The Prodigies War - Chapter 1519: The Noble Aspiration of the Saint Path

Chapter 1519: The Noble Aspiration of the Saint Path

Chapter 1519 The Noble Aspiration of the Saint Path

Lin Xun and Ruowu were not even friends, nor did they have any ties, but like him, she had resolutely decided to go to his aid after hearing about his distress.

How could Lin Xun not be moved?

After some silence, Lin Xun said, Just recuperate without worry. At least here, no one can hurt you.

Inwardly, he had made a decision.

Ruowu nodded and began meditating without delay.

Her injury was so severe that her dao foundation had suffered damage, and even she didnt know whether it could be completely repaired.

However, she did not regret her decision.

In Ruowus opinion, it would be impossible for the Ancient Wasteland Domain to survive without Lin Xun in the competition for dominance in the Nine Domains Battlefield!

No one knew better than her how powerful he could be once he became a supreme Saint.

During those ten years in the Supreme Realm, even someone as dazzling as Imperial Son Shaohao hadnt been able to overshadow Lin Xuns sharpness!

And before the opening of the Nine Domains Battlefield, Lin Xun had defeated a group of other-domain envoys all by himself. This feat had crowned him the number one supreme expert of the Ancient Wasteland Domain.

At that time, both Shaohao and Ruowu had had to express their admiration.

It was only later on when they had broken into the supreme Saint stage one after another that they had managed to escape Lin Xuns oppressive shadow and gotten one step ahead of him in their quest for the dao, winning countless sighs of marvels and worship from the Ancient Wasteland Domain.

But in spite of the fact that Lin Xun couldnt enter the supreme Saint stage before them, Ruowu knew clearly that once he did, it would be difficult for them to compete with his glory!

Therefore, after learning that Lin Xun was trapped in the Spirit Refinement Forest, she had been the first to expose her tracks and use herself as bait to attract the opposing supreme Saints in the Blood Demon Territory.

The purpose had been to shift some of the danger away from Lin Xun.

As a matter of fact, her action had helped him resolve a difficult situation.

Le Xuexiu had originally planned to enter the Spirit Refinement Forest and pick up Le Mujin, but halfway through, Ruowus news had interfered with his plan and caused him to leave for the Ice Wind Valley.

As a result, Lin Xun had avoided the possibility of being attacked by a supreme Saint.

Fortunately, hes safe... Ruowu completely relaxed. Casting out all thoughts from her mind, she fell into deep meditation.

Her glistening white skin was stained with blood and bruises. Her fiery red robe was tattered, and her stunning face was deathly pale. She looked unusually haggard and miserable.

Seeing her in this state, Lin Xun became more and more emotional.

If it wasnt for the sake of helping him, then how could she have possibly suffered under a relentless siege of seven supreme Saints with her current strength?

Little Silver was worried. Master, its very likely that her dao foundation has been damaged.

Lin Xun took a deep breath and said, Dont worry. I will help her recover completely no matter what it will cost.


For the next few days, Ruowu stayed in the underground palace secret realm.

The outside world was going through changes, but it didnt affect them at all.

In the pond filled with chaos qi, the Sky Splitting Demonic Butterfly was still absorbing the power of the Void Holy Beast. Its delicate and gorgeous body shimmered with a holy luster.

Little Silver was also cultivating with all his might.

He had realized that the underground palace was an incomparably safe secret realm, but once their group had to leave, they were destined to face an unimaginably fatal ordeal.

This was because Le Xuexius group of seven supreme Saints had blocked off the area around the great abyss.

Meanwhile, Lin Xun was comprehending the mysteries of Sainthood imprinted in the Saints Guide.

Every supreme character had to face a different tribulation upon breaking through to the supreme Saint stage, which had to do with the different dao paths they pursued.

However, Lin Xun found one thing in common. In the primeval era, every expert, upon becoming a supreme Saint, would declare a noble aspiration on which they would build their Sainthood.

For instance, the noble aspiration of the golden cicada youth was May all beings in the world become Saints one day!

In the case of Sword Emperor Taixuan, his noble aspiration was to become the heart of heaven and earth and live for all living things!

For Battle Emperor Mo Yang, it was stopping weapons with killing.

These aspirations had a great spirit embedded in them.

Though in Lin Xuns opinion, no matter what noble aspiration was established, it was merely a goal on the path of realizing ones dao.

This goal was different from cultivator to cultivator but did not have a ranking, and grander did not mean better.

The key lay in whether it came from the bottom of ones heart!

If it contradicted the true nature of the cultivator, then this aspiration would be nothing but an illusion. By building ones Sainthood on it, the cultivator would conflict with their own nature and would never be able to obtain any great achievements.

On the other hand, a seemingly small Sainthood aspiration that came from ones heart would allow their future cultivation journey to be smooth sailing.

The Saints Guide recorded an Emperor named Long Hao recorded whose noble aspiration of Sainthood was:

When I become a Saint, I wish for immortality so that I can bless my clan with safety and peace!

