---- Der Keilinschriftliche Sintfluthbericht. Umschrift, Uebersetzung, und Erlauterungen in Schrader's 'Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament,' 3d ed., 1898.
[Latest and most satisfactory translation.]
Hoffmann, G.--Die Dubar-Sage und der Keilinschriftliche Sintfluthbericht. Die Grenzboten, Jahrgang 47.
Hommel, F.--Gis-dubarra, Gibilgamish, Nimrod. PSBA XV. 291-300; XVI.
Heuzey, L.--La Lance Colossale d'Izbubar et les Nouvelles Formeles de M.
de Sarzec. AI. Bulletin 1893, 305.
Jastrow, Morris, Jr.--The New Version of the Babylonian Account of the Deluge. The Independent, Feb. 10, 17, 1898.
Jensen, P.--Gishgimash (=Gilgamish) ein Kossaer? ZA VI. 340-342.
Jeremias, A.--Article 'Izdubar' in Roscher's 'Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Romischen Mythologie.' Vol. II. cols. 773-823.
---- Izdubar-Nimrod. Eine Altbabylonische Heldensage nach den Keilschriftfragmenten dargestellt. (Leipzig 1891.) See also article by Quentin in RHR x.x.xI. 162-177.
Lenormant, F.--Le Deluge et l'epopee Babylonienne. (Paris 1873.)
Lidzbarski.--Zu den Arabischen Alexandergeschichten. ZA VIII. 263-312.
See also _ib_., 317-319.
---- Wer ist Chadhir? ZA VII. 104-116.
Meissner, Bruno.--Alexander und Gilgamos. (Leipzig 1894.)
---- Einige Bemerkungen zur Erklarung des Sintfluthberichtes. ZA III.
Menant, J.--Le Deluge. Noe dans l'arche. (Paris 1880.)
Moor, Fl.--De la Geste de Gilgames confrontee avec la Bible et avec les Doc.u.ments Historiques indigenes. M, June 1897.
Muss-Arnolt, W.--The Chaldaean Account of the Deluge. A revised translation. BW III. 109-118.
---- Remarks Introductory to a Comparative Study on the Translations of the Deluge Tablets. PAOS, April 1892, cxc.-cxcv.; also JHUC, No. 98.
Offord, J.--A New Fragment of the Babylonian Deluge Story. PSBA XX. 53, 54.
[Scheil's tablet from Sippara.]
Oppert, J.--The Chaldaean Perseus. BOR V. 1, 2; also CR, 1890, 464, 465.
[Identification of Izdubar-Gilgamesh with Gilgamos in Aelian's zoological work 'De Natura Animalium,' XII. 21. See also Sayce in the Academy, 1890, No. 966; Ward, _ib_., No. 971; and Kohler, _ib_., 1891, No. 985.]
---- Nimrod. Bulletin de l'Athenee Orientale, 1873, Jan.-Feb.
Oppert, J.--Le Poeme Chaldeen du Deluge. Traduit de l'a.s.syrien. (Paris 1885.)
Pinches, T. G.--Exit Gishtubar. BOR IV, 264.
[Proposal to read the name of the Babylonian hero Gilgamesh.
_Cf._ Sayce in Academy, 1890, No. 966, and Ward, _ib._, No.
Rawlinson, H. C.--The Izdubar Legends. Athenaeum, 1872, No. 2354.
Rochette, Raoul.--Memoire sur l'Hercule a.s.syrien et Phenicien. AI Memoires, 2^me Partie, XVII. 9-374.
Sauveplane, F.--Une epopee Babylonienne. Ishtubar-Gilgames. (Paris 1894.)
Sayce, A. H.--On Nimrod and the a.s.syrian Inscription. TSBA II. 248, 249; see also Academy, 1893, No. 1054.
[Proposed identification of Nimrod with Amar-ud = Marduk, the head of the Babylonian Pantheon.]
---- The Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments. (London 1894.) pp. 97-119.
Scheil, F. V.--Notes d'Epigraphie et d'Archeologie a.s.syrienne. x.x.x. Un Fragment d'un Nouveau Recit du Deluge de l'epoque du Roi Ammizaduga. RT XX. 55-59; see also RB, 1898, 5-9.
---- The New Babylonian Account of the Deluge. The Independent, Jan. 20, 1898.
Smith, George.--The Chaldaean Account of the Deluge. TSBA II. 203-234.
---- The Eleventh Tablet of the Izdubar Legends. The Chaldaean Account of the Deluge. TSBA III. 530-596; also RP VII. 133.
Suess, Ed.--Die Sintfluth in 'Das Antlitz der Erde.' (Leipzig 1883.) pp.
[Discussion of the Babylonian tale with notes by Prof. Paul Haupt.]
Talbot, H. Fox.--Ishtar and Izdubar, being the 6th Tablet of the Izdubar Series. Translated from the Cuneiform. TSBA V. 97-121; also RP IX.
---- Commentary on the Deluge Tablet. TSBA IV. 49-83.
---- Tablet in the British Museum Relating Apparently to the Deluge.
TSBA IV. 129-131.
[Talbot's supposition is erroneous.]
Beliefs, Legends, Ethics, and Special Phrases of the Religion.