Anz, Wilhelm.--Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnostizismus. (Leipzig 1897.) pp. 58-112, Die Herkunft ... aus Babylonien.
Ball, C. J.--The First Chapter of Genesis and the Babylonian Cosmogonies. PSBA XVIII.
Bonnett, E.--Les Decouvertes a.s.syriennes et le Livre de la Genese.
(Paris 1884.)
Boscawen, W. St. Chad.--The Bible and the Monuments. (London 1895.)
Brandt, W.--Die a.s.syrisch-Babylonische Keilschriftliteratur und das Alte Testament. Deutsch-evang. Blatter, 1884. Heft 3. pp. 164-187.
Brown, Francis.--Critical review with valuable comments of E. Schrader's 'Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament.' AJP IV. 338-343.
---- The Sabbath in the Cuneiform Records. PR, 1882, 688-700.
---- a.s.syriology: Its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Study. (New York 1885.)
Brown, Robert, Jr.--Semitic Influence in h.e.l.lenic Mythology. (London 1898.)
[Part III. discusses Babylonian Influence.]
Buddensieg, R.--Die a.s.syrischen Ausgrabungen und das Alte Testament.
(Heilbronn 1880.)
Delitzsch, Friedrich.--Wo Lag das Paradies? Eine Biblisch-a.s.syriologische Studie. (Leipzig 1881.)
[See Francis Brown. OTS IV. 1-12.]
Evetts, B. A.--New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land. (London 1892.)
Gruppe, O.--Die Griechischen Kulte und Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den Orientalischen Religionen. (Leipzig 1887.)
Gunkel, H.--Schopfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit. (Gottingen 1895.)
[A most important discussion of the relationship of the Biblical creation narratives to the Babylonian cosmology.]
Halevy, J.--Recherches Bibliques. (Paris 1896.)
Haupt, Paul.--Wo Lag das Paradies? Ueber Land und Meer, 1894-1895, No.
[Also syllabus of lectures before the Gratz College of Philadelphia, Dec 10, 1895, on 'The Site of Paradise and the Nimrod Epic.']
Jastrow, Morris, Jr.--The Bible and the a.s.syrian Monuments. The Century Magazine, XLVII. 395-411.
[Translated into French by E. Lacordaire in Revue des Revues, 1894 227-235.]
---- The Original Character of the Hebrew Sabbath. AJT II. 312-352.
[Relationship between Hebrew and Babylonian Sabbath.]
---- Adam and Eve in Babylonian Literature.
Jensen, P.--The Cult of Ashera and the Cult of Mary.
[Announced to appear in the Sunday School Times, 1898.]
Kessler, K.--Ueber Gnosis und Altbabylonische Religion. 5^th ICO, II.
Part I. 288-305.
Kellner, M. L.--The Deluge in the Izdubar Epic and the Old Testament.
[Reprinted from the Church Review, November, 1888.]
Lacouperie, T. de.--Origin from Babylonia and Elam of the Early Chinese Civilization. Series of articles in the BOR III-VIII.
[Also in book form under the t.i.tle, 'Origin of Early Chinese Civilization and its Western Sources.' (London 1894.) Lacouperie's method is unsatisfactory. The theory, however, merits farther investigation.]
Lotz, W.--Quaestiones de Historia Sabbati. (Leipzig 1883.)
Lyon, D. G.--a.s.syrian Study: Its Bearing on the Old Testament. The Christian Register, 1885, Nos. 15, 16.
Menant, J.--Remarques sur un Cylindre du Musee Britannique. La Bible et les Cylindres Chaldeens. CR, 1879, 270-286.
[Discussion of a scene on a cylinder supposed to represent the first human pair and the serpent.]
Meyer, Ed.--Der Babylonische Einfluss auf Judenthum und Christenthum.
BAZ, 1894, No. 344.
Oppert, J.--Origines Communes de la Chronologie Cosmogonique des Chaldeens el des Dates de la Genese. APC, 6th series, XIII. 237-240.
Palmer, A. S.--Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs.
Tehom and Tiamat, Hades and Satan: a Comparative Study of Genesis, i., ii. (London 1897.)
Robiou, F.--L'etat Religieux de la Grece et de l'Orient au Siecle d'Alexandre ... II. Les Regions Syro-Babyloniens et l'Eran. (Paris 1896.)
[Unsatisfactory, and not based on independent researches.]
Sayce, A. H.--The Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments.
(London 1894.)
[Suggestive, but unreliable. Full of inaccuracies.]
---- Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments. (2d ed. London 1886.)
Schleussner.--Die Bedeutung der Ausgrabungen in dem Euphrat und Tigris-Gebiet fur das Alte Testament. (Wittenberg 1892.)
Schrader, E.--Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament. 3d ed.