Such a mighty Emperor's existence had only wished to shield his clan from worry and dangers.

Other people might laugh and mock him if they heard this.

Yet, such a small aspiration had accompanied Long Hao to Sainthood and forged his path to the Emperor stage!

When I become a Saint... whispered Lin Xun, his eyes deep as he fell into a pondering trance.

In his young age, all he had wanted was to find out about his own background.

And after learning of his identity, he had only wanted to know where his parents had gone or who had harmed them.

Also Mister Lu, where was he now?

And there were still many things Lin Xun needed to do, such as opening the Omega Door, such as ferreting out the culprit who had manipulated Yun Qingbai quasi-Emperor Baqi!

But all of this seemed to be related to himself. An aspiration that truly came from his heart...

What is my aspiration?

After a long daze, Lin Xun sighed, Yun Qingbai said that he didnt even have a choice from the beginning. Now that I think about it, arent I the same?

From the beginning, he had been burdened with many things: his clans blood feud, the mystery of his birth... There were too many ties and karma that prompted him to work hard to move forward without daring to slacken a little.

Now that Lin Xun thought about it, he realized that what he truly wanted to do never seemed to have anything to do with these.

Then, what do I really want?

Lin Xun was lost in thought once more.

He sat cross-legged in silence, motionless like a statue as time passed.

Hmm? Little Silver only noticed two days later that there was something off with Lin Xuns state. He clearly was not in meditation as his aura was as quiet as a stones.

Dont disturb him. Ruowu, sitting some distance away, suddenly opened her eyes. A strange light flashed in her eyes as she said, Hes contemplating an important question that concerns his future path and destiny.

Little Silvers face changed. Related to the noble aspiration of Sainthood?

Ruowu nodded. The noble aspiration of Sainthood is abstruse and mysterious. Perhaps it doesnt determine the strength of a cultivator, but it will affect their future cultivation path.

Little Silvers eyes shone. Looks like Master isnt far from breaking through...

Ruowu smiled. And here I was, prepared to risk my life to bring him to the Absolute Hell Secret Realm for a chance to become a supreme Saint. From what weve seen today, it appears that the dao he seeks no longer has anything to do with those opportunistic fortunes.

Little Silver proudly said, The path my master seeks is different from others, from the world, or anything that has already existed!

Ruowu was dazed for a rare moment. Then, she looked at the immovable Lin Xun and pondered, Perhaps this is precisely the reason why he is unparalleled in the Ancient Wasteland Domain?

Then, she suddenly changed the topic, By the way, do you know that there are many opportunistic fortunes in this secret realm?

Indeed there are, said Little Silver, who then realized something and asked, Did you obtain something too?

Ruowus eyes twinkled, and she nodded with a smile. I was severely injured and suffered damage on my Saint dao foundation, but during meditation, I went through an incredible test that ended up repairing all of my dao injuries perfectly!

Little Silvers eyes lit up. Which building?

The Origin Suppressor House. Ruowu pointed to a distant building and said with awe, This secret realm truly isnt simple. If your master successfully figures out his Sainthood aspiration this time, hell then most likely break through to the Saint stage on the spot!

Little Silver grinned. Thats for sure!

As long as it was a compliment to Lin Xun, Little Silver would happily listen.

Ruowu couldnt help a smile either. She was a little jealous of Lin Xun for having a God Devourer Insect King who trusted and followed him unconditionally like this.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

A series of dull noises suddenly resounded outside the underground palace secret realm.

Little Silvers gaze froze, and he gritted his teeth. It must be those Blood Demon Ancient Domain bastards!

Lets not disturb Lin Xun. Ill accompany you to take a look. Ruowu stood up.

Since she had completely recovered, her skin was clear and glistening with holy dao light. Her delicate figure was glowing, and when she raised her chin, she exuded a proud aura of someone who looked down at the world from high above.

This was the charisma of a supreme Saint!

Even ordinary True Saints could only bow their heads in front of her!

Alright. Little Silver quickly left the secret realm with Ruowu.

Looking up, the two saw one corpse after another being thrown down the abyss of both supreme experts and ordinary longevity Kings, male or female.

But without exception, every single one of them had been abused before they were killed. Some had broken or severed limbs, some had their stomach ripped open, some had their heads twisted off, and some had already been turned into a pile of bloody flesh before being dumped down, their identities simply unrecognizable.

Amidst their fall, those corpses were swallowed by the dense space cracks above the underground palace secret realm. Not a piece of them could even remain in this world!

Little Silvers eyes instantly became bloodshot, and his jaw clenched tightly. Those damned alien scum!

Ruowu stood like she was immobilized, her face equally frosty. The taste of being a fish on the enemys chopping board was just suffocating.

I only sent ten two-legged sheep to you this time. Three days later, if you still refuse to come out, Ill send you a hundred more!

Le Xuexius indifferent and murderous voice rang out in the sky above the abyss.

As long as you keep cowering in your shells, all the sheep that our Blood Demon Ancient Domain will ever capture, shall die!

Remember, all those two-legged sheep died and will die because of you!