Chapter 198
Renu moved his fingers and tried touching the clothes he was wearing. They were rare and preciouscleaner and better managed than what those scruffy-looking, imprisoned kings wore. They were the clothes that only he, the king and the soon-to-be winner, was allowed to wear.
Then, Renu recalled the fate of the Iron Tribe. Do you think we he said and stretched out his hands to Zich, would bow our heads to humans once again!
A fireball shot out of Renus hand.
Silent incantation magic. As expected of an elf king. However, Zichs admiration stopped there. After all, there was a monster on his side who could use that kind of magic much more adeptly than Renu. This monster was so amazing that Zich was hardly surprised by seeing one silent incantation.
Furthermore, it doesnt even have much power. Zich took out Windur, which had changed shape, and swung it.
The fireball split into two and disappeared in vain.
Yeah, this is silent incantation magic. Magic created by silent incantation lagged far behind in power and range than the ones created by spoken incantation. To think that Lylas silent incantation magic is as strong as normal incantation magic. Its unbelievable.
Zich was happy to see real silent incantation magic when his sense of reality had been warped. However, he kept all these thoughts to himself, and on the outside, he continued to act stern.
He said, I suppose this is your answer.
Hmph! The Iron Tribe has no desire to go under anyone! We will rule over everyone else nowincluding you all!
Do you think its possible?
Of course!
I see. Then, I wish you luck. Zich placed his sword back into his belongings. Then, he turned around and walked towards the staircase.
Do you think you can escape out of here! Renu shouted. His voice was full of confidence like he had already become the ruler of this world. The only exit to this place is that staircase, and my tribes troops will come running in here from the explosion they just heard.
Zich stopped walking. Renu thought Zich was beginning to feel a