[1618] _Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnostizismus_ (Leipzig, 1897).
[1619] _I.e._, Ea dwelling in the Apsu. See p. 430.
[1620] Anu, the source of all G.o.ds. See p. 417.
[1621] _The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great_, pp. xii. _seq_.
[1622] See Anz, as above, pp. 78-85.
[1623] R. Brown, _Semitic Influence in h.e.l.lenic Mythology_ (London, 1898).
[1624] _Western Origin of the Early Chinese Civilization_ (London, 1894).
[1625] A paper on this subject was announced by Jas. Kennedy at the Eleventh International Congress of Orientalists.
The bibliography is arranged in nine sections, the order adopted corresponding to the broad subdivisions of the book. The beginning is therefore made:
(1) With references to the most important or most useful publications, dealing with the excavations conducted in Babylonia and a.s.syria, the method of decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions, the general history of Babylonia and a.s.syria, and the general aspects of the Babylonian-a.s.syrian culture. This section corresponds to the first two chapters of the book.
(2) The second section is devoted to books, monographs, articles, and chapters in books, dealing with the general subject of the Babylonian-a.s.syrian religion.
In neither of these two sections have I aimed at being exhaustive, though the second will be found, I think, to include almost everything of any value.
The detailed bibliography begins with the following section.
Corresponding again to the treatment of the subject in the book, I take up in succession:
(3) The Pantheon.
(4) Religious Texts.
(5) Cosmology.
(6) Gilgamesh Epic (including the Deluge episode).
(7) Beliefs and Customs (Views of Life after Death, Funeral Rites, Legends, Ethics, etc.).
(8) Temples and Cult.
(9) Bearings of the Babylonian-a.s.syrian Religion on the Old Testament, and General Influence Exerted by the Religion.
Of these seven sections, all but the last aim at being exhaustive. It was not always easy to decide into what division a particular reference belonged, but I have been generally guided by the needs of students for whom this portion of the bibliography is particularly intended.
The fifth and sixth sections should be taken together; and similarly the seventh and eighth, while the fourth section should of course be consulted in connection with the third, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth.
Under each section the authors named are arranged in alphabetical order.
Occasionally, I have added some comments to the reference given, as a guide or a warning to students. In a subject like a.s.syriology, where new discoveries are constantly being made and progress in the interpretation of texts is steadily going on, it is inevitable that views and translations should be subject to modification--sometimes slight, but frequently significant. I have endeavored to avoid repet.i.tion of references. In a few cases this was unavoidable. In the second section portions of books are referred to, which by virtue of their character as very general works had to be a.s.signed a place also in the first section.
Two or three of the references in the fourth section had to be repeated elsewhere; and I should also add that there are a few references which I have been unable to verify.
The following abbreviations are employed:
AB = a.s.syriologische Bibliothek, ed. by Friedrich Delitzsch and Paul Haupt.
AD = Andover Review.
AI = Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres.
AJP = American Journal of Philology.
AJT = American Journal of Theology.
AJSL = American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures.
AL = Delitzsch's a.s.syrische Lesestucke (3d ed.) APC = Annales de Philosophie Chretienne.
BA = Beitrage zur a.s.syriologie.
BAZ = Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (Munich).
BOR = Babylonian and Oriental Record.
BW = Biblical World.
CR = Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres.
DR = Deutsche Rundschau.
DRe = Deutsche Revue.
ET = Expository Times.
FLJ = Folk Lore Journal.
H = Hebraica.
IAQR = Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review.
ICO = International Congress of Orientalists.
JA = Journal Asiatique.
JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society.
JHUC = Johns Hopkins University Circulars.
JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
JTVI = Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Inst.i.tute.
KAA = Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam).
KAW = Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
M = Museon.
MVG = Miltheilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft.
OTS = Old Testament Student.
PAOS = Proceedings of the American Oriental Society.
PR = Presbyterian Review.
PSBA = Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology.
R = Rawlinson's 'Selection from the miscellaneous Inscriptions of Western Asia.' (London 1861-1891.) 5 vols.
RA = Revue d'a.s.syriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale.
RAr = Revue Archeologique.
RB = Revue Biblique.