, PAOS. 1891, p. xciv; Scherman, Visionsliteratur; Leumann, KZ. x.x.xii. 301 (Yam[=i][20]); L. von Schroeder, Literatur, p. 217 (Ymir, Praj[=a]pati); Breal, Hercule et Circus; Benfey, Vedica, 149; Van den Gheyn, Cerbere (1883); Casartelli, Dog of Death, BOR. iv. 265.[21] Yama's sadana, Pischel, VS. i. 242.[22]

#Veda and brahmanism#: Oldenberg, Die Hymnen des Rig Veda, and ZDMG.

xlii. 199, Ueber die Liedverfa.s.ser des Rig Yeda (see Hinduism, below); Roth, _ib_. iv. 514, divisions of the Rig Veda; Bergaigne, Recherches sur l'histoire de la Samhit[=a] du Rig Veda, JA. (1886 and following years), also on the liturgy, _ib_. 1888; JA. x. No. 3; Pincott, JRAS.

xvi. 381; Hillebrandt, Spuren einer alteren Rig Veda Recension, BB.

viii. 195; Lanman, JAOS. x. 580; Brunnhofer, KZ, xxv. 374, BB. x. 234 (Collitz, BB. vii. 183); Roth, on the worth of tradition, ZDMG. xxi.

1; Whitney, on Translation of Veda, OLS.; PAOS. Oct. 1867; Goldstucker on S[=a]ya[n.]a, in Preface to P[=a][n.]ini. Cult against mantra, Roth, ZDMG. vii. 604; viii. 467; Weber, _ib._ viii. 389; Pischel and Geldner, Preface to Vedische Studien and ZDMG. xlviii. 702; Colinet, Les Principes de I'exegese vedique, Museon, 1890; Bloomfield, Contributions (above); E. Hardy, Die Vedisch-brahmanische Periode d.

Relig. d. Alt. Ind.; Muir, Priests and Interpreters of the Veda, JRAS.

ii. 257, 303; Haug, Contribution, 1863, and Interpretation of the Veda, Congress, 1874; Ludwig, Die philosophischen und religiosen Anschanungen des Veda; also Ludwig, Rig-Veda, iii (Mantra-Literatur), pp. 262, 284, 301, and his works, Ueber Methode bei Interpretationen des Rig Veda, and Ueber die neuesten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der RV.

Forschung. Further (Vedic and later literature), Oldenberg, ZDMG.

x.x.xvii. 54; _ib_. x.x.xix. 52; Windisch, Verh. d. Geraer Philologen Versammlung, Vedische Wettfahrtt in Festgruss an Roth; Weber, Episches im Vedischen Ritual, Sitz. Berl. Ak., 1891; Schermann, Philosophische Hymnen (also Visionsliteratur).

#Vedic and brahmanic belief#: Pott, Vedic and Orphic Kosmic Egg, Ovidiana, KZ. viii. 179 (Peleus as _Urschlamm I_); von Bradke, Beitrage z. altind. Religions und Sprachgescbichte, ZDMG. xl. 347, 655; Schrader, chapter xiii; Zimmer, AIL.; Roth and Bohtlingk, Vedische Rathsel, ZDMG. x.x.xvii. 109; (and eschatology) xlvi. 759; Windisch, _ib_. xlviii. 353.[23] Eschatology: Weber, Eine Legende, ZDMG. ix. 237 (Bhrigu) and 308; Burnell, a Legend from the Talavak[=a]ra, Congress, 1880, IA. xiii. 16, 21; Benfey, Orient und Occident, iii. 169, and Hermes, Minos, Tartaros; Whitney, PAOS., Nov., 1858, May, 1886; Bohtlingk, Bericht d. k. Sachs. Gesell, 23. April, 1893, p. 88; Henotheism: Whitney, _loc. cit_., Oct. 1881, see IA.

xi. 146; Hopkins, Drisler Memorial. Social position of priests (castes), Weber,[24] Nachtrage, p. 795; Collectanea, IS. x; Muir, JRAS. ii. 257; OST. i; Hopkins, Four Castes, also JAOS. xiii; Schlagintweit (Caste at Present), ZDMG. x.x.xiii. 549. Cult: E. Hardy, _loc. cit_. above; on _Om_ see Bloomfield, PAOS. Oct. 1889; Cult of.

Manes, Caland, Altind. Ahnencult, and Ueber Totenverehrung bei Einigen der IE. Volker; Winternitz, WZKM. iv. 199; Whitney, OLS. i. 46; Kaegi, _loc. cit_., note 265, with literature. Funeral: Roth, ZDMG. viii.

467; Muller, _ib_. ix. pp. i and xiiii (sic); Wilson, JRAS. 1854, p.

201; Regnaud, cr[=a]ddha vedique, Rev. d'hist. d. relig. xxv. 1; Donner, pi[n.][d.]apit[r.]yajna; Lanman, Mortuary Urns, PAOS. May, 1891. Wedding: Weber, Hochzeitsspruche, IS. v. 177; Stenzler, P[=a]raskara, ZDMG. vii. 527; Haas, Heiratsgebrauche d. alten Inder, IS. v. 267; Schroder, Die Hochzeitsbrauche der Esten; Winternitz, Das Ai. Hochzeitsrituell. Omens, Ordeals, etc.: Weber, Zwei Vedische Texte uber Omina und Portenta, Wurfel-Orakel, Vedische Beitrage;[25]

Schlagintweit, Gottesurtheile; Stenzler, ZDMG. ix. 661; Kaegi, Alter und Herkunft der germanischen Gottesurtheile (with further literature); Jolly, Beitrage zur Rechtsgeschichte, ZDMG. xliv. 347.

The earliest essay on Ordeals was presented by Warren Hastings, 1784, Asiatick Researches, i. 389. Star-lore: Colebrooke; Weber, IS. ii.

236; Haug, Introduction to [=A]it. Br.; Weber, Die Vedischen Nachrichten von d. Nakshatra; Sitz. Berl. Ak. 1861, p. 267;[26]

Muller, Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology; Burgess, JRAS. xxv.

717; Jacobi, Methods and Tables. Witchcraft, Medicine: Kuhn, KZ.

xiii. 49; Grohmann, IS. ix. 381; Bloomfield, Contributions, AJP. vii, xi, xii; Pictet, KZ. v. 24, 321; Jolly, k.n.o.blauch, Festgruss an Roth, p. 18; medicine and divination, Bower MS., JASB. 1891; IA. xxi. 29, 129; WZKM. v. 103. Blood-money: Roth, ZDMG.